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Design Level EventStorming

As soon as we got our examples written down, we could start digging deep into each of them, identifying key interactions with the system, spotting business rules and constantly refining the model. In the following sections you will find mentioned examples modelled with Design Level EventStorming.


Regular patron

The first example is the one when regular patron tries to place his 6th hold:

Holding example 1

What you can see here is that we are assuming, that a particular patron has already placed 5 books on hold. Next, in order to place one more, a patron needs to interact with the system somehow, so this is the reason for placing a blue sticky note representing a command called place on hold. In order to make such decision, a patron needs to have some view of the book that can be potentially placed on hold (green sticky note). Because the regular patron cannot place more than 5 books on hold, we could identify a rule (rectangular yellow sticky note), that describes conditions that needs to be fulfilled for the Book hold failed event to occur.

Fair enough, let's go further.

When a patron tries to place on hold a book that is currently not available it should not be possible, thus resulting in book hold failed event, as it is depicted below:

Holding example 2

Taking a look at the domain description again, we find out that each patron can have no more than 1 overdue checkouts. In such situation, every attempt to place a book on hold should fail:

Holding example 3

If we are talking about regular patrons, what is special about them is that they are not allowed to hold a restricted book:

Holding example 4

Second thing that is not allowed for a regular patron is open-ended hold: Holding example 12

All right, enough with failures, let patrons lend some books, eventually:

Holding example 5

Having in mind all previous examples, we discovered following conditions that need to be fulfilled for patron to place a book on hold:

  • Book must be available
  • Book must not be restricted
  • At the moment of placing a hold, a patron cannot have more than 4 holds
  • Patron cannot have more than 1 overdue checkout

And here is the last example, partially covered before:

Holding example 6

Regular patron

In the previous part of this paragraph we focused on a regular patron only. Let's have a look at researcher patron now. The domain description clearly states that any patron with more than 2 overdue checkouts will get a rejection when trying to place book on hold. So we have it modelled:

Holding example 7

There is also no exception in terms of holding a book that is not available:

Holding example 8

The thing that differentiates researcher patron from a regular one is that he/she can place on hold a restricted book:

Holding example 9

Last three examples depict successful holding scenarios:

Holding example 10
Holding example 11
Holding example 13

Canceling a hold

Any patron can cancel the hold. The unbreakable condition to be fulfilled is the one that the hold exists. If it is not the case book hold cancelling failed event occurs. What you can spot here is that now the patron, in order to cancel a hold, he/she needs to have a view of current holds (mind the Holds view green sticky note).

Canceling hold example 1

If the hold is present, then it should be possible to cancel it:

Canceling hold example 2

We also need to take care of the scenario when a patron tries to cancel a hold that was actually not placed by himself/herself:

Canceling hold example 3

It shouldn't be also possible to cancel a hold twice:

Canceling hold example 5

Getting back to holding-related examples, let's try to join them with hold cancellation. Each patron can have no more than five holds at a particular point in time. Thus, cancelling one of them should be enough for patron to place on hold another book:

Canceling hold example 4


Checking out is actually the essence of library functioning. Any patron can checkout a hold, but it is only possible when the hold exists:

Checkout example 1

It is also not allowed to checkout someone else's hold:

Checkout example 2

An example summing things up is depicted below:

Checkout example 3

A real-life scenario could be that a patron cancels his/her hold, and tries to check the book out:

Checkout example 4

It might also happen that a patron has the hold, whereas the book is missing in a library:

Checkout example 5

Expiring a hold

According to the domain description, any close-ended hold is active until it is either checked out by patron or expired. The expiration check is done automatically by the system at the beginning of the day. In order to find holds that qualify to expiration, a system needs to have a read model of such entries. Domain description names it a Daily sheet (please mind the green sticky note)

Expiring hold example 1

When the book is placed on hold and the hold is cancelled before its expiration due date, it shouldn't be registered as expired hold:

