- 3004: Zend\Db unit tests fail with code coverage enabled (zendframework#3004)
- 3039: combine double if into single conditional (zendframework#3039)
- 3042: fix typo 'consist of' should be 'consists of' in singular (zendframework#3042)
- 3045: Reduced the #calls of rawurlencode() using a cache mechanism (zendframework#3045)
- 3048: Applying quickfix for zendframework#3004 (zendframework#3048)
- 3095: Process X-Forwarded-For header in correct order (zendframework#3095)
- 2808: Add serializer better inheritance and extension (zendframework#2808)
- 2813: Add test on canonical name with the ServiceManager (zendframework#2813)
- 2832: bugfix: The helper DateFormat does not cache correctly when a pattern is set. (zendframework#2832)
- 2837: Add empty option before empty check (zendframework#2837)
- 2843: change self:: with static:: in call-ing static property/method (zendframework#2843)
- 2857: Unnecessary path assembly on return in Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TreeRouteStack->assemble() line 236 (zendframework#2857)
- 2867: Enable view sub-directories when using ModuleRouteListener (zendframework#2867)
- 2872: Resolve naming conflicts in foreach statements (zendframework#2872)
- 2878: Fix : change self:: with static:: in call-ing static property/method() in other components ( all ) (zendframework#2878)
- 2879: remove unused const in Zend\Barcode\Barcode.php (zendframework#2879)
- 2896: Constraints in Zend\Db\Metadata\Source\AbstractSource::getTable not initalised (zendframework#2896)
- 2907: Fixed proxy adapter keys being incorrectly set due Zend\Http\Client (zendframework#2907)
- 2909: Change format of Form element DateTime and DateTimeLocal (zendframework#2909)
- 2921: Added Chinese translations for zf2 validate/captcha resources (zendframework#2921)
- 2924: small speed-up of Zend\EventManager\EventManager::triggerListeners() (zendframework#2924)
- 2929: SetCookie::getFieldValue() always uses urlencode() for cookie values, even in case they are already encoded (zendframework#2929)
- 2930: Add minor test coverage to MvcEvent (zendframework#2930)
- 2932: Sessions: SessionConfig does not allow setting non-directory save path (zendframework#2932)
- 2937: preserve matched route name within route match instance while forwarding... (zendframework#2937)
- 2940: change 'Cloud\Decorator\Tag' to 'Cloud\Decorator\AbstractTag' (zendframework#2940)
- 2941: Logical operator fix : 'or' change to '||' and 'and' change to '&&' (zendframework#2941)
- 2952: Various Zend\Mvc\Router\Http routers turn + into a space in path segments (zendframework#2952)
- 2957: Make Partial proxy to view render function (zendframework#2957)
- 2971: Zend\Http\Cookie undefined self::CONTEXT_REQUEST (zendframework#2971)
- 2976: Fix for #2541 (zendframework#2976)
- 2981: Controller action HttpResponse is not used by SendResponseListener (zendframework#2981)
- 2983: replaced all calls to $this->xpath with $this->getXpath() to always have... (zendframework#2983)
- 2986: Add class to file missing a class (fixes #2789) (zendframework#2986)
- 2987: fixed Zend\Session\Container::exchangeArray (zendframework#2987)
- 2994: Fixes #2993 - Add missing asterisk to method docblock (zendframework#2994)
- 2997: Fixing abstract factory instantiation time (zendframework#2997)
- 2999: Fix for GitHub issue 2579 (zendframework#2999)
- 3002: update master's resources/ja Zend_Validate.php message (zendframework#3002)
- 3003: Adding tests for zendframework#2593 (zendframework#3003)
- 3006: Hotfix for #2497 (zendframework#3006)
- 3007: Fix for issue 3001 Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Between fails with min and max ... (zendframework#3007)
- 3008: Hotfix for #2482 (zendframework#3008)
- 3009: Hotfix for #2451 (zendframework#3009)
- 3013: Solved Issue 2857 (zendframework#3013)
- 3025: Removing the separator between the hidden and the visible inputs. As the... (zendframework#3025)
- 3027: Reduced #calls of plugin() in PhpRenderer using a cache mechanism (zendframework#3027)
- 3029: Fixed the pre-commit script, missed the fix command (zendframework#3029)
- 3030: Mark module as loaded before trigginer EVENT_LOAD_MODULE (zendframework#3030)
- 3031: Zend\Db\Sql Fix for Insert's Merge and Set capabilities with simlar keys (zendframework#3031)
- 2244: Fix for issue ZF2-503 (zendframework#2244)
- 2318: Allow to remove decimals in CurrencyFormat (zendframework#2318)
