The integration tests are bound to Failsafe plugin. They can be executed as part of the build by running mvn clean install -Popenshift
Another way is to run the tests using IDE as usual JUnit test.
Tests are using XTF framework for communication with OpenShift (which is based on Fabric8)
To properly configure OpenShift and related images user needs to specify these properties:
- xtf.openshift.url
- xtf.openshift.admin.username - Username of user with admin rights
- xtf.openshift.admin.password
- xtf.openshift.master.username - Username for user without admin rights (can be used admin user from above)
- xtf.openshift.master.password
- xtf.openshift.binary.path - Path to OC binary client (test/framework will be refactored in future to get rid of this)
- image.kogito.quarkus.builder.s2i - Tag for S2I Quarkus image, for example built from
- image.kogito.quarkus.runtime - Tag for Quarkus runtime image, for example built from
- image.kogito.springboot.builder.s2i - Tag for S2I image, for example buil from
- image.kogito.springboot.runtime - Tag for runtime image, for example built from
- maven.mirror.url - URL for Maven mirror. This mirror is used in S2I build.
- kogito.cli.file.url - URL pointing to Kogito CLI file. This file is downloaded and used in tests using Kogito CLI.
These properties need to be set as system property or they can be placed in file (with appropriate values). file can be placed next to pom.xml of the parent directory. It is added to .gitignore.