priority is ranked based on the *
- bookmarklet (.py)
- remove argparse import in
- move to web
- open graph protocol
- zhihu scrap
- list view of saved reads
- base
- search fn
- pagination
- visualization
- implement indexing function for search
- health monitoring *
- application
- server monitoring
- make request task queue async
- timestamp checkpoint
- cron ping internal api
- web blog feature list
- simple search box
search hints - imitate CLI
executable *args **kwargs
search result in modal - peek function
- NLP for question answering
- updating desc for better search results
- comments
- OAuth2
- simple search box
- admin
- passcode for auth
- taking quick notes
- calendar and daily management
- timeline
- flask-admin
- database model views
- static file handling for blog and blog images (upload etc)
- request for bookmarklet js
- site is down update (external)
- blog preload function calls
- read index to memory
- check static folder
- preload to cache
- gunicorn
- implement cache
- in-memory
- redis
- ANKI adoption
- NLP subsystem to generate appropriate questions
- distinguish question posed during understanding the document
- backlog size control and batching
- alternative FSRS
- ability to referrence to other documents easily
- extend documents into TODOs
- extend into blog post
- auto ref link between documents
- file structure one blueprint per functionality (search, recommend and etc)
- stable diffusion to change image
- better db conn (with is not the best option)
- base conx
- versioning documents
- introduction of ORM
- removal of ORM
- SQL injection prevention (prep statement for custom query) *
- inverting dependencies using repository pattern
- micro framework for web
- remove flask
- asgi compatibility
- rate limiter
- metric tracking
- traffic and user
- cache hit rate
- google analytic
- catfished requests
- test
- pytest *
- pytest-coverage
- integration test (test_app)
- containerize
- docker-compose
- poetry
- logging
- pre-commit
- ansible playbook
- test
- deployment
- backup data
- github build-test for merging
- conf test generation
- nginx
- non-nginx option
- supervisord
- python 3.8 appeal
- litestar
- pre-commit isort
- xprocess for redis cache testing
- 100 list
- progressive web application
- weird next url for admin login