diff --git a/docs/generated/cli/daemon.md b/docs/generated/cli/daemon.md
index a76de20de82a6..516e92fa74792 100644
--- a/docs/generated/cli/daemon.md
+++ b/docs/generated/cli/daemon.md
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ Install `nx` globally to invoke the command directly using `nx`, or use `npx nx`
 ## Options
-### background
+### help
 Type: boolean
-Default: true
+Show help
-### help
+### start
 Type: boolean
-Show help
+Default: false
-### start
+### stop
 Type: boolean
diff --git a/docs/generated/cli/migrate.md b/docs/generated/cli/migrate.md
index ca9f5914f374c..49ecd4334883e 100644
--- a/docs/generated/cli/migrate.md
+++ b/docs/generated/cli/migrate.md
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-title: "migrate - CLI command"
-description: "Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.
-- Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)
-- Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)"
+title: 'migrate - CLI command'
+  'Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.
+  - Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)
+  - Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)'
 # migrate
diff --git a/docs/generated/packages/nx.json b/docs/generated/packages/nx.json
index 693fa670415ff..0e6897d4d9b7f 100644
--- a/docs/generated/packages/nx.json
+++ b/docs/generated/packages/nx.json
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
       "name": "daemon",
       "id": "daemon",
       "file": "generated/cli/daemon",
-      "content": "---\ntitle: 'daemon - CLI command'\ndescription: 'Prints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process'\n---\n\n# daemon\n\nPrints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process\n\n## Usage\n\n```bash\nnx daemon\n```\n\nInstall `nx` globally to invoke the command directly using `nx`, or use `npx nx`, `yarn nx`, or `pnpx nx`.\n\n## Options\n\n### background\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: true\n\n### help\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow help\n\n### start\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: false\n\n### version\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow version number\n"
+      "content": "---\ntitle: 'daemon - CLI command'\ndescription: 'Prints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process'\n---\n\n# daemon\n\nPrints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process\n\n## Usage\n\n```bash\nnx daemon\n```\n\nInstall `nx` globally to invoke the command directly using `nx`, or use `npx nx`, `yarn nx`, or `pnpx nx`.\n\n## Options\n\n### help\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow help\n\n### start\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: false\n\n### stop\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: false\n\n### version\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow version number\n"
       "name": "graph",
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
       "name": "migrate",
       "id": "migrate",
       "file": "generated/cli/migrate",
-      "content": "---\ntitle: \"migrate - CLI command\"\ndescription: \"Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.\n- Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)\n- Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)\"\n---\n\n# migrate\n\nCreates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.\n\n- Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)\n- Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)\n\n## Usage\n\n```bash\nnx migrate [packageAndVersion]\n```\n\nInstall `nx` globally to invoke the command directly using `nx`, or use `npx nx`, `yarn nx`, or `pnpx nx`.\n\n### Examples\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"next\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate next\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"9.0.0\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate 9.0.0\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace and generate the list of migrations starting with version 8.0.0 of @nrwl/workspace and @nrwl/node, regardless of what installed locally:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --from=\"@nrwl/workspace@8.0.0,@nrwl/node@8.0.0\"\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"9.0.0\". If it tries to update @nrwl/react or @nrwl/angular, use version \"9.0.1\":\n\n```bash\nnx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --to=\"@nrwl/react@9.0.1,@nrwl/angular@9.0.1\"\n```\n\nUpdate another-package to \"12.0.0\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json file:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate another-package@12.0.0\n```\n\nRun migrations from the provided migrations.json file. You can modify migrations.json and run this command many times:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json\n```\n\nCreate a dedicated commit for each successfully completed migration. You can customize the prefix used for each commit by additionally setting --commit-prefix=\"PREFIX_HERE \":\n\n```bash\nnx migrate --run-migrations --create-commits\n```\n\n## Options\n\n### commitPrefix\n\nType: string\n\nDefault: chore: [nx migration]\n\nCommit prefix to apply to the commit for each migration, when --create-commits is enabled\n\n### createCommits\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: false\n\nAutomatically create a git commit after each migration runs\n\n### from\n\nType: string\n\nUse the provided versions for packages instead of the ones installed in node_modules (e.g., --from=\"@nrwl/react:12.0.0,@nrwl/js:12.0.0\")\n\n### help\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow help\n\n### packageAndVersion\n\nType: string\n\nThe target package and version (e.g, @nrwl/workspace@13.0.0)\n\n### runMigrations\n\nType: string\n\nExecute migrations from a file (when the file isn't provided, execute migrations from migrations.json)\n\n### to\n\nType: string\n\nUse the provided versions for packages instead of the ones calculated by the migrator (e.g., --to=\"@nrwl/react:12.0.0,@nrwl/js:12.0.0\")\n\n### version\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow version number\n"
