- Humanae Vitae: On the Regulation of Birth by Paul VI
- Familiaris Consortio: On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World by John Paul II
- Mulieris Dignitatem: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women by John Paul II
- Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family by Francis
- Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Sacraments at the Service of Communion
- Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Chapter 5: The Family, The Vital Cell of Society
- The Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics
- Sacrament of Marriage: Sign of Faithful Love by Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M., Th.D.
- Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, USCCB
- USCCB on Marriage
- Diocese of Columbus Policies and Guidelines for Marriage Preparation
- Address of Pope Francis to Engaged Couples Preparing for Marriage
- “Your Holiness, many today think that life-long fidelity is too challenging; many feel that the struggle to live together may be beautiful, enchanting, but it is difficult, even impossible. We ask you for a word to enlighten us on this”.
- "True love is the love that comes from God"
- "How does one cure the fear of the 'forever'?...day by day"
- "The Lord can multiply your love"
- We need to repeat this prayer: "Lord give us this day our daily love."
- “Your Holiness, every day life together is beautiful, it gives joy, and support. But it is a challenge to face. We believe that we need to learn how to love one another. There is a “style” of life as a couple, a spirituality of daily life that we want to take on. Can you help us in this Holy Father?”
- We must remember these 3 phrases:
- May I? - courtesy kindles love
- Thank you - remember that the other person is a gft from God
- I'm sorry - never let the sun go down without making peace
- “Your Holiness, in these months we are preparing for our wedding. Can you give us some advice on how to celebrate our marriage well?”
- "That which makes your wedding full and profoundly true will be the presence of the Lord who reveals himself and gives his grace"
- "Make it so that, like the wine in Cana, the exterior signs of your [wedding] celebration reveal the Lord's presence and remind you and everyone present of the origin and the reason for your joy, [the Lord's blessing on your love]"
- Preparing for Marriage by Dennis Rainey
- Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints by Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Donovan Massey
- Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom by Ryan T. Anderson
- What Is Marriage – Man and Woman: A Defense by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George
- Witness to Love: How to Help the Next Generation Build Marriages that Survive and Thrive by Ryan and Mary-Rose Verret
- His Needs Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage by Willard F. Harley, Jr.
- You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis Chan and Lisa Chan
- The Gospel of the Family by Cardinal Walter Kasper
- The Choice Wine: 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage by Steve Bollman
- The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning by Simcha Fisher
- Head & Heart: Becoming Spiritual Leaders for Your Family by Katie Warner
- Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility by Edward Sri
- Three to Get Married by Fulton Sheen
- [ ]
- Just Marrried: The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage by Gregory and Lisa Popcak
- Holy Sex!: A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving by Gregory Popcack
- For Better Forever: A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage by Gregory K. Popcak
- Deepen the friendship that you share with your spouse. And, together, deepen the friendship you have with God.
- Love one another passionately and justly.
- See your marraige as a fruitful place to encounter God.
- Practice mercy.
- Support one another in suffering.
- Be faithful.
- Root yourselves in a community of faith.
- St. Catherine of Sienca, The Mystic, Word on Fire
- Guide to St. Catherine's Dialogue, by Benedict Ashley, O.P.
- Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine
- Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage, St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church (Brighton, Michigan)
- Guidelines for the Preparation and Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage for the Diocese of Fort Worth
Dr. Timothy O'Malley is the Directory of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy. Dr. O'Malley is a former professor of mine, and shared with me the syllabus for a course he taught (fall 2016) on marriage entitled "The Nuptial Mystery: Divine Love and Human Salvation."
"This course introduces students to the study of theology through attention to the sacrament of marriage. The structure of the course, drawn from the rite of marriage, seeks to understand the nature of divine and human love and how this love is salvific for the human person. The course, grounded in historical study, will introduce students to major sources for Christian theology. The class will treat themes related to a natural theology of love; the understanding of God as lover within the Scriptures and the Tradition; sexual ethics and a theology of family life; and, a spirituality of marriage in the modern age."
I did not complete the full reading for the course, but found several books and essays helpful.
