A DDD framework for large and complex TypeScript/JavaScript applications
- DDD principles
- CQRS Architecture
- Event-driven Architecture
- Incremental updates
- Reactive programming
- Immutable state
- Type-friendly APIs
- Framework-agnostic(React/Vue supported officially)
- SSR support
A domain is like a component of your application. But not for the UIs, it's for your business logic.
All related things are encapsuled in the domain.
A domain can have as many resources listed in below as you want.
- Domain States: the state you want to store in the domain.
- Domain Entities: the entity you want to store in the domain. An entity must has a unique identifier as key.
- Domain Events: identify something happened in the domain.
- Domain Commands: update states/entities or emit events or do nothing.
- Domain Queries: query states/entities or deriving another query.
- Domain Effects: An observable that perform side-effect and send commands or events.
For any domains, only domain-query
, domain-command
, domain-event
can be exposed to the outside.
and domain-entity
are not exposed to the outside and can't be touched directly out of the domain.
For the consumers of any domains.
The only way to read states or entities is through
for preventing invalid read. -
The only way to update states or entities is through
for preventing invalid update.
# Install remesh and rxjs via npm
npm install --save remesh rxjs
# Install remesh and rxjs via yarn
yarn add remesh rxjs
You can edit it in stackblitz
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import { interval } from 'rxjs'
import { map, switchMap, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'
type ChangeMode = 'increment' | 'decrement'
* Define your domain model
export const CountDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'CountDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
* Define your domain's related states
const CountState = domain.state({
name: 'CountState',
default: 0,
* Define your domain's related events
const CountChangedEvent = domain.event<number>({
name: 'CountChangedEvent',
* Define your domain's related commands
const SetCountCommand = domain.command({
name: 'SetCountCommand',
impl: ({}, count: number) => {
* Update the domain's state and emit the related event
return [CountState().new(count), CountChangedEvent(count)]
* Define your domain's related queries
const CountQuery = domain.query({
name: 'CountQuery',
impl: ({ get }) => {
* Get the domain's state
return get(CountState())
* You can use a command in another command
const IncreaseCountCommand = domain.command({
name: 'IncreaseCountCommand',
impl: ({ get }, count: number = 1) => {
return SetCountCommand(get(CountState()) + count)
* You can use a command in another command
const DecreaseCountCommand = domain.command({
name: 'IncreaseCountCommand',
impl: ({ get }, count: number = 1) => {
return SetCountCommand(get(CountState()) - count)
const ChangeCountByModeCommand = domain.command({
name: 'ChangeCountByModeCommand',
impl: ({}, mode: ChangeMode) => {
if (mode === 'increment') return IncreaseCountCommand()
if (mode === 'decrement') return DecreaseCountCommand()
return null
* Define an event for starting increment or decrement periodically
const StartEvent = domain.event<ChangeMode>({
name: 'StartEvent',
* Define an event for stopping signal
const StopEvent = domain.event({
name: 'StopEvent',
* Define your domain's related effects
name: 'IncrementCountEffect',
impl: ({ fromEvent }) => {
return fromEvent(StartEvent).pipe(
switchMap((mode) => {
return interval(100).pipe(
map(() => ChangeCountByModeCommand(mode)),
// finished when received stop event
* Expose domain resources
return {
query: {
command: {
event: {
* You can make an event subscribe-only for the consumers outside of domain
CountChangedEvent: CountChangedEvent.toSubscribeOnlyEvent(),
import { StrictMode } from 'react'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import * as React from 'react'
import { RemeshRoot, useRemeshDomain, useRemeshQuery, useRemeshSend, useRemeshEvent } from 'remesh-react'
import { CountDomain } from './domain'
export const Counter = () => {
* use remesh send for sending commands
const send = useRemeshSend()
* read domain via useRemeshDomain
const countDomain = useRemeshDomain(CountDomain())
* read domain query via useRemeshQuery
const count = useRemeshQuery(countDomain.query.CountQuery())
const handleIncrement = () => {
* send command to domain
const handleDecrement = () => {
* send command to domain
const handleStartIncrease = () => {
* send event to domain
const handleStartDecrease = () => {
* send event to domain
const handleStop = () => {
* send event to domain
* listen to the domain event via useRemeshEvent
useRemeshEvent(countDomain.event.CountChangedEvent, (count) => {
return (
<div id="container" style={{ textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 28 }}>
<h1 id="count">{count}</h1>
<button style={{ height: 40 }} onClick={handleStartIncrease}>
start increase
</button> <button style={{ height: 40 }} onClick={handleIncrement}>
</button> <button style={{ height: 40 }} onClick={handleStop}>
</button> <button style={{ height: 40 }} onClick={handleDecrement}>
</button> <button style={{ height: 40 }} onClick={handleStartDecrease}>
start decrease
</button>{' '}
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
const root = createRoot(rootElement)
<Counter />
- How to define a domain?