+      "content": "---\ntitle: 'migrate - CLI command'\ndescription:\n  'Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.\n  - Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)\n  - Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)'\n---\n\n# migrate\n\nCreates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.\n\n- Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)\n- Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)\n\n## Usage\n\n```bash\nnx migrate [packageAndVersion]\n```\n\nInstall `nx` globally to invoke the command directly using `nx`, or use `npx nx`, `yarn nx`, or `pnpx nx`.\n\n### Examples\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"next\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate next\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"9.0.0\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate 9.0.0\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace and generate the list of migrations starting with version 8.0.0 of @nrwl/workspace and @nrwl/node, regardless of what installed locally:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --from=\"@nrwl/workspace@8.0.0,@nrwl/node@8.0.0\"\n```\n\nUpdate @nrwl/workspace to \"9.0.0\". If it tries to update @nrwl/react or @nrwl/angular, use version \"9.0.1\":\n\n```bash\nnx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --to=\"@nrwl/react@9.0.1,@nrwl/angular@9.0.1\"\n```\n\nUpdate another-package to \"12.0.0\". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json file:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate another-package@12.0.0\n```\n\nRun migrations from the provided migrations.json file. You can modify migrations.json and run this command many times:\n\n```bash\nnx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json\n```\n\nCreate a dedicated commit for each successfully completed migration. You can customize the prefix used for each commit by additionally setting --commit-prefix=\"PREFIX_HERE \":\n\n```bash\nnx migrate --run-migrations --create-commits\n```\n\n## Options\n\n### commitPrefix\n\nType: string\n\nDefault: chore: [nx migration]\n\nCommit prefix to apply to the commit for each migration, when --create-commits is enabled\n\n### createCommits\n\nType: boolean\n\nDefault: false\n\nAutomatically create a git commit after each migration runs\n\n### from\n\nType: string\n\nUse the provided versions for packages instead of the ones installed in node_modules (e.g., --from=\"@nrwl/react:12.0.0,@nrwl/js:12.0.0\")\n\n### help\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow help\n\n### packageAndVersion\n\nType: string\n\nThe target package and version (e.g, @nrwl/workspace@13.0.0)\n\n### runMigrations\n\nType: string\n\nExecute migrations from a file (when the file isn't provided, execute migrations from migrations.json)\n\n### to\n\nType: string\n\nUse the provided versions for packages instead of the ones calculated by the migrator (e.g., --to=\"@nrwl/react:12.0.0,@nrwl/js:12.0.0\")\n\n### version\n\nType: boolean\n\nShow version number\n"
       "name": "report",
diff --git a/packages/nx/bin/compute-project-graph.ts b/packages/nx/bin/compute-project-graph.ts
index ddafabf2e13d7..effde92714200 100644
--- a/packages/nx/bin/compute-project-graph.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/bin/compute-project-graph.ts
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ import { buildProjectGraphWithoutDaemon } from '../src/project-graph/project-gra
 import { workspaceRoot } from '../src/utils/workspace-root';
 import { fileExists } from '../src/utils/fileutils';
 import { join } from 'path';
-import { isServerAvailable, stop } from '../src/daemon/client/client';
+import { daemonClient } from '../src/daemon/client/client';
 (async () => {
   try {
     if (fileExists(join(workspaceRoot, 'nx.json'))) {
-      if (await isServerAvailable()) {
-        await stop();
-      }
+      try {
+        await daemonClient.stop();
+      } catch (e) {}
       const b = new Date();
       await buildProjectGraphWithoutDaemon();
       const a = new Date();
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/command-line/daemon.ts b/packages/nx/src/command-line/daemon.ts
index aed536011bcd3..74d7dda8e24ee 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/command-line/daemon.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/command-line/daemon.ts
@@ -5,13 +5,8 @@ import { generateDaemonHelpOutput } from '../daemon/client/generate-help-output'
 export async function daemonHandler(args: Arguments) {
   if (args.start) {
-    const { startInBackground, startInCurrentProcess } = await import(
-      '../daemon/client/client'
-    );
-    if (!args.background) {
-      return startInCurrentProcess();
-    }
-    const pid = await startInBackground();
+    const { daemonClient } = await import('../daemon/client/client');
+    const pid = await daemonClient.startInBackground();
       title: `Daemon Server - Started in a background process...`,
       bodyLines: [
@@ -20,6 +15,9 @@ export async function daemonHandler(args: Arguments) {
         )} ${DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE}\n`,
+  } else if (args.stop) {
+    const { daemonClient } = await import('../daemon/client/client');
+    daemonClient.stop();
   } else {
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/command-line/nx-commands.ts b/packages/nx/src/command-line/nx-commands.ts