- Mystery and Sacrament of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization by Marc Cardinal Ouellet
- Sex and Virtue: An Introduction to Sexual Ethics by John S. Grabowski
- Marriage: The Mystery of Faithful Love by Dietrich Von Hildebrand
- Love is the core of marriage (meaning and end)
- Conjugal love involves mutual self-giving, complete and ultimate
- Conjugal love is the most profound I-thou relationship
- Conjugal love involves a decision: I love you
- Conjugal love reeals the whole being of the beloved: "Love is that which gives us sight"
- Conjugal love is possible only between a man and woman
- Being in love is not infatuation
- Conjugal love is not an illusion: love is the "melting of the soul"
- Being in love is an element of conjugal love
- Polygamy is essentially contrary to conjugal love
- Conjugal exclusiveness differs from possessiveness
- Marriage is more than conjugal love
- Marriage creates an objective bond, which unites the spouses
- Marriage comes from a free decision
- Marriage is exclusive and irrevocable; it involves ultimate intimacy and surrender
- Love is the meaning of sexual union
- Procreation and the communion of love must never deliberately be separated
- Childless marriages may thonetheless fulfil the ideal of marriage
- Every marriage filled with love is fruitful
- Only marriage justifies physical union
- Loe must be nourished in every marriage
- Love's task in the best of marriages: never lose the sense of wonderful mystery
- Love's task in imperfect marriages: try to see the other in the highest light
- Love's task in troubled marriages: sacrifice and renunciation in the care for the salvation of the other
- Each marriage has its own particular task
- Sacramental marriage transfigures natural marriage, and offers the highest and noblest earthly happiness
- Christian conjugal love sees the beloved as an image of God
- Christianity deepens and intensifies conjugal love
- Christian conjugal love desires the eternal welfare of the beloved
- Christian conjugal love avoids idolatry of the beloved
- Christian conjugal love is spiritually fruitful
- Marriage attains its full dignity only in Christ
- Christian marriage is a form of consecration to God
- Christian marriage is essentially (in nature) related to God
- Sacramental marriage is a source of grace
- Sacramentally, marriage is like Holy Orders
- The indissolubility of marriage presupposes the existence of God
- Sacramental marriage is the perfection of marriage
- The indissolubility of marriage arises from its intrinsic sublimity
- Conjugal love seeks the indissolubility of marriage
- Irrevocable self-giving fulfils conjugal love
- Conjugal love requires a heroic spirit: all great things on earth are connected with risk
- Mutual love is the proper motive for marriage: to lead to the eternal welfare of both souses
- Other motives are sometimes permissible (deep esteem for each other and formation of a noble community life)
- Unworthy or reprehensible motives for marriage do not justify it, but can be transformed into love that glorifies God
- Only a marriage motivated by love is reasonable
- Marriage is the highest of human communities: it involves the person in his whole nature
- Marriage is greater than the nation or the state
- Christian marriage directly glorifies God
- Sacramental marriage quickens love of Jesus
- Yet consecrated virginity is superior to marriage: it is marriage with Jesus Himself
- Sex, Family and the Liberty of the Church by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput at the University of Notre Dame
- Catholic Marriage by Daniel A. Lord S.J.
- Art of Manliness Podcast #239: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
- Art of Manliness Podcast #349: Is This a Date or Not? The Problem With Ambiguity in Relationships
- The Art of Apologizing
- Reflections on the New Order for Celebrating Matrimony by Msgr James P Moroney
- How to Spiritually Prepare for Marriage (+ A Checklist!)
- A Sorta Catholic’s Very Catholic Wedding by Tracey Wigfield (America)
- 3 Things You Need to Do for Yourself to Have a Better Marriage by Monica Gabriel Marshall (Verily)
- After 10 Years of Marriage, Here's What I Wish I Had Learned Before We Said "I Do" by Allison Carter (Verily)
- How Social Media Can Ruin Your Marriage by Zack Carter (Relevant)
- The Best Ways to Fund Your Relationship Bank Account by Brett and Kate McKay (Art of Manliness)
- Discerning as a Couple by Becky Eldredge
- Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage (video)
- The Humanum Series (video)
- Humanae Vitae: A Manual for Better Sex? (New Oxford Review)
- Your Kids Aren’t the Priority. Your Spouse Is. (Relevant)
- Money Matters: How Our Budget Benefits Our Marriage (Verily)
See here for some links to information about NFP.
Date | Event |
July 29, 2016 | Engagement |
January 6-8, 2017 | Engaged Encounter Retreat |
April 29, 2017 | Wedding |