This project is EverJoy Game Servers
deploy infrastructure:
# add ./deployment/docker-compose/.env file to custom your environment if you have docker compose -f ./deployment/docker-compose/infrastructure.yaml up -d
run service:
# fix the game-name to your game name go run ./cmd/{game-name}/service/main.go
# replace <your_register_url> to your register url,eg:
# replace <your_server_name> to your server name,eg: game0,gm
# replace <your_git_access_token> to your git access token
# how to get your git access token?:
docker buildx build -t <your_register_url>:latest --build-arg APP_NAME=<your_server_name> --build-arg GIT_PWD=<your_git_access_token> -f .\build\package\docker\Dockerfile . --push
- build your interactive client:
go build -o {game-name}.exe ./cmd/{game-name}/client/main.go
- run your interactive client:
tips: http client use Postman to connect
# help ./{game-name}.exe shell
- install k6
- run k6 load test
# fix the game-name to your game name k6 run ./tests/{game-name}/{game-name}.js
install buf
manage proto file
# generate proto file buf generate
# use buf Schema Registry to manage proto file # you need to sign up and login to buf Schema Registry,follow the steps below: # buf registry login username # push proto file to buf Schema Registry buf push
generate SDKS for different languages
- visit{game-name}/sdks
- choose the language you want to generate, and follow the cmd to import the SDKS to your project.