.. toctree::
- Add parameters integrity_fields and integrity_action to all search classes to avoid KeyErrors of missing fields.
- Add progress bar to all search classes indicating download progress.
- Fix bug with missing entries in author-group list in AbstractRetrieval().
- Fix bug detecting DOIs without slash in AbstractRetrieval().
- Fix bug related to creating the config file.
- Fix bugs arising from passing duplicate parameters through kwds in Search classes.
- Fix bug in AbstractRetrieval().references with duplicte volume/issue information from Scopus.
- Fix bug with wrong object type when using AuthorRetrieval().get_coauthors().
- New properties for AbstractRetrieval(): pii and pubmed_id.
- Improve documentation (AbstractRetrieval().idxterms and download machine).
- Fix bug forcing the presence of the package scopus.
- Rename package to pybliometrics
- In all search classes, properties return None if download=False instead of raising an error.
- In AbstractRetrieval().references, add field "type" for the status of the parsed reference.
- Raise proper Scopus.exception even when no Scopus-supplied error message exists.
- In AbstractRetrieval(), update docstrings.
- Fix bug related to creating the config when the config doesn't exist.
- Fix bug when using AbstractRetrieval() in Python 2.
- Cache files in subfolders according to the used view.
- Add method .estimate_uniqueness() to AuthorRetrieval() to estimate how unique an author profile is.
- Use error message provided by Scopus for ScopusErrors.
- Add tip how to deal with "KeyError: 'eid'".
- Remove deprecated classes, modules, parameters and attributes. Removed deprecated classes are ScopusAbstract(), ScopusAffiliation(), ScopusAuthor() and report(). Removed deprecated parameters are start and max_entries in AuthorSearch() and AffiliationSearch(). Removed deprecated attributes include only ScopusSearch.EIDS.
- Add support for proxies.
- In AbstractRetrieval.correspondence, turn values into proper strings.
- Fix bug when creating the config file.
- SerialTitle class to access the Serial Title API.
- In all search classes, add method .get_results_size() to return the number of matches.
- In all search classes, add boolean parameter download to not download the results (but get the number of matches anyways).
- In AbstractRetrieval.authogroup, rename field "city-group" to "city" and add new fields: "dptid", "postalcode", "addresspart".
- In AbstractRetrieval.authorgroup, fix bug with missing affiliation information.
- In all search classes, remove deprecated paramter start.
- Add parameter subscriber to ScopusSearch class to set request parameters to maximum values depending on view.
- Add support for cursor-navigation in searches.
- Add __citation__ dunder.
- Allow for the REF view in AbstractRetrieval to obtain detailed information on referenced items.
- New properties for AuthorRetrieval: historical_identifier and status.
- Allow ScopusSearch to pass on kwds as query params.
- Deprecate start and max_entries parameters in AffiliationSearch and AuthorSearch.
- Deprecate start parameter in ScopusSearch class.
- Fix bug with ContentAffiliationRetrieval.__str__.
- Fix bugs in AbstractRetrieval related to missing information obtained from Scopus.
- Fix bug with empty value in AbstractRetrieval.language.
- Add matplotlib as requirement.
- Fix bug with TypeErrors when navigating a path in the json.
- Fix bug with missing author information in AbstractRetrieval.authors.
- Fix bug with missing title in AbstractRetrieval.title.
- Add citation
- Render reports class deprecated.
- Add str-magic function for CitationOverview class.
- Use number of results from first search query rather than from separate query.
- Write empty file if search is empty.
- In ScopusSearch.results, add new fields: affilname, affiliation_city, affiliation_country, article_number, author_count, authkeywords, eIssn, description, fund_acr, fund_no, fund_sponsor, pubmed_id.
- In ScopusSearch.results, rename the following fields: names to author_names, authid to author_ids, afid to author_afids.
- In ScopusSearch, add parameter view to specify the view and number of entries per query run.
- In AbstractRetrieval.affiliation, AbstractRetrieval.authorgroup, AbstractRetrieval.authors, AbstractRetrieval.subject_areas, AffiliationSearch.affiliations, AuthorRetrieval.classificationgroup, AuthorRetrieval.journal_history, AuthorRetrieval.name_variants, AuthorSearch.authors, CitationOverview.authors and ScopusSearch.results return None if the result list is empty, instead of an empty list.
- In AbstractRetrieval.chemicals, fix bug with missing values for cas-registry-number.
- Allow for the STANDARD view in ScopusSearch to increase number of results per query.
- Refactor all classes internally for maintainability and readability.
- Register project with Code Climate.
- Extend tests for ScopusSearch.
- Fix bug with zero search results.
- Open cached search files in binary mode.
- Fix bug in AbstractRetrieval with missing affiliation names in .authorgroup.
- Fix bugs related to empty values or missing keys in AuthorRetrieval (.affiliation_history, .get_coauthors(), .journal_history, .name_variant, referred_name, .subject_area) and in ScopusSearch (.results).
- Introduce Retrieval() superclass for all retrieval and content classes.