index db426482ca2a3..e71f9703eea23 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/command-line/nx-commands.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/command-line/nx-commands.ts
@@ -145,8 +145,10 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
-    handler: async (args) =>
-      (await import('./affected')).affected('apps', { ...args }),
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (await import('./affected')).affected('apps', { ...args });
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'affected:libs',
@@ -158,10 +160,14 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
-    handler: async (args) =>
-      (await import('./affected')).affected('libs', {
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (
+        await import('./affected')
+      ).affected('libs', {
-      }),
+      });
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'affected:graph',
@@ -172,10 +178,14 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
-    handler: async (args) =>
-      (await import('./affected')).affected('graph', {
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (
+        await import('./affected')
+      ).affected('graph', {
-      }),
+      });
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'print-affected',
@@ -186,18 +196,19 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
-    handler: async (args) =>
-      (await import('./affected')).affected(
-        'print-affected',
-        withOverrides(args)
-      ),
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (
+        await import('./affected')
+      ).affected('print-affected', withOverrides(args));
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'daemon',
       'Prints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process',
     builder: (yargs) =>
-      linkToNxDevAndExamples(withDaemonStartOptions(yargs), 'daemon'),
+      linkToNxDevAndExamples(withDaemonOptions(yargs), 'daemon'),
     handler: async (args) => (await import('./daemon')).daemonHandler(args),
@@ -207,8 +218,10 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
     aliases: ['dep-graph'],
     builder: (yargs) =>
       linkToNxDevAndExamples(withDepGraphOptions(yargs), 'dep-graph'),
-    handler: async (args) =>
-      (await import('./dep-graph')).generateGraph(args as any, []),
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (await import('./dep-graph')).generateGraph(args as any, []);
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
@@ -216,7 +229,10 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
     describe: 'Check for un-formatted files',
     builder: (yargs) =>
       linkToNxDevAndExamples(withFormatOptions(yargs), 'format:check'),
-    handler: async (args) => (await import('./format')).format('check', args),
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (await import('./format')).format('check', args);
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'format:write',
@@ -224,12 +240,18 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
     aliases: ['format'],
     builder: (yargs) =>
       linkToNxDevAndExamples(withFormatOptions(yargs), 'format:write'),
-    handler: async (args) => (await import('./format')).format('write', args),
+    handler: async (args) => {
+      await (await import('./format')).format('write', args);
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'workspace-lint [files..]',
     describe: 'Lint nx specific workspace files (nx.json, workspace.json)',
-    handler: async () => (await import('./lint')).workspaceLint(),
+    handler: async () => {
+      await (await import('./lint')).workspaceLint();
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
@@ -241,37 +263,51 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
         await withWorkspaceGeneratorOptions(yargs),
-    handler: async () =>
-      (await import('./workspace-generators')).workspaceGenerators(
-        process.argv.slice(3)
-      ),
+    handler: async () => {
+      await (
+        await import('./workspace-generators')
+      ).workspaceGenerators(process.argv.slice(3));
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'migrate [packageAndVersion]',
     describe: `Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.
-- Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)
-- Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)`,
+  - Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)
+  - Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json)`,
     builder: (yargs) =>
       linkToNxDevAndExamples(withMigrationOptions(yargs), 'migrate'),
-    handler: () => runMigration(),
+    handler: () => {
+      runMigration();
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'report',
       'Reports useful version numbers to copy into the Nx issue template',
-    handler: async () => (await import('./report')).reportHandler(),
+    handler: async () => {
+      await (await import('./report')).reportHandler();
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'init',
     describe: 'Adds nx.json file and installs nx if not installed already',
-    handler: async () => (await import('./init')).initHandler(),
+    handler: async () => {
+      await (await import('./init')).initHandler();
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'list [plugin]',
       'Lists installed plugins, capabilities of installed plugins and other available plugins.',
     builder: (yargs) => withListOptions(yargs),
-    handler: async (args: any) => (await import('./list')).listHandler(args),
+    handler: async (args: any) => {
+      await (await import('./list')).listHandler(args);
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'reset',
@@ -284,8 +320,10 @@ export const commandsObject = yargs
     command: 'connect-to-nx-cloud',
