Beijing-IPTV Public
Forked from qwerttvv/Beijing-IPTV最好用的北京联通、北京移动IPTV频道列表。https://bjiptv.ga/
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 28, 2023 -
xiaogpt Public
Forked from yihong0618/xiaogptPlay ChatGPT with xiaomi ai speaker
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2023 -
pyannote-audio Public
Forked from pyannote/pyannote-audioNeural building blocks for speaker diarization: speech activity detection, speaker change detection, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -
speechbrain Public
Forked from speechbrain/speechbrainA PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 23, 2021 -
tf-kaldi-speaker Public
Neural speaker recognition/verification system based on Kaldi and Tensorflow
asv-subtools Public
Forked from Snowdar/asv-subtoolsAn Open Source Tools for Speaker Recognition
Backends-for-SRE19 Public
This repository will illustrate the use of some different backends on NIST SRE 2019.
transformers Public
Forked from huggingface/transformers🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch.
youtube-dl Public
Forked from Jamie-Landeg-Jones/youtube-dlCommand-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
models Public
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels and examples built with TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 4, 2019 -
Deep-Learning-in-Production Public
Forked from ahkarami/Deep-Learning-in-ProductionIn this repository, I will share some useful notes and references about deploying deep learning-based models in production.
1 UpdatedNov 2, 2019 -
tensorpack Public
Forked from tensorpack/tensorpackA Neural Net Training Interface on TensorFlow, with focus on speed + flexibility
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 28, 2019 -
Forked from kan-bayashi/INTERSPEECH19_TUTORIALInterspeech 2019 tutorial materials
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 26, 2019 -
texar Public
Forked from asyml/texarToolkit for Machine Learning and Text Generation, in TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2019 -
The code for the Interspeech paper "Speaker Embedding Extraction with Phonetic Information"
kaldi Public
Forked from kaldi-asr/kaldiThis is the official location of the Kaldi project.
Shell Other UpdatedJun 26, 2019 -
kaldi-onnx Public
Forked from XiaoMi/kaldi-onnxKaldi model converter to ONNX
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
Probabilistic-Face-Embeddings Public
Forked from seasonSH/Probabilistic-Face-EmbeddingsUncertainty-aware Face Representation and Recognition
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2019 -
pykaldi Public
Forked from pykaldi/pykaldiA Python wrapper for Kaldi
pytorch-kaldi Public
Forked from mravanelli/pytorch-kaldipytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding a…
kaldi-ivector Public
Forked from idiap/kaldi-ivectorExtension to Kaldi implementing the standard i-vector hyperparameter estimation and i-vector extraction procedure
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 23, 2018