- Refactor Search() superclass and all search classes internally.
- Implement scopus-specific exceptions.
- In AbstractRetrieval, users can now initate the class with DOI, Scopus ID, PII or Pubmed ID. Parameter EID has hence been deprecatd in favor of the new parameter identifier.
- New properties for AbstractRetrieval: chemicals, contributor_group, funding, funding_text, isbn, sequencebank.
- In ContentAffiliationRetrieval, return None rather than empty dict when no address is provided.
- In AbstractRetrieval.confsponsor, return None when no confsponsor is provided.
- In ScopusSearch.results, return "afid" as part of namedtuple.
- Fix bug in AbstractRetrieval.authorgroup related to affiliation groups without authors.
- Fix bug in AbstractRetrieval.affiliation related to affiliations without Scopus ID.
- Fix bugs in ScopusSearch.results with duplicate authors, missing titles and unusual coverDates.
- AuthorRetrieval warns User via UserWarnings if the supplied author ID is outdated or if it has been forwarded to a new profile.
- Generate configuration file via separate method, not directly on import.
- New class AbstractRetrieval to replace ScopusAbstract, with the following properties renamed: affiliations: affiliation, bibtex: get_bibtex(), citationLanguage: language, citationType: srctype, citingby_url: citingby_link, html: get_html(), ris: get_ris(), latex: get_latex(), scopus_url: scopus_link, subjectAreas: subject_areas
- New class AuthorRetrieval to replace ScopusAuthor, with the following properties renamed: author_id: identifier, coauthor_url: coauthor_link, current_affiliation: affiliation_current, firstname: given_name, hindex: h_index, lastname: surname, name: indexed_name, ncited_by: cited_by_count, ncoauthors: coauthor_count, ndocuments: document_count, publication_history: journal_history
- New class ContentAffiliationRetrieval to replace ScopusAffiliation, with the following properties renamed: api_url: self_link, nauthors: author_count, ndocuments: document_count, name: affiliation_name, org_url: org_URL, scopus_id: identifier
- Rewrite class ScopusSearch: new property results, cache search results in json format with hex-ed filename and new method get_eids(), which replaces property EIDS
- Use config.ini to store API Key (and if necessary, InstToken) as well as directories
- Migration Guide to update code from scopus 0.x to 1.x
- In ScopusAuthor, refactor generating abstracts lists into get_journal_abstract().
- New properties for ScopusAbstract: citedby_url and scopus_url
- New property for ScopusAffiliation: state
- Correct property citedby_url from ScopusAuthor.
- In all retrieval classes, remove underscore properties.
- SearchAffiliation to access the Affiliation Search API.
- Fix bug occuring with fields of length one in Author search.
- ScopusAbstract returns abstract keywords if present.
- Refactor search classes to inherit from common auxiliary class.
- ScopusAffiliation now accepts EID as well.
- ScopusAuthor now accepts EID as well.
- Fix bug occuring with non-existent journal abbreviations.
- SearchAuthor class to access the Author Search API.
- Fix links in examples.
- Use https instead of http wherever possible.
- Add support for InstToken Authentication via config file.
- Redirect DOI links to preferred resolver.
- CitationOverview class to access the Abstract Citation View.
- New properties for ScopusAuthor: publication_history and subject_areas.
- Update namespace in ScopusAbstract to retrieve affiliation information.
- Complete affiliation information in ScopusAbstract.
- Fix bugs related to unicode on Python2.7 and installation on Windows.
- Update ScopusAbstract to reflect change in the API.
- Fix bug with generating my_scopus.py on Python 3.
- In ScopusAbstract, do not raise TypeErrors for information not present in current view.
- Remove unwanted print() statement.
- Use refresh_affiliation parameter in ScopusAuthor.
- Improve background service to load user's API key.
- Ask user for API key if it can't be found.
- New property for ScopusAbstract: citation_count.
- Update ScopusAbstract to reflect change in the API.
- Few bugfixes.
- New property for ScopusAbstract: abstract.
- Change latex key in ScopusAbstract.bibtex to <FirstauthorYearTitlefirstwordTitlelastword>
- Raise ValueError in ScopusAbstract if .bibtex or .ris is called on an item whose aggregationType is not Journal.
- Improved docstrings for ScopusAbstract.
- New properties for ScopusAffiliation: api_url, date_created, org_type, org_domain, org_url.
- In ScopusAffiliation, the affiliation_id returns the Scopus Affiliation ID from the result rather than the used aff_id.
- Some bugfixes.
- Examples for all classes.
- Fix typos in docstrings.
- In ScopusAuthor, the author_id returns the Scopus Author ID from the result rather than the used author_id.
- Several bugfixes.
- Docstrings for all classes according to numpy standard.
- Outsourced help functions in module utils.
- Import classes in __init__ to allow top level import.
- New methods for ScopusAuthor: n_yearly_publications().
- New properties for ScopusAbstract: citationType, citationLanguage, refcount, references, subjectAreas, website.
- Raising exception when download status is not ok.
- Python2.7 compatibility.
- Initial release.