This is a component than can change the style at a second. I write it in 2015, and I felt upset to globally style changing. So finally, I write this component for myself.
Just conform a protocol named 'HbbStyleControlDelegate', which actually read style from a configuration file.
And of cause, I can update the style when I call the method named 'hbbStyleControlChangeStyle', from father view.
ios皮肤/样式更换 适配xib和代码
#优势 1.兼容xib,解决以往xib上难以统一全局样式的问题
2.由于在项目上定义了很多样式控件, 在xib上拉空间的时候并不需要对样式进行设置, 而是直接继承写好的样式类,加快了开发的进度, 并且避免了团队开发中每个人对样式定义的误差
#具体配置 #1. 编写一个样式类
import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
import "HbbUIStyleConstant.h"
import "HbbUIStyleHelper.h"
//暖色 超大字体 标签
@interface S_WarmColorBigestFontLabel : UILabel
import "S_WarmColorBigestFontLabel.h"
@implementation S_WarmColorBigestFontLabel
- (void)hbbStyleControlChangeStyle { UIColor *color = [HbbUIStyleHelper colorWithKey:kHbbUIStyleColorStyleWarmTextColor]; NSInteger fontSize = [HbbUIStyleHelper fontSizeWithKey:kHbbUIStyleFontSizeStyleBigestFontSize]; self.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]; self.textColor = color; }