     describe: `Makes sure the workspace is connected to Nx Cloud`,
     builder: (yargs) => linkToNxDevAndExamples(yargs, 'connect-to-nx-cloud'),
-    handler: async () =>
-      (await import('./connect-to-nx-cloud')).connectToNxCloudCommand(),
+    handler: async () => {
+      await (await import('./connect-to-nx-cloud')).connectToNxCloudCommand();
+      process.exit(0);
+    },
     command: 'new [_..]',
@@ -342,12 +380,15 @@ function withFormatOptions(yargs: yargs.Argv): yargs.Argv {
-function withDaemonStartOptions(yargs: yargs.Argv): yargs.Argv {
+function withDaemonOptions(yargs: yargs.Argv): yargs.Argv {
   return yargs
-    .option('background', { type: 'boolean', default: true })
     .option('start', {
       type: 'boolean',
       default: false,
+    })
+    .option('stop', {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/command-line/reset.ts b/packages/nx/src/command-line/reset.ts
index e8f8ab45e436b..d6ef8f4332394 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/command-line/reset.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/command-line/reset.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { removeSync } from 'fs-extra';
-import { stop as stopDaemon } from '../daemon/client/client';
+import { daemonClient } from '../daemon/client/client';
 import { cacheDir, projectGraphCacheDirectory } from '../utils/cache-directory';
 import { output } from '../utils/output';
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export function resetHandler() {
     title: 'Resetting the Nx workspace cache and stopping the Nx Daemon.',
     bodyLines: [`This might take a few minutes.`],
-  stopDaemon();
+  daemonClient.stop();
   if (projectGraphCacheDirectory !== cacheDir) {
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/client.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/client.ts
index 55013be3e8b6d..2e48b19ce4cd0 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/client.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/client.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import {
 import { ProjectGraph } from '../../config/project-graph';
 import { isCI } from '../../utils/is-ci';
 import { NxJsonConfiguration } from '../../config/nx-json';
+import { readNxJson } from '../../config/configuration';
+import { PromisedBasedQueue } from '../../utils/promised-based-queue';
@@ -30,7 +32,16 @@ const DAEMON_ENV_SETTINGS = {
 export class DaemonClient {
   constructor(private readonly nxJson: NxJsonConfiguration) {}
+  private queue = new PromisedBasedQueue();
+  private socket = null;
+  private currentMessage = null;
+  private currentResolve = null;
+  private currentReject = null;
   private _enabled: boolean | undefined;
+  private _connected: boolean = false;
   enabled() {
     if (this._enabled === undefined) {
@@ -64,29 +75,20 @@ export class DaemonClient {
   async getProjectGraph(): Promise<ProjectGraph> {
-    if (!(await isServerAvailable())) {
-      await startInBackground();
-    }
-    const r = await sendMessageToDaemon({ type: 'REQUEST_PROJECT_GRAPH' });
-    return r.projectGraph;
+    return (await this.sendToDaemonViaQueue({ type: 'REQUEST_PROJECT_GRAPH' }))
+      .projectGraph;
-  async processInBackground(requirePath: string, data: any): Promise<any> {
-    if (!(await isServerAvailable())) {
-      await startInBackground();
-    }
-    return sendMessageToDaemon({
+  processInBackground(requirePath: string, data: any): Promise<any> {
+    return this.sendToDaemonViaQueue({
-  async recordOutputsHash(outputs: string[], hash: string): Promise<any> {
-    if (!(await isServerAvailable())) {
-      await startInBackground();
-    }
-    return sendMessageToDaemon({
+  recordOutputsHash(outputs: string[], hash: string): Promise<any> {
+    return this.sendToDaemonViaQueue({
       type: 'RECORD_OUTPUTS_HASH',
       data: {
@@ -95,11 +97,8 @@ export class DaemonClient {
-  async outputsHashesMatch(outputs: string[], hash: string): Promise<any> {
-    if (!(await isServerAvailable())) {
-      await startInBackground();
-    }
-    return sendMessageToDaemon({
+  outputsHashesMatch(outputs: string[], hash: string): Promise<any> {
+    return this.sendToDaemonViaQueue({
       type: 'OUTPUTS_HASHES_MATCH',
       data: {
@@ -107,151 +106,70 @@ export class DaemonClient {
-function isDocker() {
-  try {
-    statSync('/.dockerenv');
-    return true;
-  } catch {
-    return false;
-  }
-export async function startInBackground(): Promise<ChildProcess['pid']> {
-  await safelyCleanUpExistingProcess();
-  ensureFileSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE);
-  const out = openSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE, 'a');
-  const err = openSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE, 'a');
-  const backgroundProcess = spawn(
-    process.execPath,
-    [join(__dirname, '../server/start.js')],
-    {
-      cwd: workspaceRoot,
-      stdio: ['ignore', out, err],
-      detached: true,
-      windowsHide: true,
-      shell: false,
-    }
-  );
-  backgroundProcess.unref();
-  // Persist metadata about the background process so that it can be cleaned up later if needed
-  await writeDaemonJsonProcessCache({
-    processId: backgroundProcess.pid,
-  });
-  /**
-   * Ensure the server is actually available to connect to via IPC before resolving
-   */
-  let attempts = 0;
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    const id = setInterval(async () => {
-      if (await isServerAvailable()) {
-        clearInterval(id);
-        resolve(backgroundProcess.pid);
-      } else if (attempts > 200) {
-        // daemon fails to start, the process probably exited
-        // we print the logs and exit the client
-        reject(
-          daemonProcessException('Failed to start the Nx Daemon process.')