- 2363: Hotfix db features with eventfeature (zendframework#2363)
- 2380: ZF2-482 Attempt to fix the buffer. Also added extra unit tests. (zendframework#2380)
- 2392: Update library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Platform/Mysql.php (zendframework#2392)
- 2395: Fix for http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF2-571 (zendframework#2395)
- 2397: Memcached option merge issuse (zendframework#2397)
- 2402: Adding missing dependencies (zendframework#2402)
- 2404: Fix to comments (zendframework#2404)
- 2416: Fix expressionParamIndex for AbstractSql (zendframework#2416)
- 2420: Zend\Db\Sql\Select: Fixed issue with join expression named parameters overlapping. (zendframework#2420)
- 2421: Update library/Zend/Http/Header/SetCookie.php (zendframework#2421)
- 2422: fix add 2 space after @param in Zend\Loader (zendframework#2422)
- 2423: ManagerInterface must be interface, remove 'interface' description (zendframework#2423)
- 2425: Use built-in Travis composer (zendframework#2425)
- 2426: Remove need of setter in ClassMethods hydrator (zendframework#2426)
- 2432: Prevent space before end of tag with HTML5 doctype (zendframework#2432)
- 2433: fix for setJsonpCallback not called when recieved JsonModel + test (zendframework#2433)
- 2434: added phpdoc in Zend\Db (zendframework#2434)
- 2437: Hotfix/console 404 reporting (zendframework#2437)
- 2438: Improved previous fix for ZF2-558. (zendframework#2438)
- 2440: Turkish Translations for Captcha and Validate (zendframework#2440)
- 2441: Allow form collection to have any helper (zendframework#2441)
- 2516: limit(20) -> generates LIMIT '20' and throws an IllegalQueryException (zendframework#2516)
- 2545: getSqlStringForSqlObject() returns an invalid SQL statement with LIMIT and OFFSET clauses (zendframework#2545)
- 2595: Pgsql adapater has codes related to MySQL (zendframework#2595)
- 2613: Prevent password to be rendered if form validation fails (zendframework#2613)
- 2617: Fixed Zend\Validator\Iban class name (zendframework#2617)
- 2619: Form enctype fix when File elements are within a collection (zendframework#2619)
- 2620: InputFilter/Input when merging was not using raw value (zendframework#2620)
- 2622: Added ability to specify port (zendframework#2622)
- 2624: Form's default input filters added multiple times (zendframework#2624)
- 2630: fix relative link ( remove the relative links ) in README.md (zendframework#2630)
- 2631: Update library/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php (zendframework#2631)
- 2633: fix redundance errors "The input does not appear to be a valid date" show twice (zendframework#2633)
- 2635: Fix potential issue with Sitemap test (zendframework#2635)
- 2636: add isset checks around timeout and maxredirects (zendframework#2636)
- 2641: hotfix : formRow() element error multi-checkbox and radio renderError not shown (zendframework#2641)
- 2642: Fix Travis build for CS issue (zendframework#2642)
- 2643: fix for setJsonpCallback not called when recieved JsonModel + test (zendframework#2643)
- 2644: Add fluidity to the prepare() function for a form (zendframework#2644)
- 2652: Zucchi/filter tweaks (zendframework#2652)
- 2665: pdftest fix (zendframework#2665)
- 2666: fixed url change (zendframework#2666)
- 2667: Possible fix for rartests (zendframework#2667)
- 2669: skip whem gmp is loaded (zendframework#2669)
- 2673: Input fallback value option (zendframework#2673)
- 2676: mysqli::close() never called (zendframework#2676)
- 2677: added phpdoc to Zend\Stdlib (zendframework#2677)
- 2678: Zend\Db\Adapter\Sqlsrv\Sqlsrv never calls Statement\initialize() (fix within) (zendframework#2678)
- 2679: Zend/Log/Logger.php using incorrect php errorLevel (zendframework#2679)
- 2680: Cache: fixed bug on getTotalSpace of filesystem and dba adapter (zendframework#2680)
- 2681: Cache/Dba: fixed notices on tearDown db4 tests (zendframework#2681)
- 2682: Replace 'Configuration' with 'Config' when retrieving configuration (zendframework#2682)
- 2683: Hotfix: Allow items from Abstract Factories to have setShared() called (zendframework#2683)
- 2685: Remove unused Uses (zendframework#2685)
- 2686: Adding code to allow EventManager trigger listeners using wildcard identifier (zendframework#2686)
- 2687: Hotfix/db sql nested expressions (zendframework#2687)
- 2688: Hotfix/tablegateway event feature (zendframework#2688)
- 2689: Hotfix/composer phpunit (zendframework#2689)
