The sx commands are: DEPRECATED ELECTRUM STYLE DETERMINISTIC KEYS AND ADDRESSES genaddr Generate a Bitcoin address deterministically from a wallet seed or master public key. genpriv Generate a private key deterministically from a seed. genpub Generate a public key deterministically from a wallet seed or master public key. mpk Extract a master public key from a deterministic wallet seed. newseed Create a new deterministic wallet seed. EXPERIMENTAL APPS wallet Experimental command line wallet. OFFLINE BLOCKCHAIN HEADERS showblkhead Show the details of a block header. OFFLINE KEYS AND ADDRESSES BASIC addr See Bitcoin address of a public or private key. embed-addr Generate an address used for embedding record of data into the blockchain get-pubkey Get the pubkey of an address if available newkey Create a new private key. pubkey See the public part of a private key. validaddr Validate an address. BRAIN STORAGE brainwallet Make 256 bit bitcoin private key from an arbitrary passphrase. mnemonic Make 12 word mnemonic out of 128 bit electrum or bip32 seed. HD / BIP32 hd-priv Create an private HD key from another HD private key. hd-pub Create an HD public key from another HD private or public key. hd-seed Create a random new HD key. hd-to-address Convert an HD public or private key to a Bitcoin address. hd-to-wif Convert an HD private key to a WIF private key. MULTISIG ADDRESSES scripthash Create BIP 16 script hash address from raw script hex. STEALTH stealth-addr See a stealth address from given input. stealth-initiate Initiate a new stealth payment. stealth-newkey Generate new stealth keys and an address. stealth-show-addr Show details for a stealth address. stealth-uncover Uncover a stealth address. stealth-uncover-secret Uncover a stealth secret. OFFLINE TRANSACTIONS SCRIPTING mktx Create an unsigned tx. rawscript Create the raw hex representation from a script. set-input Set a transaction input. showscript Show the details of a raw script. showtx Show the details of a transaction. sign-input Sign a transaction input. unwrap Validates checksum and recovers version byte and original data from hexstring. validsig Validate a transaction input's signature. wrap Adds version byte and checksum to hexstring. ONLINE (BITCOIN P2P) BLOCKCHAIN UPDATES sendtx-node Send transaction to a single node. sendtx-p2p Send tx to bitcoin network. ONLINE (BLOCKCHAIN.INFO) BLOCKCHAIN QUERIES ( bci-fetch-last-height Fetch the last block height using bci-history Get list of output points, values, and their spends from BLOCKCHAIN UPDATES sendtx-bci Send tx to ONLINE (BLOCKEXPLORER.COM) BLOCKCHAIN QUERIES ( blke-fetch-transaction Fetches a transaction from ONLINE (OBELISK) BLOCKCHAIN QUERIES balance Show balance of a Bitcoin address in satoshis. fetch-block-header Fetch raw block header. fetch-last-height Fetch the last block height. fetch-stealth Fetch a stealth information using a network connection to make requests against the obelisk load balancer backend. fetch-transaction Fetch a raw transaction using a network connection to make requests against the obelisk load balancer backend. fetch-transaction-index Fetch block height and index in block of transaction. get-utxo Get enough unspent transaction outputs from a given set of addresses to pay a given number of satoshis history Get list of output points, values, and their spends for an address. grep can filter for just unspent outputs which can be fed into mktx. validtx Validate a transaction. BLOCKCHAIN UPDATES sendtx-obelisk Send tx to obelisk server. BLOCKCHAIN WATCHING monitor Monitor an address. watchtx Watch transactions from the network searching for a certain hash. OBELISK ADMIN initchain Initialize a new blockchain. UTILITY EC MATH ec-add-modp Calculate the result of INTEGER + INTEGER. ec-multiply Multiply an integer and a point together. ec-tweak-add Calculate the result of POINT + INTEGER * G. FORMAT (BASE 58) base58-decode Convert from base58 to hex base58-encode Convert from hex to base58 FORMAT (BASE58CHECK) base58check-decode Convert from base58check to hex base58check-encode Convert from hex to base58check decode-addr Decode a address from base58check form to internal RIPEMD representation encode-addr Encode an address from internal RIPEMD representation to base58check form FORMAT (WIF) secret-to-wif Convert a secret exponent value to Wallet Import Format wif-to-secret Convert a Wallet Import Format to secret exponent value. HASHES ripemd-hash RIPEMD hash data from STDIN. sha256 Perform SHA256 hash of data. MISC qrcode Generate Bitcoin QR codes offline. SATOSHI MATH btc Convert Satoshis into Bitcoins. satoshi Convert Bitcoins into Satoshis. See 'sx help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.