- How to define a state?
- How to define a command?
- How to read the state in command?
- How to define a query?
- How to update the state?
- How to define an event?
- How to emit an event in command?
- How to update multiple states?
- How not to do anything in command?
- How to pass arg to domain query?
- How to pass arg to domain command?
- How to define an effect?
- How to define an entity?
- How to use domain in react component?
- How to pass a remesh store to react component?
- How to attach logger?
- How to connect redux-devtools?
- How to fetch async resources in domain?
- How to manage a list in domain?
- How to define a custom module for reusing logic between domains?
- How to access other domains?
- How to subscribe to events or queries or commands in domain-effect?
- How to create and use remesh store directly?
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
// define your domain's related resources
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourState = domain.state({
name: 'YourState',
default: 0,
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }) => {
// do something
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourState = domain.state({
name: 'YourState',
default: 0,
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }, ...args) => {
const state = get(YourState())
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourState = domain.state({
name: 'YourState',
default: 0,
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }, ...args) => {
return YourState().new(get(YourState()) + 1)
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourQuery = domain.query({
name: 'YourQuery',
impl: ({ get }) => {
// do something
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourEvent = domain.event({
name: 'YourEvent',
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourEvent = domain.event<number>({
name: 'YourEvent',
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }) => {
// just return an event in command
return YourEvent(42)
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const AState = domain.state({
name: 'AState',
default: 0,
const BState = domain.state({
name: 'BState',
default: 0,
const CEvent = domain.event<number>({
name: 'CEvent',
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }) => {
// return a list
return [AState().new(get(AState()) + 1), BState().new(get(BState()) + 1), CEvent(42)]
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: () => {
return null
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourQuery = domain.query({
name: 'YourQuery',
impl: ({ get }, arg: number) => {
// do something
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({ get }, arg: number) => {
// do something
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
// import rxjs for domain effect management
import { interval } from 'rxjs'
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourEffect = domain.effect({
name: 'YourEffect',
impl: ({ get }) => {
// send command to downstream
return interval().pipe(map(() => YourCommand()))
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
type Todo = {
id: number
title: string
completed: boolean
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
* Every entity should has a unique key
const YourEntity = domain.entity<Todo>({
name: 'YourEntity',
key: (todo) => todo.id.toString(),
# via npm
npm install --save remesh-react
# via yarn
yarn add remesh-react
For react v18
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { RemeshRoot, useRemeshDomain, useRemeshQuery, useRemeshEvent, useRemeshSend } from 'remesh-react'
const YourComponent = () => {
const send = useRemeshSend()
const domain = useRemeshDomain(YourDomain())
const data = useRemeshQuery(domain.query.YourQuery(queryArg))
const handleClick = () => {
useRemeshEvent(domain.event.YourEvent, (event) => {
// do something
return <></>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))
<YourComponent />
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))
const store = Remesh.store()
<RemeshRoot store={store}>
<YourComponent />
# via npm
npm install --save remesh-logger
# via yarn
yarn add remesh-logger
import { RemeshLogger } from 'remesh-logger'
const store = Remesh.store({
inspectors: [RemeshLogger()],
<RemeshRoot store={store}>
<YourComponent />
# via npm
npm install --save remesh-redux-devtools
# via yarn
yarn add remesh-redux-devtools
import { RemeshReduxDevtools } from 'remesh-redux-devtools'
const store = Remesh.store({
inspectors: [RemeshReduxDevtools()],
<RemeshRoot store={store}>
<YourComponent />
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import { AsyncModule } from 'remesh/modules/async'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourAsyncTask = AsyncModule(domain, {
name: 'YourAsyncTask',
load: async ({ get }, arg: number) => {
const response = fetch('/path/to/api?arg=' + arg)
const json = await response.json()
return json
onSuccess: (json) => {
return MySuccessCommand(json)
onFailed: (error) => {
return MyFailedCommand(error.message)
onLoading: () => {
return MyLoadingCommand()
onCanceled: () => {
return MyCanceledCommand()
onChanged: () => {
return MyChangedCommand()
return {
command: {
LoadCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.LoadCommand,
CanceledCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.CanceledCommand,
ReloadCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.ReloadCommand,
event: {
SuccessEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.SuccessEvent,
FailedEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.FailedEvent,
LoadingEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.LoadingEvent,
CanceledEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.CanceledEvent,
ChangedEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.ChangedEvent,
import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import { ListModule } from 'remesh/modules/list'
type Todo = {
id: number
title: string
completed: boolean
const TodoListDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'TodoListDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const TodoList = ListModule(domain, {
name: 'TodoList',
key: (todo) => todo.id.toString(),
return {
command: {
AddItemCommand: TodoList.command.AddItemCommand,
DeleteItemCommand: TodoList.command.DeleteItemCommand,
UpdateItemCommand: TodoList.command.UpdateItemCommand,
AddItemListCommand: TodoList.command.AddItemListCommand,
DeleteItemListCommand: TodoList.command.DeleteItemListCommand,
UpdateItemListCommand: TodoList.command.UpdateItemListCommand,
InsertBeforeCommand: TodoList.command.InsertBeforeCommand,
InsertAfterCommand: TodoList.command.InsertAfterCommand,
InsertAtCommand: TodoList.command.InsertAtCommand,
import { Remesh, RemeshDomainContext, Capitalize } from 'Remesh'
* Capitalize is a helper type to constraint the name should start with upper case.
