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Coodesh Ruby on Rails Back-End Challenge

This is a challenge to test the Back-End skills using Ruby on Rails.

Challenge reference: Back-End Challenge 20210221

Description of the challenge

The objective of the challent is to develop a REST API for the FutureSpace Inc company following the requirements proposed.



The models must accomplish the Launch fields. Moreover, other two fields are required:

  • imported_t: Date field containing the day and hour of the importation;
  • status: Enum field with the values: draft, trash and published;

CRON job

Create a Cron job to run the rotine to import data from SpaceDevs API.


The REST API must have the following endpoints:

  • GET /: Returns the message "REST Back-end Challenge 20201209 Running"
  • PUT /launchers/:launchId: Responsible to update a specific launch (launchId)
  • DELETE /launchers/:launchId: Remove a launch (launchId) from the database
  • GET /launchers/:launchId: Get the launch (launchId) information
  • GET /launchers: List all launchers using pagination.


Differential 3 Write a security scheme using API KEY in the endpoints. Reference

Project installation

Assuming that you already have ruby installed, if not consult the guide, the next step is to configure the database.

Postgres database configuration

  • Create the user launch_app with createdb permission.
  • Set the LAUNCH_APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD environment variable with the launch_app user password.

The database credentials are used in the config/database.yml file.

Install the Gems

The required gems are listed in the Gemfile file. To install them, run the command:

    bundle install

Database creation

Run the command below to create the database:

    rails db:create

Then, run the following command to create the database tables and relations:

    rails db:migrate

Populating the database

There is a rake task - lib/tasks/launch_import.rake - to populate the database. Run the command below to execute this task.

    rake launch:import_launchs

Generating the API keys

To access any endpoint of the API, you will need a valid API key. To generate a set of 10 API keys and store them in the database (they are consulted by the application controllers), run the lib/tasks/api_key.rake task, using the following command:

    rake api_key:generate

Running the API

To run the API, run the rails server:

    rails s

Accessing the API endpoints

First of all, you will need a valid API key, so consult the api_keys table and get one key to use in the X-API-KEY header.

Example requests

  • GET /
     curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE'
  • GET /launchers
    • Without pagination params (returns 25 results)
       curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/launchers' \
       --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE'
    • With pagination params:
       curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/launchers?page=1&per_page=10' \
       --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE'
  • GET /launchers/:launchId
     curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/launchers/e3df2ecd-c239-472f-95e4-2b89b4f75800' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE'
  • PUT /launchers/:launchId
     curl --location --request PUT 'localhost:3000/launchers/e3df2ecd-c239-472f-95e4-2b89b4f75800' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
         "launch": {
             "name": "another launch",
             "status": 1,
             "program": "example program",
             "mission": {
                 "name": "example mission"
             "pad": {
                 "info_url": ""
  • DELETE /launchers/:launchId
     curl --location --request DELETE 'localhost:3000/launchers/48bc7deb-b2e1-46c2-ab63-0ce00fbd192b' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: API-KEY-VALUE'


Coodesh back-end challenge







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