A wordpress plugin that creates a custom database and post type, allowing the logging of purchase orders and items.
I wrote this plugin to be able to log purchases for a project of mine. I wanted a way to be able to record, search, and sum transactions. This way I can easily add up the total cost of the project, cost of tools, tax paid, shipping paid, and lots of other stuff. I wanted to save this information into it's own table vs metadata for easy access and use.
- Download and extract this into your wordpress plugin folder typically, at wp-content/plugins.
- Activate the plugin in wordpress.
- database_prefix
- Sets the prefix for the database. This pretty much just makes it easier to identify when browsing the database.
- [pr-order]
- args:
- orderid
- args:
- [pr-item]
- args:
- itemid
- args:
- [pr-cost]
- orderid (optional, default 0)
- itemid (optional, default 0)
- type=[parts, tools, shipping, tax, total] (optional, default 'total')
- If itemid is specified, it will force orderid to 0. If no orderid is specified, it will default to 0 and total all orders.