Starred repositories
A curated, collaborative list of awesome Cashu resources
Experts.js is the easiest way to create and deploy OpenAI's Assistants and link them together as Tools to create advanced Multi AI Agent Systems with expanded memory and attention to detail.
We write your reusable computer vision tools. 💜
Proxy server that generates API specs for any app or website on localhost.
Connecting lightning wallets to your webapp has never been easier. Enable WebLN in all browsers with a single button
Collection of helpful building blocks and tools to develop Bitcoin Lightning web apps
Find people you know from other social media sites on nostr
🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
A nostr client for finding and posting Bounties
Redefined chart library built with React and D3
A high-performance nostr relay, using PostgreSQL. (Thanks to for their generous donation!)
Publish large files in small chunks on nostr and retrieve/reassemble them with ease.
Nostr Development Kit with outbox-model support
An open-source, AI-powered text editor inspired by
Lightning Node Connect npm module for web
A Nostr RelayPool implementation in TypeScript using only nostr-tools library as a dependency
Convenient starter for Lightning Network driven web apps.
Youtube tutorial on how to implement lnurl-auth in react