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Gruvbox for Xcode

How to Install

  1. Create Xcode custom themes folder: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/

    $ mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/
  2. Download *.dvtcolortheme files to this folder.

  3. Restart Xcode. Gruvbox dark and light themes will appear in Fonts & Colors list in Xcode Preferences.

Alternatively, you can also create symbolic links to your copy of Xcode *.dvtcolortheme files inside FontAndColorThemes folder.

For example,

  1. Clone gruvbox-contrib
  2. cd gruvbox-contrib/xcode
  3. Then
    ln -s `pwd`/"Gruvbox Dark (SF Mono 11).dvtcolortheme" ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/"Gruvbox Dark (SF Mono 11).dvtcolortheme"

If you are using fish shell, you can use this loop,

for file in *
    echo $file
    ln -s ""(pwd)/$file ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/$file""


Xcode themes have fonts embedded in them. Follow these steps to change font or font size,

Say you want to use Menlo font with 11.0 pt size.

  1. Create a copy of Gruvbox Dark (Inconsolata 14).dvtcolortheme
  2. Open it in your favorite editor
  3. Replace all instances of Inconsolata - 14.0 with Menlo-Regular - 11.0
  4. Save file and restart Xcode

Inconsolata Font

You can install Inconsolata font using brew cask. First make sure you have brew and Cask installed. Then follow these steps,

  1. brew tap caskroom/fonts
  2. brew cask install font-inconsolata


Xcode themes were generated with the help of following projects,

  1. jameshurst/gruvbox-templates
  2. talha131/gruvbox-templates