- 2690: Use RFC-3339 full-date format (Y-m-d) in Date element (zendframework#2690)
- 2691: join on conditions don't accept alternatives to columns (zendframework#2691)
- 2693: Update library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Driver/Mysqli/Connection.php (zendframework#2693)
- 2694: Bring fluid interface to Feed Writer (zendframework#2694)
- 2698: fix typo in # should be :: in exception (zendframework#2698)
- 2699: fix elseif in javascript Upload Demo (zendframework#2699)
- 2700: fix cs in casting variable (zendframework#2700)
- 2705: Fix french translation (zendframework#2705)
- 2707: Improved error message when ServiceManager does not find an invokable class (zendframework#2707)
- 2710: #2461 - correcting the url encoding of path segments (zendframework#2710)
- 2711: Fix/demos ProgressBar/ZendForm.php : Object of class Zend\Form\Form could not be converted to string (zendframework#2711)
- 2712: fix cs casting variable for (array) (zendframework#2712)
- 2713: Update library/Zend/Mvc/Service/ViewHelperManagerFactory.php (zendframework#2713)
- 2714: Don't add separator if not prefixing columns (zendframework#2714)
- 2717: Extends when it can : Validator\DateStep extends Validator\Date to reduce code redundancy (zendframework#2717)
- 2719: Fixing the Cache Storage Factory Adapter Factory (zendframework#2719)
- 2728: Bad Regex for Content Type header (zendframework#2728)
- 2731: Reset the Order part when resetting Select (zendframework#2731)
- 2732: Removed references to Mysqli in Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pgsql (zendframework#2732)
- 2733: fix @package Zend_Validate should be Zend_Validator (zendframework#2733)
- 2734: fix i18n @package and @subpackage value (zendframework#2734)
- 2736: fix captcha helper test. (zendframework#2736)
- 2737: Issue #2728 - Bad Regex for Content Type header (zendframework#2737)
- 2738: fix link 'quickstart' to version 2.0 (zendframework#2738)
- 2739: remove '@subpackage' because Zend\Math is not in subpackage (zendframework#2739)
- 2742: remove () in echo-ing (zendframework#2742)
- 2749: Fix for #2678 (Zend\Db's Sqlsrv Driver) (zendframework#2749)
- 2750: Adds the ability to instanciate by factory to AbstractPluginManager (zendframework#2750)
- 2754: add the support to register module paths over namespace (zendframework#2754)
- 2755: remove Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginBroker from aliases in "$defaultServiceConfig" (zendframework#2755)
- 2759: Fix Zend\Code\Scanner\TokenArrayScanner (zendframework#2759)
- 2764: Fixed Zend\Math\Rand::getString() to pass the parameter $strong to ::getBytes() (zendframework#2764)
- 2765: Csrf: always use dedicated setter (zendframework#2765)
- 2766: Session\Storage: always preserve REQUEST_ACCESS_TIME (zendframework#2766)
- 2768: Zend\Validator dependency is missed in Zend\Cache composer.json (zendframework#2768)
- 2769: change valueToLDAP to valueToLdap and valueFromLDAP to valueFromLdap (zendframework#2769)
- 2770: Memcached (zendframework#2770)
- 2775: Zend\Db\Sql: Fix for Mysql quoting during limit and offset (zendframework#2775)
- 2776: Allow whitespace in Iban (zendframework#2776)
- 2777: Fix issue when PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR is defined but Unicode support is not enabled on PCRE (zendframework#2777)
- 2778: Undefined Index fix in ViewHelperManagerFactory (zendframework#2778)
- 2779: Allow forms that have been added as fieldsets to bind values to bound ob... (zendframework#2779)
- 2782: Issue 2781 (zendframework#2782)
- 2383: Changed unreserved char definition in Zend\Uri (ZF2-533) and added shell escaping to the test runner (zendframework#2383)
- 2393: Trying to solve issue ZF2-558 (zendframework#2393)
- 2398: Segment route: add fix for optional groups within optional groups (zendframework#2398)
- 2400: Use 'Router' in http env and 'HttpRouter' in cli (zendframework#2400)
- 2401: Better precision for userland fmod algorithm (zendframework#2401)
- 2285: Seed RouteMatch params as long as params is set. This permits setting an empty array. (zendframework#2285)
- 2286: prepareNotFoundViewModel listner - eventResult as ViewModel if set (zendframework#2286)
- 2290: $label only when filled (zendframework#2290)
- 2292: Allow (int)0 in coomments count in entry feed (zendframework#2292)
- 2295: force to check className parameters (zendframework#2295)
- 2296: mini-fix in controller plugin manager (zendframework#2296)
