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About the data

File Description Source
earthquakes.geojson GeoJSON file of earthquakes occurring in 2020. USGS Earthquake API
NYC_subway_daily.csv Total entries and exits per day per NYC borough in 2017-2021. This was resampled from the original dataset created through some extensive data wrangling by Kaggle user Edden. Kaggle
stackoverflow_questions.json Data collected from the Stack Overflow API's /search endpoint for a few tags. Stack Exchange Network
stackoverflow_tag_co_occurrences.csv Data from stackoverflow.csv transformed to determine co-occurrences of tags (see the collection/stackoverflow.ipynb notebook. Stack Exchange Network Data from stackoverflow_questions.json transformed to include Boolean columns indicating whether each question (row) was tagged with each of the libraries in question. Stack Exchange Network 2019 flight statistics for flights to/from the United States. United States Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics
weather.csv Daily weather observations for a few U.S. cities in 2020. NCDC API

Note: The code to collect and generate these files can be found in the collection directory where applicable.