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BeanTransitionManager is a means for expanding UIImageViews into detail views in a way similar to that used in the Pinterest iOS app.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Implementing the transition effect is quite easy:
The source view controller should store a BeanTransitionManager property and initialise it using _beanTransitioningManager = [[BeanTransitionManager alloc] initWithExpandingImageView:self.imageView andTransitionDuration:1.0];
where the expandingImageView property is the imageView that you want to expand into the destination view controller.
The expandingImageView
property of the BeanTransitionManager can be updated as need be using [self.beanTransitioningManager updateExpandingImageView:imageView]
A convienence method - (void)updateExpandingImageViewWithCell:atIndexPath:inCollectionView:onView:andDuration:
for expanding UICollectionViewCells has also been included. A UICollectionViewCell subclass passed into this method must adhere to the BeanTransitionManagerCellExpanding
When segueing to the destination view controller assign the beanTransitioningManager property to the destination view controller's transitioning delegate:
destinationViewController.transitioningDelegate = self.beanTransitioningManager;
The destination view controller must adhere to the BeanTransitionManagerDelegate
This protocol only requires one readonly property delegateContentImageView
which should return the destination imageView.
iOS 7 or later.
BeanTransitionManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "BeanTransitionManager"
Stephen Walsh, [email protected]
BeanTransitionManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.