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Example Storage Diagrams

Local Elementary Storage

The below storage diagram is a simple example from this repository /src/contracts/storage/BasicStorage.sol.

Assuming this is run from the repository's root folder, the folder of the contract source file is specified with ./src/contracts. The root folder ./ could also be specified as sol2uml will recursively look in all the subfolders for Solidity files. The folder and filename could also be specified with ./src/contracts/storage/BasicStorage.sol.

The -c --contract option specifies the contract name the storage should be visualised for. In this case, it's the BasicStorage contract.

In this example, the -o, --output option just specifies the folder the diagram is saved to be saved to. The filename will be the contract name so for the BasicStorage contract the filename will be BasicStorage.svg. The output option can also specify the folder and file name.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c BasicStorage


sol2uml storage diagrams will show where each storage variable is stored in the contract's slots. For each variable, the type, name and byte size is displayed.

Solidity will pack storage variables in a single slot if the values are 16 bytes (128 bits) or less. You can see this in slots 0, 2 and 4 in the above diagram. The variables are packed from right to left. sol2uml will mark any unused slot space as unallocated along with the number of bytes.

Elementary Storage on Arbitrum

In this example, we'll generate a storage diagram for the same BasicStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0x8E2587265C68CD9EE3EcBf22DC229980b47CB960.

The -n, --network <network> option is used to specify the Solidity code is to be sourced from verified files on the Arbitrum blockchain explorer Arbiscan.

The -d, --data option is used to get the contract storage slot values from a JSON-RPC node provider like Alchemy or Infura. The -u, url <url> option can be used to specify the url of the node provider. Alternatively, the NODE_URL environment variables can be used like in the following.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0x8E2587265C68CD9EE3EcBf22DC229980b47CB960 -o BasicStorageData.svg


When the data option is used, the value of each storage slot is displayed in hexadecimal format. sol2uml will also parse each variable value from the slot values and display it in the appropriate format for the type.

Boolean typed variables will be displayed as a true or false. See someBool in the above as an example.

Numbers are displayed in comma-separated decimals. This includes signed negative numbers like smallNegativeNumber in the above that converted the two bytes 0xD8F0 to -10,000.

Addresses are formatted with mixed-case checksum encoding as per EIP-55. This includes contract and interface types like ITrade for the exchange variable in the above.

The 1 byte enum values are converted from a number index to the string value of the enum. For example, the severity variable slot value of 0x01 is mapped to Medium as per the Severity enum with values Low, Medium and High.

Strings are converted to UTF-8 and any special characters escaped so they can be processed by Graphviz. See below for examples of strings 32 bytes or larger.

Fixed-Sized Arrays

The below example was generated for the FixedArrayStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0x796c008d8ADDCc33Da3e946Ca457432a35913c85.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0x796c008d8ADDCc33Da3e946Ca457432a35913c85 -o examples/storage/FixedArrayStorageData.svg


The first five9ByteNumbers variable is an array of five 9 byte (72 bit) numbers. As the array item is less than or equal to 16 bytes (128 bits), the array items are packed into each slot. That is, up to three array items are stored in each slot.

The second twentyOne7ByteNumbers variable is an array of twenty one 7 byte (56 bit) numbers. Like the previous example, multiple array items are packed into a slot. By default, sol2uml will just display the first two and last two slots in an array. In this case, the values for slots 4 and 5 are not fetched.

The -a, array <number> option can be used to override this default of two slots being displayed at the start and end of arrays. Just be careful not to set it too high as the node provider may have restrictions on the number of slot values you can fetch.

The tokens array of addresses uses one slot per array item as the address type (20 bytes) is greater than 16 bytes.

Like the twentyOne7ByteNumbers variable, the gap variable will not display all 50 items in the array. sol2uml will by default just display the first two and last two slots.

Multidimensional Fixed Arrays

This example was generated for the MultiFixedArrayStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0xe147cB7D90B9253844130E2C4A7Ef0ffB641C3ea.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0xe147cB7D90B9253844130E2C4A7Ef0ffB641C3ea -o MultiFixedArrayStorageData.svg


The first storage variable twoByThreeNumbers is a two-by-three, fixed-size, multidimensional array. Note the order of the dimensions goes from right to left when being declared.

Even though the threeByTwoBool and twoByThreeBool variables only store six boolean values, they use three and two storage slots respectively.

Dynamic Sized Arrays

Below is an example of dynamic array storage using the DynamicArrayStorage.sol contract that does not fetch the slot values.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c DynamicArrayStorage


As sol2uml don't know from just looking at the code how many items are in each array, it will just show the location of the first storage slot and its structure.

The 32 byte string in hexadecimal format at the top of each dynamic array is the slot key. For example, the location of the values of numbers array starts from slot 0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563 in storage. This is the keccak256 hash of slot 0 which has been assigned to the numbers array.

The following is generated from the DynamicArrayStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0x66535378de7FB9219b637DBE3e3FFad33387f80B.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0x66535378de7FB9219b637DBE3e3FFad33387f80B -o DynamicArrayStorageData.svg


The values in the first Contract storage section is the lengths of the dynamic arrays. For example, the numbers array has 10 items in it.

The array storage sections how the slot offsets from the first item in the array. For example, offset 1 for the sevenByteNumbers variable is the next slot after the slot with key 0x405787fa12a823e0f2b7631cc41b3ba8828b3321ca811111fa75cd3aa3bb5ace.

