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Docker Files for Apache CloudStack

Dockerfiles used to build CloudStack images available on Docker hub.

Using images from docker-hub

CloudStack Simulator

CloudStack Simulator if a all on one CloudStack Build including the simulator that mimic Hypervisor. This is usefull to test CloudStack API behavior without having to deploy real hypervisor nodes. CloudStack Simulator is used for tests and CI.

docker pull cloudstack/simulator
docker run --name simulator -p 8080:8080 -d cloudstack/simulator

CloudStack Management-server

docker pull mysql:5.5
docker pull cloudstack/management_centos6
docker run --name cloudstack-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:5.5
docker run -ti --name cloudstack --link cloudstack-mysql:mysql -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8250:8250 cloudstack/management_centos6


Use marvin to deploy or test your CloudStack environment. Use Marvin with cloudstack connection thru the API port (8096)

docker pull cloudstack/marvin
docker run -ti --rm --name marvin --link simulator:8096 cloudstack/marvin

Deploy Cloud using marvin:

docker run -ti --rm --link simulator:8096 cloudstack/marvin python /root/tools/marvin/marvin/ -i /root/setup/dev/advanced.cfg

Perform Smoke tests against CloudStack Simulator containter:

docker run -ti --rm --link simulator:8096 \
  nosetests-2.7 -v --with-marvin \
  --marvin-config=dev/advanced.cfg \
  --with-xunit \
  --xunit-file=xunit.xml \
  -a tags=advanced,required_hardware=false \
  --zone=Sandbox-simulator \
  --hypervisor=simulator \
  -w integration/smoke

How to build images

Image provide by CloudStack are automatically build by Jenkins performing following tasks:

CentOS 6

CentOS 6 image use RPM's from tag:latest = master branch

  1. build the base image

    docker build -f Dockerfile.centos6 -t cloudstack/management_centos6 .
  2. on jenkins, database and systemvm.iso are pre-deployed. the inital start require privileged container to mount systemvm.iso and copy into it.

    docker run --name cloudstack-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:5.5
    docker run --privileged --link cloudstack-mysql:mysql -d --name cloudstack cloudstack/management_centos6
    sleep 300
    docker exec cloudstack /etc/init.d/cloudstack-management stop
    docker stop cloudstack
    docker commit -m "init system.iso" -a "Apache CloudStack" cloudstack cloudstack/management_centos6


Build Marvin container usable to deploy cloud in the CloudStack management server container.

  1. to build the image

    docker build -f Dockerfile.marvin -t cloudstack/marvin ../..


Build CloudStack with Simulator. this image is an all on one, including the database. Build from source using maven.

docker build -f Dockerfile -t cloudstack/simulator ../..