Rather than write a full style guide, please follow by examples you see in the code. If you send me a patch, I will not reject it for style reasons (but I will fix it before it gets committed).
We support logging structured data, so please do that.
Rather than this:
@logger.info("Some error occured in request #{request} on input #{input} from client #{ip}")
Do this:
@logger.info("Some error occured in this request", :request => request, :input => input, :client => ip)
- comment everything you can think of.
- indentation: 2 spaces
- between methods: 1 line
- sort your requires
- long lines should wrap at 80 characters. If you wrap at an operator ('or', '+', etc) start the next line with that operator.
- parentheses on function definitions/calls
- explicit is better than implicit
- implicit returns are forbidden except in the case of a single expression
The point is consistency and documentation. If you see inconsistencies, let me know, and I'll fix them :)
Short example:
require "something from a gem" # from gem 'thing'
# some documentation about this class
class Foo < Bar
# some documentation about this function
def somefunc(arg1, arg2, arg3)
# comment
puts "Hello"
if (some_long_condition \
or some_other_condition)
puts "World"
end # if <very short description>
# Long lines should wrap and start with an operator if possible.
foo = some + long + formula + thing \
+ stuff + bar;
# Function calls, when wrapping, should align to the '(' where reasonable.
some_function_call(arg1, arg2, arg3, some_long_thing,
alignment_here, arg6)
# If it seems unreasonable, wrap and indent 4 spaces.
arg2, arg3, arg4)
# indent the 'when' inside a 'case'.
case foo
when "bar"
puts "Hello world"
when /testing/
puts "testing
puts "I got nothin'"
end # case foo
end # def somefunc
end # class Foo
Use of the "hash colon" syntax (ruby 1.9) is not accepted: { foo: "bar" }
String#[] with one numeric argument must not be used due to bugs between ruby versions.
- Do not use this: "foo"[0]
- Use this: "foo"[0,1]