Check out the blog post for more information and full benchmarks!
I was inspired by the elegant data structure discussed in the MSFragger paper, and decided to implement an (open source) version of it in Rust - with great results.
Sage has excellent performance characteristics (2-5x faster, 2-3x reduction in memory use compared to - the closed source - MSFragger), but does not sacrifice code quality or size to do so!
- Incredible performance out of the box
- Effortlessly cross-platform (Linux/MacOS/Windows), effortlessly parallel (uses all of your CPU cores)
- Fragment indexing strategy allows for blazing fast narrow and open searches
- Capable of searching for chimeric/co-fragmenting spectra
- FDR calculation using target-decoy competition, with built-in linear discriminant anlysis
- PEP calculation using a non-parametric model (KDE)
- Percolator/Mokapot compatible output
- Small and simple codebase
- Configuration by JSON files
- Only uses mzML files
- Only Percolator PIN output
- Only outputs 1 protein ID even if the peptide is shared by multiple proteins
- Hand-rolled, 100% pure Rust implementations of Linear Discriminant Analysis and KDE-mixture models for refinement of false discovery rates
- Both models demonstrate 1:1 results with scikit-learn, but have increased performance
- No need for a second post-search pipeline step
Sage takes a single command line argument: a path to a JSON-encoded parameter file (see below). A new file (results.json
) will be created that details input/output paths and all search parameters used for the search
Example usage: sage tmt.json
Sage search settings file:
"database": {
"bucket_size": 8192,
"fragment_min_mz": 75.0,
"fragment_max_mz": 1500.0,
"peptide_min_len": 5,
"peptide_max_len": 50,
"missed_cleavages": 1,
"static_mods": {
"^": 229.1629,
"K": 229.1629,
"C": 57.0215
"variable_mods": {
"M": 15.9949
"decoy_prefix": "rev_",
"fasta": "2022-07-23-decoys-reviewed-UP000005640.fas"
"precursor_tol": {
"ppm": [-20, 20]
"fragment_tol": {
"ppm": [-10.0, 10.0]
"isotope_errors": [
"report_psms": 1,
"chimera": false,
"deisotope": true,
"process_files_parallel": true,
"mzml_paths": [