Update of HCPCS
- Schema DevV5 with copies of tables concept, concept_relationship and concept_synonym from ProdV5, fully indexed.
- Schema UMLS
- SNOMED must be loaded first
- Updated RxNorm and RxNorm Extension (for ProcedureDrug.sql and MapDrugVocabulary.sql)
- Fresh concept_ancestor (for MapDrugVocabulary.sql)
- Working directory HCPCS.
- Run create_source_tables.sql
- Run ProcedureDrug.sql and MapDrugVocabulary.sql in your dev-schema for HCPCS e.g. dev_hcpcs (this will create two procedures)
- Download the latest file https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/HCPCSReleaseCodeSets/HCPCS-Quarterly-Update file name Mon-YYYY-Alpha-Numeric-HCPCS-File.zip
- Extract HCPCYYYY_CONTR_ANWEB.xlsx and rename to HCPC_CONTR_ANWEB.xlsx
- Run in devv5 (with fresh vocabulary date and version): SELECT sources.load_input_tables('HCPCS',TO_DATE('20171106','YYYYMMDD'),'2018 Alpha Numeric HCPCS File');
- Run load_stage.sql
- Run generic_update: devv5.GenericUpdate();
CSV sources for CONCEPT_MANUAL and CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_MANUAL are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1mvXzaXW9294RaDC2DgnM1qBi1agCwxHJ