-        );
-      } else {
-        attempts++;
+  async isServerAvailable(): Promise<boolean> {
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+      try {
+        const socket = connect(FULL_OS_SOCKET_PATH, () => {
+          socket.destroy();
+          resolve(true);
+        });
+        socket.once('error', () => {
+          resolve(false);
+        });
+      } catch (err) {
+        resolve(false);
-    }, 10);
-  });
+    });
+  }
-function daemonProcessException(message: string) {
-  try {
-    let log = readFileSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE).toString().split('\n');
-    if (log.length > 20) {
-      log = log.slice(log.length - 20);
-    }
-    const error = new Error(
-      [
-        message,
-        '',
-        'Messages from the log:',
-        ...log,
-        '\n',
-        `More information: ${DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE}`,
-      ].join('\n')
+  private async sendToDaemonViaQueue(messageToDaemon: any): Promise<any> {
+    return this.queue.sendToQueue(() =>
+      this.sendMessageToDaemon(messageToDaemon)
-    (error as any).internalDaemonError = true;
-    return error;
-  } catch (e) {
-    return new Error(message);
-export function startInCurrentProcess(): void {
-  output.log({
-    title: `Daemon Server - Starting in the current process...`,
-  });
-  spawnSync(process.execPath, [join(__dirname, '../server/start.js')], {
-    cwd: workspaceRoot,
-    stdio: 'inherit',
-  });
-export function stop(): void {
-  spawnSync(process.execPath, ['../server/stop.js'], {
-    cwd: __dirname,
-    stdio: 'inherit',
-  });
-  removeSocketDir();
-  output.log({ title: 'Daemon Server - Stopped' });
+  private setUpConnection() {
+    this.socket = connect(FULL_OS_SOCKET_PATH);
- * As noted in the comments above the createServer() call, in order to reliably (meaning it works
- * cross-platform) check whether the server is available to request a project graph from we
- * need to actually attempt connecting to it.
- *
- * Because of the behavior of named pipes on Windows, we cannot simply treat them as a file and
- * check for their existence on disk (unlike with Unix Sockets).
- */
-export async function isServerAvailable(): Promise<boolean> {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    try {
-      const socket = connect(FULL_OS_SOCKET_PATH, () => {
-        socket.destroy();
-        resolve(true);
-      });
-      socket.once('error', () => {
-        resolve(false);
+    this.socket.on('ready', () => {
+      let message = '';
+      this.socket.on('data', (data) => {
+        const chunk = data.toString();
+        if (chunk.length === 0 || chunk.codePointAt(chunk.length - 1) != 4) {
+          message += chunk;
+        } else {
+          message += chunk.substring(0, chunk.length - 1);
+          this.handleMessage(message);
+          message = '';
+          this.currentMessage = null;
+          this.currentResolve = null;
+          this.currentReject = null;
+        }
-    } catch (err) {
-      resolve(false);
-    }
-  });
+    });
-async function sendMessageToDaemon(message: {
-  type: string;
-  requirePath?: string;
-  data?: any;
-}): Promise<any> {
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    performance.mark('sendMessageToDaemon-start');
-    const socket = connect(FULL_OS_SOCKET_PATH);
+    this.socket.on('close', () => {
+      output.error({
+        title: 'Daemon process terminated and closed the connection',
+        bodyLines: ['Please rerun the command, which will restart the daemon.'],
+      });
+      process.exit(1);
+    });
-    socket.on('error', (err) => {
+    this.socket.on('error', (err) => {
       if (!err.message) {
-        return reject(daemonProcessException(err.toString()));
+        return this.currentReject(daemonProcessException(err.toString()));
       if (err.message.startsWith('LOCK-FILES-CHANGED')) {
-        return sendMessageToDaemon(message).then(resolve, reject);
+        // retry the current message
+        // we cannot send it via the queue because we are in the middle of processing
+        // a message from the queue
+        return this.sendMessageToDaemon(this.currentMessage).then(
+          this.currentResolve,
+          this.currentReject
+        );
       let error: any;
@@ -269,58 +187,161 @@ async function sendMessageToDaemon(message: {
       } else {
         error = daemonProcessException(err.toString());
-      return reject(error);
+      return this.currentReject(error);
+  }
-    socket.on('ready', () => {
-      socket.write(JSON.stringify(message));
+  private async sendMessageToDaemon(message: any): Promise<any> {
