Multihash implementation in Elixir
This is the Multihash implementation in Elixir.
To use ex_multihash add to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:ex_multihash, "~> 1.0"}
Encode the provided hashed digest
to the provided multihash of hash_code
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:ok, <<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>}
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha2_256, :crypto.hash(:sha256, "Hello"))
{:ok, <<18, 32, 24, 95, 141, 179, 34, 113, 254, 37, 245, 97, 166, 252, 147, 139, 46, 38, 67, 6, 236, 48, 78, 218, 81, 128, 7, 209, 118, 72, 38, 56, 25, 105>>}
Invalid hash_code
or digest
corresponding to the hash function will return an error.
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha2_unknow, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:error, "Invalid hash function"}
iex> Multihash.encode(0x20, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"))
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}
It's possible to truncate a digest by passing an optional length
parameter. Passing a length
longer than the default digest length of the hash function will return an error.
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"), 10)
{:ok, <<17, 10, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147>>}
iex> Multihash.encode(:sha1, :crypto.hash(:sha, "Hello"), 30)
{:error, "Invalid digest length"}
Decode the provided multihash to:
%Multihash{name: atom, code: integer, length: integer, digest: bitstring}
iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:ok, %Multihash{name: :sha1, code: 17, length: 20, digest: <<247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>}}
Invalid multihash will result in errors
iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171>>)
{:error, "Invalid size"}
iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 22, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 20, 21, 22>>)
{:error, "Invalid digest length"}
iex> Multihash.decode(<<25, 20, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}
iex> Multihash.decode(<<17, 32, 247, 255, 158, 139, 123, 178, 224, 155, 112, 147, 90, 93, 120, 94, 12, 197, 217, 208, 171, 240>>)
{:error, "Invalid length of provided hash function"}
iex> Multihash.decode("Hello")
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}
Captain: @zabirauf.
Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.
Check out our contributing document for more information on how we work, and about contributing in general. Please be aware that all interactions related to multiformats are subject to the IPFS Code of Conduct.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
MIT © Zohaib Rauf.