A Pulumi program to deploy an RDS Postgres instance and containerized Airflow.
For more information on how to run this example, see: https://pulumi.io/reference and https://pulumi.io/quickstart/
Create a new stack:
$ pulumi stack init airflow
Set the AWS region:
$ pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1
Enable ECS auto clustering:
$ pulumi config set cloud-aws:ecsAutoCluster true
Set the desired RDS password with:
$ pulumi config set airflow:dbPassword DESIREDPASSWORD
Restore NPM modules via
yarn install
. -
pulumi up
to preview and deploy changes. After the preview is shown you will be prompted if you want to continue or not.
Previewing update of stack 'airflow'
Previewing changes:
Type Name Plan Info
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack airflow create