liseami / screenshot-to-code
Forked from abi/screenshot-to-codeDrop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
An address generator for populating real addresses for China, USA, UK, Germany, France and 22 other countries.一个用于填充真实地址的地址生成器,可以生成中国,美国,英国,德国,法国等22个国家的真实地址
qiin2333 / Sunshine-Foundation
Forked from LizardByte/SunshineSunshine is a Gamestream host for Moonlight.
ImSingee / hammal
Forked from tomwei7/hammaldocker-registry proxy run in cloudflare workers
wyx2685 / XrayR
Forked from XrayR-project/XrayRA Xray backend framework that can easily support many panels. 一个基于Xray的后端框架,支持V2ay,Trojan,Shadowsocks协议,极易扩展,支持多面板对接
Misaka-blog / 3x-ui
Forked from MHSanaei/3x-ui基于 3x-ui 原项目的个人优化版
cmliu / edgetunnel
Forked from zizifn/edgetunnel在原版的基础上修改了显示 VLESS 配置信息转换为订阅内容。使用该脚本,你可以方便地将 VLESS 配置信息使用在线配置转换到 Clash 或 Singbox 等工具中。
testnobody / azure-manager
Forked from 1injex/azure-managerManage your azure VM easily!
BlueSkyXN-Backup / MHDDoS
Forked from MatrixTM/MHDDoSBest DDoS Attack Script Python3, Cyber Attack With 36 Method
thatCbin / netease-cloud
Forked from ZainCheung/netease-cloud网易云音乐全自动每日打卡300首歌升级账号等级,支持微信提醒,支持无服务器云函数部署
A ShadowsocksR client for Android
E7KMbb / AD-hosts
Forked from topjohnwu/magisk-module-installer为屏蔽广告而生