- This sdk provides a simple filesystem like interface to Bitcasa CloudFS service.
- It enables application to create authenticated RESTful interfaces to filesystem objects in end-user's CloudFS account.
- Supports current set of CloudFS rest apis except following features.
- File upload does not support reuse exists option.
- Cannot set application_data and properties on files or folders at creation time.
$ gem install cloudfs_sdk
# in Gemfile
gem 'cloudfs_sdk'
# in application
require 'cloudfs'
- Session: You need to initailize session with clientid, secret and api server host given in your CloudFS account.
session = CloudFS::Session.new(clientid, secret, host)
- Connection Configurations: Http connection configuration options are provided to support varied environment and usage scenarios: connect_timeout, receive_timeout, send_timeout, max_retries(http 500 level errors).
session = CloudFS::Session.new(clientid, secret, host, connect_timeout: 60,
receive_timeout: 120, send_timeout: 240, max_retries: 3)
- Authenticate: Authenticate the session with username and password of your CloudFS application.
session.authenticate(username, password)
- In order to log http wire trace initialize session with http_debug option with an object that responds to #<<. For example STDERR, STDOUT, File etc.
session = CloudFS::Session.new(clientid, secret, host, http_debug: STDERR)
# tests/hello_world.rb
require 'cloudfs'
if __FILE__ == $0
# Initialize Session
session = CloudFS::Session.new(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, BASE_URL)
session.is_linked? #=> false
# Authenticate session with test user credentials
session.is_linked? #=> true
# Access Filesystem and list root
fs = session.filesystem
puts "List items under root #{fs.root.list}"
# Create folder under root
folder = fs.root.create_folder("My First Folder", exists: 'OVERWRITE')
# Upload file in our new folder with string contents
file = folder.upload("Hello World!", name: "Hello.txt", exists: "OVERWRITE",
upload_io: true)
# Read file contents
file.tell #=> 0
puts "Read file content: #{file.read}"
# List folder
puts "List folder #{folder.list}"
# List root
puts "List items under root #{fs.root.list}"
# Permanently delete the folder that we created and file in it
folder.delete(commit: true, force: true)
# Unlink session
rescue CloudFS::Client::Errors::Error => error
puts error
puts error.class
puts error.code if error.respond_to?(:code)
puts error.request if error.respond_to?(:request)
puts error.response if error.respond_to?(:response)
puts error.backtrace if error.respond_to?(:backtrace)