Using machine learning models like linear regression to make predictions for time series data
Compare_Models-Gradio Public
Web application build using Gradio to compare performance on inception model with hybrid model on flower classification
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 24, 2021 -
A web application built using gradio for classification of flower images
A web application that allows you to sketch a number and get the predicted class.
Python-WebApp-Gradio Public
Code for building BMI calculator web application using python without any HTML, CSS ,JS.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 16, 2021 -
Transfer-Learning-Keras Public
Use transfer learning on skin cancer dataset using pretrained VGG 16 model architecture. Video tutorial can be found on my Youtube channel
Sentiment analysis of twitter tweets using NLTK library in python
Temperature forecasting using ARIMA model in Python. Pmdarima and statsmodel library are used
Face-Recognition-Web-App Public
A face recognition model built using Open CV and finally deployed on webpage using Streamlit. Full video explanation at :
Streamlit-ML-Web-App Public
A machine learning model that predicts the possibility of fire taking place , deployed on webpage using streamlit library
Classify handwritten digits using tensorflow and kreas
KNN-KMeans-Iris-Dataset Public
Using the k means and knn algorithm on iris dataset for clustering and classification
Arduino code for object detection using ultrasonic sensor with arduino uno. Full tutorial and explanation on my youtube channel.
Using sklearn wine dataset and implementing the svm model on it . Using Grid Search for hyper parameter tuninh
Categorizing the iris species using linear regression , and finding the most and least important feature
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 25, 2020 -
Send_Email_NodeMCU_IFTTT Public
Program to send an email from node mcu via IFTTT. Complete tutorial at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXqWt7oK4JY&t=448s
Arduino Code for controlling a Servo Motor with blynk app.
Login-Page-With-Flask-HTML Public
A basic login page using html and flask
Data-Preprocessing-For-ML Public
Data preprocessing tricks for ml using scatter plots,histogram,and correlation matrix
Python code to handle missing values in dataset for machine learning
Mouse-Control-With-Hand Public
Computer Vision Project that controls mouse with your hand loaction
Forest-Fire-prediction Public
A machine learning model that predicts probability of a forest fire taking place ,based on oxygen,humidity,temp
Virtual-Patrol Public
A website using flask that allows citizens to report incidents of crime
HTML UpdatedDec 7, 2019 -
Solving the famous Iris Classification using Linear Regression Model. Visualizing the data using Seaborn Library.94% accuracy.
Python UpdatedNov 8, 2019 -
Face-detect-Browser-Control Public
Control your Web browser and Laptop by detecting faces . Python Open CV library used.
Diabetes_Prediction Public
Forked from OperatingFuture/Diabetes_PredictionDiabetes prediction with several machine learning algorithms to choose which is best.
Python UpdatedMar 30, 2019