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Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JPA, Hibernate REST API Demo


- Install Git
- Install Maven
- Install Docker
- EKS Cluster

Clone code from github:

git clone
cd kubernetes/spring-boot-postgresql/

Build Maven Artifact:

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Build Docker image for Springboot Application

docker build -t vamsitechtuts/springbootpostgresrestapidemo .

Docker login

docker login

Push docker image to dockerhub

docker push vamsitechtuts/springbootpostgresrestapidemo

Encode USERNAME and PASSWORD of Postgres using following commands:

echo -n "postgresadmin" | base64
echo -n "admin123" | base64

Create the Secret using kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f postgres-secrets.yml

Create PV and PVC for Postgres using yaml file:

kubectl apply -f postgres-storage.yaml

Deploying Postgres with kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres-service.yaml

Create a config map with the hostname of Postgres

kubectl create configmap hostname-config --from-literal=postgres_host=$(kubectl get svc postgres -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")

Deploy Spring Application:

kubectl apply -f springboot-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f springboot-service.yml

Check secrets:

kubectl get secrets
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc

Now Goto Loadbalancer and check whether service comes Inservice or not, If it comes Inservice copy DNS Name of Loadbalancer and Give in POSTMAN App

Use POST Method:
select raw and Json format with in the Body section
          "title": "Which country you belongs too?",
          "description": "I am from India..."

Use GET Method:

Use POST Method:

select raw and Json format with in the Body section
          "text": "I am an Indian"

Use GET Method:

You can Test other API also.........

Cluean UP process:

kubectl delete deploy spring-boot-postgres-sample postgres
kubectl delete svc spring-boot-postgres-sample postgres
kubectl delete pvc postgres-pv-claim
kubectl delete pv postgres-pv-volume
kubectl delete secrets postgres-secrets
kubectl delete configmaps hostname-config