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Syntax Summary

Syntax Summary

The following descriptions of Scala tokens uses literal characters ‘c’ when referring to the ASCII fragment \u0000\u007F.

Informal descriptions are typeset as “some comment”.

Lexical Syntax

The lexical syntax of Scala is given by the following grammar in EBNF form:

whiteSpace       ::=  ‘\u0020| ‘\u0009| ‘\u000D| ‘\u000Aupper            ::=A| ... |Z| ‘$’ and any character in Unicode categories Lu, Lt or Nl,
                      and any character in Unicode categories Lo and Lm that doesn't have
                      contributory property Other_Lowercase
lower            ::=a| ... |z| ‘_’ and any character in Unicode category Ll,
                      and any character in Unicode categories Lo or Lm that has contributory
                      property Other_Lowercase
letter           ::=  upper | lower
digit            ::=  ‘0’ | ... | ‘9’
paren            ::=  ‘(’ | ‘)’ | ‘[’ | ‘]’ | ‘{’ | ‘}’
delim            ::=  ‘`’ |' |" | ‘.’ | ‘;’ | ‘,’
opchar           ::=!| ‘#’ | ‘%’ | ‘&’ |*|+|-| ‘/’ | ‘:’ |
                      ‘<’ | ‘=’ | ‘>’ |?| ‘@’ | ‘\’ | ‘^’ ||| ‘~’
                      and any character in Unicode categories Sm or So
printableChar    ::=  all characters in [\u0020, \u007E] inclusive
UnicodeEscape    ::=  ‘\’ ‘u’ {‘u’} hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit
hexDigit         ::=  ‘0’ | ... | ‘9’ |A| ... |F|a| ... |fcharEscapeSeq    ::=  ‘\’ (‘b|t|n|f|r|" |' | ‘\’)
escapeSeq        ::=  UnicodeEscape | charEscapeSeq

op               ::=  opchar {opchar}
varid            ::=  lower idrest
boundvarid       ::=  varid
                   |  ‘`’ varid ‘`’
alphaid          ::=  upper idrest
                   |  varid
plainid          ::=  alphaid
                   |  op
id               ::=  plainid
                   |  ‘`’ { charNoBackQuoteOrNewline | escapeSeq } ‘`’
idrest           ::=  {letter | digit} [‘_’ op]
quoteId          ::='’ alphaid
spliceId         ::=  ‘$’ alphaid ;

integerLiteral   ::=  (decimalNumeral | hexNumeral) [‘L|l’]
decimalNumeral   ::=  ‘0’ | digit [{digit | ‘_’} digit]
hexNumeral       ::=  ‘0’ (‘x|X’) hexDigit [{hexDigit | ‘_’} hexDigit]

                 ::=  [decimalNumeral] ‘.’ digit [{digit | ‘_’} digit] [exponentPart] [floatType]
                   |  decimalNumeral exponentPart [floatType]
                   |  decimalNumeral floatType
exponentPart     ::=  (‘E|e’) [‘+|-’] digit [{digit | ‘_’} digit]
floatType        ::=F|f|D|dbooleanLiteral   ::=true|falsecharacterLiteral ::='’ (charNoQuoteOrNewline | escapeSeq) ‘'

stringLiteral    ::="’ {stringElement} ‘"|"""multiLineChars"""stringElement    ::=  charNoDoubleQuoteOrNewline
                   |  escapeSeq
multiLineChars   ::=  {[‘"’] [‘"’] charNoDoubleQuote} {‘"’}

                 ::=  alphaid ‘"’ {[‘\’] interpolatedStringPart | ‘\\’ | ‘\"’} ‘"|  alphaid"""’ {[‘"’] [‘"’] char \ (‘" | ‘\$’) | escape} {‘"’} ‘"""interpolatedStringPart
                 ::= printableChar \ (‘" | ‘$’ | ‘\’) | escape
escape           ::=  ‘\$\$’
                   |  ‘\$"
                   |  ‘\$’ alphaid
                   |  ‘\$’ BlockExpr

comment          ::=  ‘/*’ “any sequence of characters; nested comments are allowed‘*/’
                   |  ‘//’ “any sequence of characters up to end of line”

nl               ::=  ´\mathit{“new line character”}´
semi             ::=  ‘;’ |  nl {nl}

