###Changelog for PyBBIO
- Install examples to /usr/local/lib/PyBBIO/examples/
- Implemented proper bus number detection for SPI and I2C
- New libraries
- BMP183 SPI pressure sensor
- HTU21D I2C RH sensor
- IoT
- Phant
- ThingSpeak
- Added I2C1/I2C2 alternative names for Wire1/Wire2
- Fixed a memory leak in the SPI and I2C C extensions
- Created a new C SPI driver and C extension for it to replace the old spimodule code. Should be a good performance improvement
- Fixed a couple memory leaks in C extensions
- Fixed a missing type check in sysfs C extension. Was causing RotaryEncoder library to fail
- Fixed the tests/library_test.py example file
- Moved all GPIO code to C extension
- Added LiquidCrystal character LCD library
- Improved sysfs interface for faster kernel driver file access
- Removed 3.2 support, use 0.9.2 if you're still running 3.2 for some reason...
- Libraries are now contained within the bbio package. This changes importing a bit, user code will need updating
- Simplifies setup.py
- Examples are no longer copied
- DT overlays are distributed compiled and copied with setuptool as data_files
- BBIOServer now serves from ~/.BBIOServer instead of from inside the package
- Started adding stubs for universion-io support, not yet implemented
- Added WebCam library from rseetham
- BBIOServer updates
- Slider from Ikario
- JQuery -> v1.11.1
- I2C library improvement from ycoroneos
- Added MMA7660 3-axis accelerometer library
- Removed smbus from pip requirements since there's no smbus package in PyPI
- Fixes a couple typos
- Added SPI library with example for ADT7310 temp sensor
- Added library for phant.io with example
- Added eQEP library with example
- Moved to C extensions for reading/writing Kernel driver files
- Reorganized package structure and updated install process to support pip and apt-get distribution
- Changed from Apache 2.0 license to MIT license
- Fixed false interrupt firing on first attachInterrupt() call
- Various minor bug fixes
- Dropped mmap GPIO, use Kernel drivers
- PWM fully working
- I2C support
- Fixed USR LEDs
- Added tools/ directory for install helpers
- Support for Kernel >= 3.8:
- Serial
- Added tool to generate and compile DT overlays
- misc. fixes
- Moved to multi-file package structure
- New structure and install method can now easily support platforms besides the Beaglbone
- Swithed to setuptools instead of distutils for setup.py
- All memory access moved to C extension to increase speed
- Created this changelog!