A set of three functions, useful in geographical calculations of different sorts.
####Distance Takes two sets of geographic coordinates in decimal degrees and produces distance along the great circle line. Output in KM by default, specify Earth radius as fifth argument in unit other than KM to produce output in that unit. ####Bearing Takes two sets of geographic coordinates in decimal degrees and produces bearing (azimuth) from the first set of coordinates to the second set. ####Destination Takes one set of geographic coordinates in decimal degrees, azimuth and distance to produce a new set of coordinates, specified distance and bearing away from original. Output in KM by default, specify Earth radius as fifth argument in unit other than KM to produce output in that unit.
// Distance from London to Paris
echo GreatCircle::distance(51.507222, -0.1275, 48.8567, 2.3508);
// Output: 343.46748684413
// Same distance in miles by specifying Earth radius in miles
echo GreatCircle::distance(51.507222, -0.1275, 48.8567, 2.3508, 3959);
// Output: 213.43396333635
// Bearing from Paris to London in decimal degrees
echo GreatCircle::bearing(48.8567, 2.3508, 51.507222, -0.1275);
// Output: 330.03509575101
// Coordinates of a location 100 KM away from Paris, traveling in the direction of London
$dest = GreatCircle::destination(48.8567, 2.3508, 330, 100);
printf("Latitude: %f, Longitude: %f", $dest["LAT"], $dest["LON"]);
// Output: Latitude: 49.633476, Longitude: 1.656542