Optional Braces

colon         ::=  ':'    -- with side conditions explained in
 <<< ts >>>   ::=  ‘{’ ts ‘}’
                |  indent ts outdent
:<<< ts >>>   ::=  [nl] ‘{’ ts ‘}’
                |  colon indent ts outdent

Context-free Syntax

´\color{red}{\text{TODO SCALA3: Once we're done porting the spec, make sure that the references to grammar productions in the rest of the spec match this.}}´

The context-free syntax of Scala is given by the following EBNF grammar:

RefineDcl         ::=valValDcl
                    |type’ {nl} TypeDcl
Dcl               ::=  RefineDcl
ValDcl            ::=  ids ‘:’ Type
VarDcl            ::=  ids ‘:’ Type
DefDcl            ::=  DefSig ‘:’ Type
DefSig            ::=  id [DefTypeParamClause] [TypelessClauses] [DefImplicitClause]
TypeDcl           ::=  id [TypeParamClause] {FunParamClause} TypeBounds

Def               ::=valPatDef
                    |type’ {nl} TypeDcl
                    |  TmplDef
PatDef            ::=  ids [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
                    |  Pattern2 [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
DefDef            ::=  DefSig [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
                    |thisTypelessClauses [DefImplicitClause] ‘=’ ConstrExpr

TmplDef           ::=  ([‘case’] ‘class|trait’) ClassDef
                    |  [‘case’] ‘objectObjectDef
ClassDef          ::=  id ClassConstr [Template]
ClassConstr       ::=  [ClsTypeParamClause] [ConstrMods] ClsParamClauses
ConstrMods        ::=  {Annotation} [AccessModifier]
ObjectDef         ::=  id [Template]
EnumDef           ::=  id ClassConstr InheritClauses EnumBody
GivenDef          ::=  [GivenSig] (AnnotType [‘=’ Expr] | StructuralInstance)
GivenSig          ::=  [id] [DefTypeParamClause] {UsingParamClause} ‘:’         -- one of `id`, `DefTypeParamClause`, `UsingParamClause` must be present
StructuralInstance ::=  ConstrApp {‘withConstrApp} [‘withWithTemplateBody]
Extension         ::=extension’ [DefTypeParamClause] {UsingParamClause}
                       ‘(’ DefTermParam ‘)’ {UsingParamClause} ExtMethods
ExtMethods        ::=  ExtMethod | [nl] <<< ExtMethod {semi ExtMethod} >>>
ExtMethod         ::=  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} ‘defDefDef
                    |  Export
Template          ::=  InheritClauses [TemplateBody]
InheritClauses    ::=  [‘extendsConstrApps] [‘derivesQualId {‘,’ QualId}]
ConstrApps        ::=  ConstrApp ({‘,’ ConstrApp} | {‘withConstrApp})
ConstrApp         ::=  SimpleType1 {Annotation} {ParArgumentExprs}
ConstrExpr        ::=  SelfInvocation
                    |  <<< SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} >>>
SelfInvocation    ::=thisArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}

WithTemplateBody  ::=  <<< [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} >>>
TemplateBody      ::=  :<<< [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} >>>
TemplateStat      ::=  Import
                    |  Export
                    |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} Def
                    |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} Dcl
                    |  Extension
                    |  Expr1
                    |  EndMarker
SelfType          ::=  id [‘:’ InfixType] ‘=>’
                    |this’ ‘:’ InfixType ‘=>’

EnumBody          ::=  :<<< [SelfType] EnumStat {semi EnumStat} >>>
EnumStat          ::=  TemplateStat
                    |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} EnumCase
EnumCase          ::=case’ (id ClassConstr [‘extendsConstrApps]] | ids)

TopStats          ::=  TopStat {semi TopStat}
TopStat           ::=  Import
                    |  Export
                    |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} Def
                    |  Extension
                    |  Packaging
                    |  PackageObject
                    |  EndMarker
Packaging         ::=packageQualId :<<< TopStats >>>
PackageObject     ::=package’ ‘objectObjectDef

CompilationUnit   ::=  {‘packageQualId semi} TopStats