The metadata stack containers allow for experiment and trial metadata to be persisted for use in control operation.
Docker and Docker Compose.
Windows users can download Docker Desktop.
Linux users can read the install instructions or can install via pip:
pip install docker-compose
There are four containers and each have their own env file for configuation. The default settings should work but changes can be made as needed. The files are located in the metadata\metadata-docker folder:
postgres: the database container.
POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres POSTGRES_DB=metadata POSTGRES_HOST=host.docker.internal ( The above is for windows only. If you are running the ELK STACK on a separate machine, OR you are running on LINUX or MAC, replace host.docker.internal above with the IP of the computer hosting the ELK STACK, DO NOT USE localhost ) POSTGRES_PORT=5432
pgadmin: the database admin web gui interface.
[email protected] PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin
metadata-app: the metadata server application.
metadata-msg: the metadata mqtt client application.
MQTT_BROKER_URL=tcp://host.docker.internal:1883 ( The above is for windows only. If you are running the ELK STACK on a separate machine, OR you are running on LINUX or MAC, replace host.docker.internal above with the IP of the computer hosting the ELK STACK, DO NOT USE localhost ) MQTT_CLIENT_ID=e8fb82c2-67aa-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003 MQTT_TOPIC=trial,experiment MQTT_QOS=2,2 MQTT_VERBOSE=true MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION=true MQTT_METADATA_API_URL=https://metadata-app:8080
Run the following command from the metadata\metadata-docker folder:
docker-compose up --build
NOTE: use the
option if you want to run the metadata stack in the background. Doing this will prevent any console output from being visible.