Welcome to |codename|
Welcome to |project|.
Thank you for your interest in |project|. Read the instructions carefully to generate the |project|'s documentation.
The documentation of |project| currently comprises the following items:
- An Installation Guide for Linux host systems
- A set of Collaboration Guidelines for the |project| project.
- Raw Doxygen output from the code base.
Install the current version of :program:`Sphinx`, type:
$ git clone:: $ export http_proxy=http://PROXY:PORT $ export
$ git clone https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx.git sphinx
$ cd sphinx
$ sudo -E python setup.py install
$ git clone https://github.com/michaeljones/breathe.git breathe
$ cd breathe
$ sudo -E python setup.py install
Make sure that :program:`Doxygen` is installed in your system. The installation of Doxygen is beyond the scope of this document.
Assuming that the |project| tree with the doc patches is in :file:`DIRECTORY`, type:
$ cd DIRECTORY/doc
$ make doxy html
Find the output in :file:`DIRECTORY/doc/_build/html/index.html`
Review the available formats with:
$ make -C DIRECTORY/doc doxy html
If you want the LaTeX PDF output, you need to install all the Latex packages first. That installation is beyond the scope of this document.