Even though the empty variable does not have any array items yet, the location of the first item is displayed so the storage structure can be seen.

Multidimensional Dynamic Sized Arrays

Below is an example of multidimensional dynamic array storage using the MultiDynamicArrayStorage.sol contract.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c MultiDynamicArrayStorage


The following is generated from the MultiDynamicArrayStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0x6f44d1108bB79710C1BBE378661d90876682E027.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0x6f44d1108bB79710C1BBE378661d90876682E027 -o MultiDynamicArrayStorageData.svg



The below example is of storage variables that use structs from the StructStorage.sol contract.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c StructStorage


The first exampleStruct variables is of ExampleStruct type. sol2uml will display how many slots the struct uses and then reference an expanded view of how the struct variables are stored in the slots. If any of the struct variables are arrays, strings, bytes or other structs, they will recursively be referenced until the elementary types are reached.

The second dynamicStructs variable is a dynamic array of type ExampleStruct. When sol2uml is run without the -d, --data option, it does not know how long the array is so will just display what the first array item would look like.

The following is generated from the StructStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0xB8F98C34e40E0D201CE2F3440cE92d0B5c5CfFe2.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0xB8F98C34e40E0D201CE2F3440cE92d0B5c5CfFe2 -o StructStorageData.svg



Below is an example of string storage using the StringStorage.sol contract that does not fetch the slot values.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c StringStorage


Like the dynamic arrays, sol2uml does not know how long the strings are just by looking at the code. To get the string values, the -d, --data option is used. The below diagram get the data for the StringStorage contract deployed on Arbitrum to 0xeF2A93be2beD1b577D460c347f82De1Ba8bD9861.

export NODE_URL=
sol2uml storage -d -n arbitrum 0xeF2A93be2beD1b577D460c347f82De1Ba8bD9861 -o StringStorageData.svg


Variables uninitString and emptyString have the same slot values of zero bytes.

The name variable with a 22 character string fits in a single slot. The UTF-8 encoded string is stored from right to left. The last byte on the right is the length of the string that is left-bit shifted. Mathematically, the length is multiplied by 2. So the 22 character string becomes 22 * 2 = 44 which is 2C in hexadecimal.

The long2 variable has a string that is 59 characters long. As it is greater than 31 bytes, it can't fit in slot 5 which the variable is assigned. Slot 5 contains the length of the string that is left-bit shifted and the last bit set to 1. Mathematically, the length is multiplied by 2 and 1 is added. So the encoded length of the long2 variable becomes 59 * 2 + 1 = 119 which is 0x77 in hexadecimal format. sol2uml will display the decoded string lengths when strings are greater than 31 bytes and the string when they are less than 32 bytes.

If the rightmost bit of a string variable's slot is set to 1 then the string is dynamically stored in another location and then the slot just contains the encoded string length.

The long2 string is stored from slot 0x036b6384b5eca791c62761152d0c79bb0604c104a5fb6f4eb0703f3154bb3db0 which is the keccak256 hash of the variable's slot 5. The second slot with offset 1 is the slot with key 0x036b6384b5eca791c62761152d0c79bb0604c104a5fb6f4eb0703f3154bb3db1.


Below is an example of mapping storage variables using the MappingStorage.sol contract.

sol2uml storage ./src/contracts -c MappingStorage


sol2uml does not fetch slot values for mapping types as no data is stored in the variable's slot. The variable's slot along with the mapped key is used to find the location of the mapped values. Without looking at past transactions or events, sol2uml does not know what these mapped values are.

sol2uml will show the structure of any mapped struct data types like the mapToStruct variable in the above.

Contract Inheritance

The following example shows the storage slots with contract inheritance. This includes diamond inheritance, imports from other files, import aliases and duplicate contract names.

Inheritance Class Diagram

sol2uml class ./src/contracts/inheritance -c -f png -o examples/inheritanceDiamond.png

The storage slots for contract D in inheritance/common.sol.


sol2uml storage ./src/contracts/inheritance -c D -o examples/storage/inheritanceStorage.svg


The USD Coin (USDC) token deployed to 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 on mainnet is a proxied contract. For sol2uml to get the slot values, the implementation contract 0xa2327a938febf5fec13bacfb16ae10ecbc4cbdcf is specified for the Solidity source and the proxy address 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 is passed to the -s --storage option. The storage option is the contract that the storage state is read from.

export NODE_URL=https://your-node-url
sol2uml storage 0xa2327a938febf5fec13bacfb16ae10ecbc4cbdcf -d -s 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 -o usdcData.svg


mStable Staking contract for MTA/ETH 80/20 Balancer Pool Token (BPT)

By default, sol2uml will get the latest block number from the node provider and then all storage calls will use the same block for consistency. The -bn, --block <number> option can be used to specify which block to get the storage values from.

sol2uml storage 0xc63a48d85CCE7C3bD4d18db9c0972a4D223e4193 -bn 16000000 -d -s 0xeFbe22085D9f29863Cfb77EEd16d3cC0D927b011 -o StakedTokenBPTData.svg

Staking Tokens BPT

Uniswap ETH/USDC Pool

The value column with the slot values in hexadecimal format can be hidden with the -hv, --hideValue option.

sol2uml  storage -d -hv 0x8ad599c3A0ff1De082011EFDDc58f1908eb6e6D8 -o ./examples/storage/UniswapV3PoolData.svg

Uniswap ETH/USDC Pool Data