Defined on a set of non-terminal and terminal symbols and a set of production rules.
Production Rules are used (not in specific order) to generate the set of string of symbols that defines the language.
- ab ba aa bb
- aaaaaaa...
- ababababab...
- ...
Languages are classified by Noam Chomsky (1956) that is come to known as Chomsky Hierarchy
Regular < Context Free < Context Sensitive < Recursively Enumerable
Different grammars need different type of computer to be recognized
- Regular: Finite State Automaton
- Context Free: Non-Deterministic Pushdown Automaton
- Context Sensitive: Linear Bounded Non-Deterministic Turing Machine
- Recursively Enumerable: Turing Machine
Java: Context Free, but has static checks when parsing the type structure to rule out invalid combinations.
Installing pyparsing