The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
Angular 19 Example App + i18n
Set of Angular challenges to practise and train on Angular
Real world application built with Angular 19, NgRx 19, nrwl/nx 20
Examples of Angular Architecture Concepts
Pure JS implementation of the HTML Canvas 2D drawing API
Tetris game built with Angular and Akita ๐ฎ
Straightforward Angular starter
Provides a simple demo application covering Angular core concepts (components, services, modules, routing)
Angular Template App with a Router-first architecture
An opinionated toast component for Angular. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
Angular Libraries Support lists community libs support for each Angular version
Debugging learning experience with Angular: a collection of bugged applications to solve to train and learn more about Angular
Github Emoji Chrome Extension ๐๐๐๐๐โค๐๐