+    if (!this._connected) {
+      this._connected = true;
+      if (!(await this.isServerAvailable())) {
+        await this.startInBackground();
+      }
+      this.setUpConnection();
+    }
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+      performance.mark('sendMessageToDaemon-start');
+      this.currentMessage = message;
+      this.currentResolve = resolve;
+      this.currentReject = reject;
+      this.socket.write(JSON.stringify(message));
       // send EOT to indicate that the message has been fully written
-      socket.write(String.fromCodePoint(4));
+      this.socket.write(String.fromCodePoint(4));
+    });
+  }
-      let serializedResult = '';
-      socket.on('data', (data) => {
-        serializedResult += data.toString();
-      });
+  private handleMessage(serializedResult: string) {
+    try {
+      performance.mark('json-parse-start');
+      const parsedResult = JSON.parse(serializedResult);
+      performance.mark('json-parse-end');
+      performance.measure(
+        'deserialize daemon response',
+        'json-parse-start',
+        'json-parse-end'
+      );
+      if (parsedResult.error) {
+        this.currentReject(parsedResult.error);
+      } else {
+        performance.measure(
+          'total for sendMessageToDaemon()',
+          'sendMessageToDaemon-start',
+          'json-parse-end'
+        );
+        return this.currentResolve(parsedResult);
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      const endOfResponse =
+        serializedResult.length > 300
+          ? serializedResult.substring(serializedResult.length - 300)
+          : serializedResult;
+      this.currentReject(
+        daemonProcessException(
+          [
+            'Could not deserialize response from Nx daemon.',
+            `Message: ${e.message}`,
+            '\n',
+            `Received:`,
+            endOfResponse,
+            '\n',
+          ].join('\n')
+        )
+      );
+    }
+  }
-      socket.on('end', () => {
-        try {
-          performance.mark('json-parse-start');
-          const parsedResult = JSON.parse(serializedResult);
-          performance.mark('json-parse-end');
-          performance.measure(
-            'deserialize daemon response',
-            'json-parse-start',
-            'json-parse-end'
-          );
-          if (parsedResult.error) {
-            reject(parsedResult.error);
-          } else {
-            performance.measure(
-              'total for sendMessageToDaemon()',
-              'sendMessageToDaemon-start',
-              'json-parse-end'
-            );
-            return resolve(parsedResult);
-          }
-        } catch (e) {
-          const endOfResponse =
-            serializedResult.length > 300
-              ? serializedResult.substring(serializedResult.length - 300)
-              : serializedResult;
+  async startInBackground(): Promise<ChildProcess['pid']> {
+    await safelyCleanUpExistingProcess();
+    ensureFileSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE);
+    const out = openSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE, 'a');
+    const err = openSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE, 'a');
+    const backgroundProcess = spawn(
+      process.execPath,
+      [join(__dirname, '../server/start.js')],
+      {
+        cwd: workspaceRoot,
+        stdio: ['ignore', out, err],
+        detached: true,
+        windowsHide: true,
+        shell: false,
+        env: DAEMON_ENV_SETTINGS,
+      }
+    );
+    backgroundProcess.unref();
+    // Persist metadata about the background process so that it can be cleaned up later if needed
+    await writeDaemonJsonProcessCache({
+      processId: backgroundProcess.pid,
+    });
+    /**
+     * Ensure the server is actually available to connect to via IPC before resolving
+     */
+    let attempts = 0;
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+      const id = setInterval(async () => {
+        if (await this.isServerAvailable()) {
+          clearInterval(id);
+          resolve(backgroundProcess.pid);
+        } else if (attempts > 200) {
+          // daemon fails to start, the process probably exited
+          // we print the logs and exit the client
-            daemonProcessException(
-              [
-                'Could not deserialize response from Nx daemon.',
-                `Message: ${e.message}`,
-                '\n',
-                `Received:`,
-                endOfResponse,
-                '\n',
-              ].join('\n')
-            )
+            daemonProcessException('Failed to start the Nx Daemon process.')