- 2297: fixed phpdoc in Zend\Mvc\ApplicationInterface (zendframework#2297)
- 2298: Update to Date element use statements to make it clearer which DateTime (zendframework#2298)
- 2300: FormRow translate label fix (#ZF2-516) (zendframework#2300)
- 2302: Notifications now to #zftalk.dev (zendframework#2302)
- 2306: Fix several cs (zendframework#2306)
- 2307: Removed comment about non existent Zend_Tool (zendframework#2307)
- 2308: Fix pluginmanager get method error (zendframework#2308)
- 2309: Add consistency with event name (zendframework#2309)
- 2310: Update library/Zend/Db/Sql/Select.php (zendframework#2310)
- 2311: Version update (zendframework#2311)
- 2312: Validator Translations (zendframework#2312)
- 2313: ZF2-336: Zend\Form adds enctype attribute as multipart/form-data (zendframework#2313)
- 2317: Make Fieldset constructor consistent with parent Element class (zendframework#2317)
- 2321: ZF2-534 Zend\Log\Writer\Syslog prevents setting application name (zendframework#2321)
- 2322: Jump to cache-storing instead of returning (zendframework#2322)
- 2323: Conditional statements improved(minor changes). (zendframework#2323)
- 2324: Fix for ZF2-517: Zend\Mail\Header\GenericHeader fails to parse empty header (zendframework#2324)
- 2328: Wrong __clone method (zendframework#2328)
- 2331: added validation support for optgroups (zendframework#2331)
- 2332: README-GIT update with optional pre-commit hook (zendframework#2332)
- 2334: Mail\Message::getSubject() should return value the way it was set (zendframework#2334)
- 2335: ZF2-511 Updated refactored names and other fixes (zendframework#2335)
- 2336: ZF-546 Remove duplicate check for time (zendframework#2336)
- 2337: ZF2-539 Input type of image should not have attribute value (zendframework#2337)
- 2338: ZF2-543: removed linked but not implemented cache adapters (zendframework#2338)
- 2341: Updated Zend_Validate.php pt_BR translation to 25.Jul.2011 EN Revision (zendframework#2341)
- 2342: ZF2-549 Zend\Log\Formatter\ErrorHandler does not handle complex events (zendframework#2342)
- 2346: updated Page\Mvc::isActive to check if the controller param was tinkered (zendframework#2346)
- 2349: Zend\Feed Added unittests for more code coverage (zendframework#2349)
- 2350: Bug in Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\LocatorRegistrationListener (zendframework#2350)
- 2351: ModuleManagerInterface is never used (zendframework#2351)
- 2352: Hotfix for AbstractDb and Csrf Validators (zendframework#2352)
- 2354: Update library/Zend/Feed/Writer/AbstractFeed.php (zendframework#2354)
- 2355: Allow setting CsrfValidatorOptions in constructor (zendframework#2355)
- 2356: Update library/Zend/Http/Cookies.php (zendframework#2356)
- 2357: Update library/Zend/Barcode/Object/AbstractObject.php (zendframework#2357)
- 2358: Update library/Zend/ServiceManager/AbstractPluginManager.php (zendframework#2358)
- 2359: Update library/Zend/Server/Method/Parameter.php (zendframework#2359)
- 2361: Zend\Form Added extra unit tests and some code improvements (zendframework#2361)
- 2364: Remove unused use statements (zendframework#2364)
- 2365: Resolve undefined classes and constants (zendframework#2365)
- 2366: fixed typo in Zend\View\HelperPluginManager (zendframework#2366)
- 2370: Error handling in AbstractWriter::write using Zend\Stdlib\ErrorHandler (zendframework#2370)
- 2372: Update library/Zend/ServiceManager/Config.php (zendframework#2372)
- 2375: zend-inputfilter already requires (zendframework#2375)
- 2376: Activate the new GitHub feature: Contributing Guidelines (zendframework#2376)
- 2377: Update library/Zend/Mvc/Controller/AbstractController.php (zendframework#2377)
- 2379: Typo in property name in Zend/Db/Metadata/Object/AbstractTableObject.php (zendframework#2379)
- 2382: PHPDoc params in AbstractTableGateway.php (zendframework#2382)
- 2384: Replace Router with Http router in url view helper (zendframework#2384)
- 2387: Replace PHP internal fmod function because it gives false negatives (zendframework#2387)
- 2388: Proposed fix for ZF2-569 validating float with trailing 0's (10.0, 10.10) (zendframework#2388)
- 2391: clone in Filter\FilterChain (zendframework#2391)
- Security fix: a number of classes were not using the Escaper component in order to perform URL, HTML, and/or HTML attribute escaping. Please see http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2012-03 for more details.