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This tool uses ARSCLib to edit any apk resources and has three main features
java -jar APKEditor.jar -h
$ java -jar APKEditor.jar -h
APKEditor - x.x.x
Using: ARSCLib-x.x.x
Android binary resource files editor
java -jar APKEditor.jar <command> <args>
1) d | decode - Decodes android resources binary to readable json
2) b | build - Builds android binary from json
3) m | merge - Merges split apk files from directory
run with <command> -h to get detailed help about each command
Decompiles resources of apk to human readable json string.
java -jar APKEditor.jar d -i path/to/your-file.apk
$ java -jar APKEditor.jar d -i test.apk -o test_json
00.000 I: [DECOMPILE] Decompiling ...
Input: test.apk
Output: test_json
00.036 I: [DECOMPILE] Loading ...
00.129 I: [DECOMPILE] Decompiling to json ...
30.093 I: [DECOMPILE] Done
Builds back to apk from decompiled json files
java -jar APKEditor.jar b -i path/to/decompiled-directory
$ java -jar APKEditor.jar b -i test_json -o test_edited.apk
00.000 I: [BUILD] Building ...
Input: test_json/base
Output: test_edited.apk
00.048 I: [BUILD] Scanning directory ...
00.247 I: [BUILD] Writing apk...
22.032 [BUILD] Writing: method=STORED total=284921526 bytes : resources.arsc
25.009 I: [BUILD] Zip align ...
27.101 I: [BUILD] Saved to: test_edited.apk
30.217 I: [BUILD] Done
Merges multiple splitted apk (app bundles) to standalone apk
java -jar APKEditor.jar m -i path/to/directory-of-apk-files
$ java -jar APKEditor.jar m -i apk_files
00.049 I: [MERGE] Merging ...
Input: apk_files
Output: apk_files_merged.apk
00.050 I: [MERGE] Searching apk files ...
00.060 I: [MERGE] Found apk files: 3
00.192 I: [MERGE] Found modules: 3
00.302 I: [MERGE] Merging: base
00.307 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes.dex -> classes.dex
00.308 I: [MERGE] Merging resource table: base
01.302 I: [MERGE] Merging: config.xxhdpi-1
01.304 I: [MERGE] Merging resource table: config.xxhdpi-1
01.386 [MERGE] tum_ic_visibility_white_24.png
01.386 I: [MERGE] Merging: config.arm64_v8a-1
01.390 [MERGE] : lib/arm64-v8a/libnativeai.so
01.475 I: [MERGE] Sanitizing manifest ...
01.478 I: [MERGE] Removed: extractNativeLibs
01.480 I: [MERGE] Removed: isSplitRequired
01.480 I: [MERGE] Writing apk...
03.686 [MERGE] Writing: total=47693672 bytes : resources.arsc
03.729 I: [MERGE] Zip align ...
04.611 I: [MERGE] Saved to: apk_files_merged.apk
04.700 I: [MERGE] Done
NB: merge is introduced from version V1.0.5
- Everyone is so welcome in this project, if you have some code improvements please make a pull request
- Please share your ideas / thoughts in discussions
- Please create issue you faced while using this tool along with your apk