+        } else {
+          attempts++;
-      });
+      }, 10);
-  });
+  }
+  stop(): void {
+    spawnSync(process.execPath, ['../server/stop.js'], {
+      cwd: __dirname,
+      stdio: 'inherit',
+    });
+    removeSocketDir();
+    output.log({ title: 'Daemon Server - Stopped' });
+  }
+export const daemonClient = new DaemonClient(readNxJson());
+function isDocker() {
+  try {
+    statSync('/.dockerenv');
+    return true;
+  } catch {
+    return false;
+  }
+function daemonProcessException(message: string) {
+  try {
+    let log = readFileSync(DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE).toString().split('\n');
+    if (log.length > 20) {
+      log = log.slice(log.length - 20);
+    }
+    const error = new Error(
+      [
+        message,
+        '',
+        'Messages from the log:',
+        ...log,
+        '\n',
+        `More information: ${DAEMON_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE}`,
+      ].join('\n')
+    );
+    (error as any).internalDaemonError = true;
+    return error;
+  } catch (e) {
+    return new Error(message);
+  }
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/exec-is-server-available.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/exec-is-server-available.ts
index c875abc1e64b1..9e6f1d5bd83fc 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/exec-is-server-available.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/exec-is-server-available.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { isServerAvailable } from './client';
+import { daemonClient } from './client';
 (async () => {
   try {
-    console.log(await isServerAvailable());
+    console.log(await daemonClient.isServerAvailable());
   } catch {
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/generate-help-output.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/generate-help-output.ts
index f8decf824fb39..99975956f25c6 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/generate-help-output.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/client/generate-help-output.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export function generateDaemonHelpOutput(): string {
     cwd: __dirname,
-  const isServerAvailable = res?.stdout?.toString().trim() === 'true';
+  const isServerAvailable = res?.stdout?.toString().trim().indexOf('true') > -1;
   if (!isServerAvailable) {
     return '';
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/output-watcher.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/output-watcher.ts
index dd37ccddb1705..aebaf29e7fa1a 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/output-watcher.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/output-watcher.ts
@@ -40,11 +40,18 @@ export async function recordOutputsHash(_outputs: string[], hash: string) {
 export async function outputsHashesMatch(_outputs: string[], hash: string) {
   const outputs = await normalizeOutputs(_outputs);
-  if (outputs.length !== numberOfExpandedOutputs[hash]) return false;
-  for (const output of outputs) {
-    if (recordedHashes[output] !== hash) return false;
+  let invalidated = [];
+  if (outputs.length !== numberOfExpandedOutputs[hash]) {
+    invalidated = outputs;
+  } else {
+    for (const output of outputs) {
+      if (recordedHashes[output] !== hash) {
+        invalidated.push(output);
+      }
+    }
-  return true;
+  await removeSubscriptionsForOutputs(invalidated);
+  return invalidated.length === 0;
 function anyErrorsAssociatedWithOutputs(outputs: string[]) {
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/server.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/server.ts
index fd1c581b68783..2131b1d4ce602 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/server.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/server.ts
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ export type HandlerResult = {
 const server = createServer(async (socket) => {
+  serverLogger.log('Established a connection');
   if (!performanceObserver) {
     performanceObserver = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
@@ -60,8 +61,18 @@ const server = createServer(async (socket) => {
     } else {
       message += chunk.substring(0, chunk.length - 1);
       await handleMessage(socket, message);
+      message = '';
+  socket.on('error', (e) => {
+    serverLogger.log('Socket error');
+    console.error(e);
+  });
+  socket.on('close', () => {
+    serverLogger.log('Closed a connection');
+  });
 async function handleMessage(socket, data) {
@@ -94,7 +105,12 @@ async function handleMessage(socket, data) {
-  if (payload.type === 'REQUEST_PROJECT_GRAPH') {
+  if (payload.type === 'PING') {
+    await handleResult(socket, {
+      response: JSON.stringify(true),
+      description: 'ping',
+    });
+  } else if (payload.type === 'REQUEST_PROJECT_GRAPH') {
     await handleResult(socket, await handleRequestProjectGraph());
   } else if (payload.type === 'PROCESS_IN_BACKGROUND') {
     await handleResult(socket, await handleProcessInBackground(payload));
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/shutdown-utils.ts b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/shutdown-utils.ts
index f09c598592dc9..ecb9cdaad4bf5 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/shutdown-utils.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/daemon/server/shutdown-utils.ts
@@ -46,16 +46,14 @@ export function respondToClient(
   description: string
 ) {
   return new Promise(async (res) => {
-    socket.write(response, (err) => {
-      if (description) {
-        serverLogger.requestLog(`Responding to the client.`, description);
-      }
+    if (description) {
+      serverLogger.requestLog(`Responding to the client.`, description);
+    }
+    socket.write(`${response}${String.fromCodePoint(4)}`, (err) => {
       if (err) {
-      // Close the connection once all data has been written so that the client knows when to read it.
-      socket.end();
-      serverLogger.log(`Closed Connection to Client`, description);
+      serverLogger.log(`Done responding to the client`, description);
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/project-graph/project-graph.ts b/packages/nx/src/project-graph/project-graph.ts
index 2b0265be8dc48..43dd3147c7cf5 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/project-graph/project-graph.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/project-graph/project-graph.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import {
 } from '../config/workspace-json-project-json';
-import { DaemonClient } from '../daemon/client/client';
+import { daemonClient } from '../daemon/client/client';
  * Synchronously reads the latest cached copy of the workspace's ProjectGraph.
