This document explains how to build «Streaming Movies Demo» app docker image and run it in Kubernetes.
Artifactory docker registry
GCP docker registry
for GCP-
Build an image and push to the docker registry:
./gradlew build jib
You also can build to a local tar:
./gradlew build jibBuildTar
For local test via docker:
docker pull ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}/streaming-movie-ratings:latest docker run -ti -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-DLOGLEVEL=INFO" --rm ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}/streaming-movie-ratings:latest
cat ./data/movies.dat | ccloud produce -t raw-movies cat ./data/ratings.dat | ccloud produce -t raw-ratings
confluent consume rated-movies --cloud --value-format avro --property schema.registry.url= --property basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO --property<user_key> --from-beginning
or use CCloud UI (TBD add screenshot)
Start raw rating generator
./gradlew loader:streamWithRawRatingStreamer -PconfigPath=$HOME/.ccloud/config
NoteI recommend to run the raw rating generator in a separate terminal window so you can interrupt it with Ctrl+C
gcloud container clusters create kafka-streams-cluster \
--num-nodes 2 \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--zone us-east1-c
kubectl create -f movie-ratings-deployment.yaml
you can start another window to watch the logs:
kubectl logs `kubectl get pods -l app=streaming-movie-ratings -o=name` -f
confluent consume rated-movies --cloud --value-format avro --property schema.registry.url= --property basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO --property --from-beginning
kubectl scale deployment streams-stock-stats --replicas=3 #(1)
Having more than 3 instances is pointless since we only have 3 partitions in our topic
Since we only configured 2 nodes and our deployment has "Anti-Affinity" properties, only 2 of the 3 instances will be scheduled (one on each node) and one will be pending.
Is you wish to add more nodes in the Kubernetes cluster nodes pool you can do that with the command
gcloud container clusters resize kafka-streams-cluster --size=3 --zone us-west1-c
You can see that by running:
kubectl get pods
Watch the logs for the rebalance and the output to see that the job just keeps running!
kubectl scale deployment streams-stock-stats --replicas=1
kubectl delete -f kafka-streams-stockstats-deployment.yaml
This example has a tiny tiny state, so if we restart a pod and the local state is lost and needs to be re-created, no big deal. But if you have large state, you’ll want to preserve it between restarts.
I configured shared storage, I didn’t worry about stateful network identity - since this example doesn’t include interactive queries. |
You can watch the pods getting created, note how they each have an identity:
kubectl get pods -w -l app=streams-stock-stats
Start the stateful set:
kubectl create -f kafka-streams-stockstats-stateful.yaml
Delete a pod and watch it restart with its old state:
kubectl delete pods streams-stock-stats-1
And finally, we can get rid of the entire set. Note that the storage will remain:
kubectl delete -f kafka-streams-stockstats-stateful.yaml