chmod +x
# start cluster
k3d cluster start wasm-cluster
# simple-spinapp
k port-forward svc/simple-spinapp 8083:80
# Start split terminal and run: >curl localhost:8083/hello<"
kubectl delete -f simple-app/simple.yaml
# typescript-maymann
k port-forward svc/typescript-maymann 8084:80
# Start split terminal and run: >curl localhost:8084<"
kubectl delete -f typescript/app.yaml
# .NET
@mmaymann ➜ /workspaces/spinkube/dotnet (main) $ spin up
Logging component stdio to ".spin/logs/"
Error: Failed to instantiate component 'dotnet'
Caused by:
0: failed to validate component output
1: core instance 2 has no export named canonical_abi_free
(at offset 0xac14bf)
k3d cluster stop wasm-cluster