Welcome to Tezasia '23 Hackathon powered by Tezos India Please find attached the rules and steps to submit your project for the hackathon :
Fork the given repository to your github profile
After forking the repository , clone repository to your pc/desktop, and then create a folder with your TeamName as the folder name .
Upload Your code base in this folder. This should include all your files for frontend as well as backend
- Make sure to include your smart contract code in a file and upload it here.
In your TeamName folder , make sure to include the above details in the Readme.md :
- Your Project
- Your Project's Description
- What problem you are trying to solve
- Tech Stack used while building the project
- Project Demo Photos, Videos
- Your Deployed Smart Contract's Link
- If your project is deployed , then include the Live Project Link
- Your PPT link ( Make sure to upload the PPT in this folder along the project )
- Your Team members Info.
After you have uploaded your files and code base create an issue in main repository as : Issue : Team Name : Submission Issue description should include a small glimpse of your project , what is it doing, how are you trying to achieve it. After the issue is assigned Make a Pull request from your Local repo to the main/master branch while mentioning the issue no assigned to it.
- Make sure you fork the repository first, and create a folder of your team name.
- Make all your code addition to your local branch , and then push the code to main branch after your project is complete .
- Make sure to send or add files to only your folder.
- Changing or doing any edits to other folders is strictly prohibitted.