@@ -120,9 +120,7 @@ function handleProjectGraphError(opts: { exitOnError: boolean }, e) {
 export async function createProjectGraphAsync(
   opts: { exitOnError: boolean } = { exitOnError: false }
 ): Promise<ProjectGraph> {
-  const nxJson = readNxJson();
-  const daemon = new DaemonClient(nxJson);
-  if (!daemon.enabled()) {
+  if (!daemonClient.enabled()) {
     try {
       return await buildProjectGraphWithoutDaemon();
     } catch (e) {
@@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ export async function createProjectGraphAsync(
   } else {
     try {
-      return await daemon.getProjectGraph();
+      return await daemonClient.getProjectGraph();
     } catch (e) {
       if (!e.internalDaemonError) {
         handleProjectGraphError(opts, e);
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/tasks-runner/run-command.ts b/packages/nx/src/tasks-runner/run-command.ts
index 49b7e6ab83228..87c47e061552c 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/tasks-runner/run-command.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/tasks-runner/run-command.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import { handleErrors } from '../utils/params';
 import { Workspaces } from 'nx/src/config/workspaces';
 import { Hasher } from 'nx/src/hasher/hasher';
 import { hashDependsOnOtherTasks, hashTask } from 'nx/src/hasher/hash-task';
-import { DaemonClient } from '../daemon/client/client';
+import { daemonClient } from '../daemon/client/client';
 async function getTerminalOutputLifeCycle(
   initiatingProject: string,
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ export async function runCommand(
-          daemon: new DaemonClient(nxJson),
+          daemon: daemonClient,
       let anyFailures;
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/utils/project-graph-utils.spec.ts b/packages/nx/src/utils/project-graph-utils.spec.ts
index 82dcb2702c0aa..eca6b59670571 100644
--- a/packages/nx/src/utils/project-graph-utils.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/nx/src/utils/project-graph-utils.spec.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-import { PackageJson } from './package-json';
-import { ProjectGraph } from '../config/project-graph';
-import {
-  getProjectNameFromDirPath,
-  getSourceDirOfDependentProjects,
-  mergeNpmScriptsWithTargets,
-} from './project-graph-utils';
+let jsonFileOverrides: Record<string, any> = {};
 jest.mock('nx/src/utils/fileutils', () => ({
   ...(jest.requireActual('nx/src/utils/fileutils') as any),
   readJsonFile: (path) => {
+    if (path.endsWith('nx.json')) return {};
     if (!(path in jsonFileOverrides))
       throw new Error('Tried to read non-mocked json file: ' + path);
     return jsonFileOverrides[path];
-let jsonFileOverrides: Record<string, any> = {};
+import { PackageJson } from './package-json';
+import { ProjectGraph } from '../config/project-graph';
+import {
+  getProjectNameFromDirPath,
+  getSourceDirOfDependentProjects,
+  mergeNpmScriptsWithTargets,
+} from './project-graph-utils';
 describe('project graph utils', () => {
   describe('getSourceDirOfDependentProjects', () => {
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.spec.ts b/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e069abd8562ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import { PromisedBasedQueue } from './promised-based-queue';
+describe('PromisedBasedQueue', () => {
+  it('should executing functions in order', async () => {
+    const queue = new PromisedBasedQueue();
+    const log = [];
+    const res = [];
+    res.push(
+      await queue.sendToQueue(async () => {
+        log.push('1');
+        await wait(100);
+        log.push('2');
+        return 100;
+      })
+    );
+    res.push(
+      await queue.sendToQueue(async () => {
+        log.push('3');
+        return 200;
+      })
+    );
+    expect(log).toEqual(['1', '2', '3']);
+    expect(res).toEqual([100, 200]);
+  });
+  it('should handle errors', async () => {
+    const queue = new PromisedBasedQueue();
+    try {
+      await queue.sendToQueue(async () => {
+        throw new Error('1');
+      });
+      expect('fail').toBeTruthy();
+    } catch (e) {
+      expect(e.message).toEqual('1');
+    }
+    expect(
+      await queue.sendToQueue(async () => {
+        return 100;
+      })
+    ).toEqual(100);
+  });
+function wait(millis: number) {
+  return new Promise((res) => {
+    setTimeout(() => res(null), millis);
+  });
diff --git a/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.ts b/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d33b0445004ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nx/src/utils/promised-based-queue.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+export class PromisedBasedQueue {
+  private promise = Promise.resolve(null);
+  sendToQueue(fn: () => Promise<any>): Promise<any> {
+    let res, rej;
+    const r = new Promise((_res, _rej) => {
+      res = _res;
+      rej = _rej;
+    });
+    this.promise = this.promise
+      .then(async () => {
+        try {
+          res(await fn());
+        } catch (e) {
+          rej(e);
+        }
+      })
+      .catch(async () => {
+        try {
+          res(await fn());
+        } catch (e) {
+          rej(e);
+        }
+      });
+    return r;
+  }