Firmware for ESP8266 / ESP32 microcontrollers and different IMU sensors to use them as a vive-like trackers in VR.
Requires SlimeVR Server to work with SteamVR and resolve pose. Should be compatible with owoTrack, but is not guaranteed.
Compatible and tested with these IMUs (select during compilation):
- BNO085, BNO086
- Using any fusion in internal DMP. Best results with ARVR Stabilized Game Rotation Vector or ARVR Stabilized Rotation Vector if in good magnetic environment
- BNO080
- Using any fusion in internal DMP. Doesn't have BNO085's ARVR stabilization, but still gives good results.
- BNO055
- Work in progress. Should be roughly equal BNO080, but cheaper
- MPU-9250
- Using Mahony sensor fusion of Gyroscope, Magnetometer and Accelerometer, requires good magnetic environment
- MPU-6500
- Using internal DMP to fuse Gyroscope and Accelerometer, can be used with MPU-9250, can drift substantially
- MPU-6050
- Using internal DMP to fuse Gyro and Accelerometer. This fork uses I2CDev's MPU6050 library
- NOTE: Currently the MPU will auto calibrate when powered on. You must place it on the group and DO NOT move it until calibration is complete
Firmware can work with both ESP8266 and ESP32. Please edit defines.h and set your pinout properly according to how you connected the IMU.