(1) Install the lm-sensors package.
(2) Run sudo sensors-detect and choose YES to all YES/no questions.
(3) At the end of sensors-detect, a list of modules that needs to be loaded will displayed. Type "yes" to have sensors-detect insert those modules into /etc/modules, or edit /etc/modules yourself.
(4) In Ubuntu, run sudo service module-init-tools restart. This will read the changes you made to /etc/modules in step 3, and insert the new modules into the kernel. Or, if using other distributions simply restart your computer.
(5) Set your number of physical cores in lua_widgets.lua in USER CONFIGURATION section:
number_of_physical_CPU_cores = YOUR_NUMBER_HERE
(6) Start conky with:
conky -c start_conky
In file lua_widgets.lua you can enable/disable graphic card temperature or changing colors, transparency and position. See lua_widgets.lua in USER CONFIGURATION section.