Write Elixir code using statically-typed Elm-like syntax (compatible with Elm tooling)
The style animation library for Elm!
A tool that allows you to analyse your Elm code, identify deficiencies and apply best practices.
A production-ready framework for building Elm applications.
An example Single Page Application in Elm, using elm-mdl for the UI, with a Phoenix backend.
[Deprecated] Navigation and routing helpers for single page applications in Elm
Functional abstractions to manipulate complex records in Elm - Iso, Prism, Lens, Optional, Traversal.
Extensible markdown parser with custom rendering, in pure Elm.
Writer powered pipelining for `(model, Cmd msg)`
A library for getting and setting values in deeply nested data structures.
Elm Date Extra library add/subtract/diff/format etc dates
Composable transformation of sequences using clojure-inspired transducers
A type-safe string formatting library. printf: elm style.