export type TextModuleOptions = {
name: Capitalize
default?: string
* TextModule is a module for text.
* Receiving a domain as fixed argument, you can use it in any domain by passing domain as argument.
* The second argument is your custom options.
export const TextModule = (domain: RemeshDomainContext, options: TextModuleOptions) => {
const TextState = domain.state({
name: `${options.name}.TextState`,
default: options.default ?? '',
const TextQuery = domain.query({
name: `${options.name}.TextQuery`,
impl: ({ get }) => get(TextState()),
const SetTextCommand = domain.command({
name: `${options.name}.SetTextCommand`,
impl: ({}, current: string) => {
return TextState().new(current)
const ClearTextCommand = domain.command({
name: `${options.name}.ClearTextCommand`,
impl: ({}) => {
return TextState().new('')
const ResetCommand = domain.command({
name: `${options.name}.ResetCommand`,
impl: ({}) => {
return TextState().new(options.default ?? '')
return Remesh.module({
query: {
command: {
Using your custom remesh module in any domains like below:
import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'
import { TextModule } from 'my-custom-module'
const MyDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'MyDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
* Passing domain as fixed argument.
const Text = TextModule(domain, {
name: 'Text',
default: 'Hello, world!',
return {
command: {
SetTextCommand: Text.command.SetTextCommand,
ClearTextCommand: Text.command.ClearTextCommand,
ResetCommand: Text.command.ResetCommand,
event: {
TextChangedEvent: Text.event.TextChangedEvent,
import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'
const ADomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'ADomain',
impl: (domain) => {
return {
query: {
command: {
event: {
const BDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'BDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
return {
query: {
command: {
event: {
const MainDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'MainDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
* Accessing other domains via domain.getDomain(..)
const aDomain = domain.getDomain(ADomain())
const bDomain = domain.getDomain(BDomain())
return {
query: {
AQuery: A.query.AQuery,
BQuery: B.query.BQuery,
command: {
ACommand: A.command.ACommand,
BCommand: B.command.BCommand,
event: {
AEvent: A.event.AEvent,
BEvent: B.event.BEvent,
import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'
import { merge } from 'rxjs'
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'
const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
name: 'YourDomain',
impl: (domain) => {
const YourQuery = domain.query({
name: 'YourQuery',
impl: ({ get }) => get(YourState()),
const YourCommand = domain.command({
name: 'YourCommand',
impl: ({}, current: string) => {
return YourState().new(current)
const YourEvent = domain.event({
name: 'YourEvent',
impl: ({ get }) => get(YourState()),
name: 'YourEffect',
impl: ({ get, fromEvent, fromQuery, fromCommand }) => {
* Subscribe to events via fromEvent(..)
* The observable it returned will emit next value when the event is emitted.
const event$ = fromEvent(YourEvent())
* Subscribe to queries via fromQuery(..)
* The observable it returned will emit next value when the query is re-computed.
const query$ = fromQuery(YourQuery())
* Subscribe to commands via fromCommand(..)
* The observable it returned will emit next value when the command is called.
const command$ = fromCommand(YourCommand)
return merge(event$, query$, command$).pipe(map(() => [ACommand(), BCommand()]))
return {
query: {
command: {
event: {
import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'
import YourDomain from 'your-domain'
* Create a remesh store.
const store = Remesh.store()
* get domain from store.
const yourDomain = store.getDomain(YourDomain())
* ignite domain for activating domain-effect if needed
* subscribe the domain event
store.subscribeEvent(yourDomain.event.YourEvent, (event) => {
* subscribe the domain query
store.subscribeQuery(yourDomain.query.YourQuery(), (queryResult) => {
* send command to your domain
store.send(yourDomain.command.YourCommand('Hello, world!'))
* Discard target domain resources
* discard all resource
- remesh : the core package for define your domain
- remesh-react : the package for using remesh in react
- remesh-vue : the package for using remesh in vue
- remesh-logger : the package for logging
- remesh-redux-devtools : the package for redux-devtools