Expiring hold example 2

The expiration check should mark each hold as expired only once:

Expiring hold example 3

Registering overdue checkout

Each book can be checked out for not longer than 60 days. Overdue checkouts are identified on a daily basis by looking at the Daily sheet (please mind the green sticky note):

Overdue checkout example 1

Moreover we do not expect the returned book to be ever registered as overdue checkout:

Overdue checkout example 2

Adding to catalogue

The last area of analysis is the book catalogue. Catalogue is a collection of books and their instances. A book instance can be added only when there is a book with matching ISBN already registered in the catalogue:

Catalogue example 1

If this is not the case, adding a book instance into catalogue should end up with failure. Catalogue example 2

Bounded Context Classification

Until now, we have already identified two bounded contexts - lending contexts, and catalogue contexts. Having in mind the domain description, and looking at the amount of discovered business rules, we can clearly see, that lending context is the one that requires a lot of attention. Comparing the business complexities of both contexts led us to conclusion that using tactical building blocks of Domain Driven Design and applying hexagonal architecture are a reasonable choice for lending context while catalogue context is just a simple CRUD, and applying the same local architecture would be over-engineering.

You may ask yourself now: how do you know that catalogue context is a CRUD?. Here's a heuristic. If most of the events, named as verbs in past tense, are triggered by commands, being named with the same verbs but as imperatives, then it means we are probably just creating, updating, or deleting an object from some database. Moreover, if there are no specific (or very little) business rules, then it might suggest that the essential complexity sourced in the business is low enough for CRUD to be well applicable.


What you could see in the above examples is that we did not specified the aggregates that would be responsible for handling commands and emitting events. Such approach keeps us away from being steered into a particular solution/language and consequently limited from the very beginning. Looking at behaviours and responsibilities first lets us understand the problem better, and thus find a better name of the aggregate. In this paragraph you will see how we worked out the final aggregate model.

The first shot was to use Book as an aggregate. We are placing a book on hold, cancelling the hold for a book, checking a book out - all this sentences make logical sense, and even suits linguistically:

Aggregate 1

The first question that raised, was: What about the invariants? Do they apply to a book?. Well, not only. When you take a look again at the rules that we discovered in previous paragraphs, you will see things like:

  • is the patron a regular one or a researcher?
  • is patron's maximum number of holds reached?
  • is patron's maximum number of patron's overdue checkouts reached?
  • is book available?
  • is book restricted? Book availability and its potential restriction (which is actually a property/characteristic) does not seem to be as critical as those connected with patrons. Secondly, we have more patron-related rules than book-related ones.

OK, but why don't we just pass the Patron object into Book's methods like:


We could, but it is the patron that knows more invariants, and we do not want to let any other object to protect them. Here is the alternative, then:

Aggregate 2

Okay, so now in order to for example place a hold we need to pass a Book object into a Patron, right?


Then, if both patron's and book's invariants pass, we would modify patron and book aggregates. But doesn't it sound like modifying two different aggregates in one transaction? Moreover, there is one more catch. Book's invariants (including its availability) are just our "best wish". Our book model is just an abstraction of the real world books to lend in a library. Why? Because in the real world a book that is placed on hold, might be found damaged or lost in the meantime. Patron's invariants are more likely to be up to date and "driven" by our system. Gauges like number of holds, overdue checkouts are much easier to be "real ones". This in turn means that it is okay to follow (suggested - after all) eventual consistency model of inter-aggregate communication. It would make our model more realistic. Classes would be smaller, and easier to work with and to maintain.

We have 2 aggregates now. We could revise the decision of Patron being the first aggregate to be modified, and the Book being consistent in the future (eventually). We have already concluded that the Book is just a nice projection of the real world plus patron has more invariants to drive the process. Also, these invariants are more likely to be relevant. It is also probably less harmful, then, to place on hold a book which is actually not available (and run compensation process) than let patrons place books on hold while having overdue checkouts.

Now the final model is following:

Aggregate 3