This is a set of sample Kubernetes configuration files to launch Habitica under AWS, both as a single-node web frontend as well as a multi-node web frontend.
- An AWS account.
- A working Kubernetes installation.
- A basic understanding of how to use Kubernetes.
- A persistent volume for MongoDB data.
- Docker images of Habitica.
- You can use your own, or use the one included in the YAML files.
- If you use your own, you'll need a fork of the Habitica GitHub repo and your own Docker Hub repo, both of which are free.
- Set up Kubernetes.
- Create an EBS volume for MongoDB data.
- Make a note of the name, you'll need it later.
- Edit mongo.yaml
- Find the volumeID line.
- Change the volume to the one created in the section above.
- Run the following commands: create -f mongo.yaml create -f mongo-service.yaml
- Wait for the MongoDB pod to start up.
- Run the following commands: create -f habitica.yaml create -f habitica-service.yaml
- Wait for the frontend to start up.
- Run the following commands : create -f habitica-rc.yaml create -f habitica-service.yaml
- Wait for the frontend to start up.
Using kubectl describe svc habiticaweb
get the hostname generated for the Habitica service. Open a browser and go to http://hostname:3000 to access the web front-end for the installations above.
Shutting down is basically done by reversing the steps above: delete -f habitica-service.yaml delete -f habitica.yaml (or habitica-rc.yaml) delete -f mongo-service.yaml delete -f mongo.yaml
You can also just shut down all of Kubernetes as well.
- MongoDB data will be persistent! If you need to start with a fresh database, you'll need to remove the volume and re-create it.
- On AWS, you probably want to use at least t2.medium minion nodes for Kubernetes. The default t2.small is too small for more than two Habitica nodes.
- Multi-node MongoDB.
- Monitoring
- Instructions for a better hostname. The default generated ones stink.
- More to come....