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Installing Quick

If you're using Xcode 7.1, use the latest version of Quick--v0.9.0 at the time of writing. New releases are developed on the swift-2.0 branch.

Quick provides the syntax to define examples and example groups. Nimble provides the expect(...).to assertion syntax. You may use either one, or both, in your tests.

There are three recommended ways of linking Quick to your tests:

  1. Git Submodules
  2. CocoaPods
  3. Carthage
  4. Swift Package Manager (experimental)

Choose one and follow the instructions below. Once you've completed them, you should be able to import Quick from within files in your test target.

Git Submodules

To link Quick and Nimble using Git submodules:

  1. Add submodule for Quick.
  2. If you don't already have a .xcworkspace for your project, create one. (Here's how)
  3. Add Quick.xcodeproj to your project's .xcworkspace.
  4. Add Nimble.xcodeproj to your project's .xcworkspace. It exists in path/to/Quick/Externals/Nimble. By adding Nimble from Quick's dependencies (as opposed to adding directly as a submodule), you'll ensure that you're using the correct version of Nimble for whatever version of Quick you're using.
  5. Link Quick.framework and Nimble.framework in your test target's "Link Binary with Libraries" build phase.

First, if you don't already have one, create a directory for your Git submodules. Let's assume you have a directory named Vendor.

Step One: Download Quick and Nimble as Git submodules:

git submodule add [email protected]:Quick/Quick.git Vendor/Quick
git submodule add [email protected]:Quick/Nimble.git Vendor/Nimble
git submodule update --init --recursive

Step Two: Add the Quick.xcodeproj and Nimble.xcodeproj files downloaded above to your project's .xcworkspace. For example, this is Guanaco.xcworkspace, the workspace for a project that is tested using Quick and Nimble:

Step Three: Link the Quick.framework during your test target's Link Binary with Libraries build phase. You should see two Quick.frameworks; one is for OS X, and the other is for iOS.

Do the same for the Nimble.framework, and you're done!

Updating the Submodules: If you ever want to update the Quick or Nimble submodules to latest version, enter the Quick directory and pull from the master repository:

cd /path/to/your/project/Vendor/Quick
git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin master

Your Git repository will track changes to submodules. You'll want to commit the fact that you've updated the Quick submodule:

cd /path/to/your/project
git commit -m "Updated Quick submodule"

Cloning a Repository that Includes a Quick Submodule: After other people clone your repository, they'll have to pull down the submodules as well. They can do so by running the git submodule update command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

You can read more about Git submodules here.


First, update CocoaPods to Version 0.36.0 or newer, which is necessary to install CocoaPods using Swift.

Then, add Quick and Nimble to your Podfile. Additionally, the use_frameworks! line is necessary for using Swift in CocoaPods:

# Podfile


def testing_pods
    pod 'Quick'
    pod 'Nimble'

target 'MyTests' do

target 'MyUITests' do

Finally, download and link Quick and Nimble to your tests:

pod install

Using Swift 1.2?

The latest release of Quick (0.4.0) is for Swift 2 (Xcode 7), but the latest Nimble (1.0.0) is for Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6).

If you want Xcode 6 do:

target 'MyTests' do
  pod 'Quick', '~>0.3.0'
  pod 'Nimble', '~>1.0.0'

As test targets do not have the "Embedded Binaries" section, the frameworks must be added to the target's "Link Binary With Libraries" as well as a "Copy Files" build phase to copy them to the target's Frameworks destination.

As Carthage builds dynamic frameworks, you will need a valid code signing identity set up.

  1. Add Quick to your Cartfile.private:

    github "Quick/Quick"
    github "Quick/Nimble"
  2. Run carthage update.

  3. From your Carthage/Build/[platform]/ directory, add both Quick and Nimble to your test target's "Link Binary With Libraries" build phase:

  4. For your test target, create a new build phase of type "Copy Files":

  5. Set the "Destination" to "Frameworks", then add both frameworks:

This is not "the one and only way" to use Carthage to manage dependencies. For further reference check out the Carthage documentation.

With the advent of the open-source project, Swift now has an official, though nascent, package manager tool. Notably, this provides the possibility of using Quick on non-Apple platforms for the first time. Initial steps have been taken to allow using Quick to test projects using the Swift Package Manager, although frequent breakage is expected at this point since the tool is still under heavy development.

Until further documentation has been written, the following repository may be useful as an example of how Quick can be declared as a dependency in a Package.swift file for SwiftPM:

(Not Recommended) Running Quick Specs on a Physical iOS Device

In order to run specs written in Quick on device, you need to add Quick.framework and Nimble.framework as Embedded Binaries to the Host Application of the test target. After adding a framework as an embedded binary, Xcode will automatically link the host app against the framework.