Play defines several built-in validations, each of which is used as described in the validation chapter.
Each validation has an associated error message, defined in $PLAY_HOME/resources/messages, whose key is validation. followed by the validation name. You can override this message by using the same key in your application’s conf/messages file, and localise it using message files for other languages.
Checks that the value is a valid e-mail address.;
Annotation syntax:
@Email String address
Message key:
Checks that the value is equal to another parameter’s value, using the value’s equals method, e.g. for checking for a password confirmation field.
validation.equals(password, passwordConfirmation);
Annotation syntax:
@Equals("passwordConfirmation") String password
Message key: validation.equals
Checks that the value is a date in the future. If a second date is specified as a reference, then the value must be in the future with respect to the reference date – i.e. after it.
validation.future(dueDate, shipmentDate);
Annotation syntax:
@InFuture String dueDate
@InFuture("1979-12-31") String birthDate
Message key: validation.future
Checks that the value is a String or Boolean that evaluates to true, e.g. for an ‘I agree to the terms’ checkbox that must be checked, or a non-zero Number. Null values are considered false/invalid.
Annotation syntax:
@IsTrue String agree
Message key: validation.isTrue
Checks that the value is a string that matches the given regular expression. Empty strings are considered valid.
validation.match(abbreviation, "[A-Z]{3}"); // TLA
Annotation syntax:
@Match("[A-Z]{3}") String abbreviation
Message key: validation.match
Checks that the value is a String or Number that is no greater than the given number. Null values are considered valid.
validation.max(wordCount, 7500); // Short story
Annotation syntax:
@Max(7500) String wordCount
Message key: validation.max
Checks that the value is a String whose length is no greater than the given length. Empty strings are considered valid.
validation.maxSize(url, 2083); // IE 4.0 - 8
Annotation syntax:
@MaxSize(2083) String value
Message key: validation.maxSize
Checks that the value is a String or Number that is no less than the given number. Null values are considered valid.
validation.min(age, 18); // Adult
Annotation syntax:
@Min(18) Long age
Message key: validation.min
Checks that the value is a String whose length is no less than the given length. Empty strings are considered valid.
validation.minSize(value, 42);
Annotation syntax:
@MinSize(42) String value
Message key: validation.minSize
Checks that the value is a date in the past. If a second date is specified as a reference, then the value must be in the past with respect to the reference date – i.e. before it.
validation.past(expectedDepartureDate, expectedArrivalDate);
Annotation syntax:
@Past String actualDepartureDate
@Past("1980-01-01") String birthDate
Message key: validation.past
Checks that the value is a number within the range (inclusive) specified by the two given numbers.
validation.range(wordCount, 17500, 40000); // Novella
Annotation syntax:
@Range(min = 17500, max = 40000) String wordCount
Message key: validation.range
Checks that the value is a non-empty String, Collection, File or array.
Annotation syntax:
@Required String value
Message key: validation.required
Checks that the value is a valid URL; empty strings are considered valid.
Annotation syntax:
@URL String address
Message key: validation.url
Checks that the value is a valid phone number; empty strings are considered valid. The validation is relaxed and is intented to enforce a basic phone pattern. Please implement your own @Match for country specific validations.;
Annotation syntax:
@Phone String phone
Message key:
Format: +CCC (SSSSSS)9999999999xEEEE
- + optional country code mark
- CCC optional country code, up to 3 digits, note than it MUST be followed be a delimiter
- (SSSSSS) optional subzone, up to 6 digits
- 9999999999 mandatory number, up to 20 digits (which should cover all know cases current and future)
- x optional extension, can also be spelled “ext” or “extension”
- EEEE optional extension number, up to 4 digits
- Delimiters can be either a space, ‘-’, ‘.’ or ‘/’ and can be used anywhere in the number
Examples: usa:(305) 613 09 58 ext 101 france:33 1 47 37 62 24 x3 germany:49-4312 / 777 777 china:+86 (10)69445464 uk:(020) 1234 1234
Checks that the value is an IP address that complies with the version 4 protocol; empty strings are considered valid.
Annotation syntax:
@IPv4Address String ip
Message key: validation.ipv4
Checks that the value is an IP address that complies with the version 6 protocol; empty strings are considered valid.
Annotation syntax:
@IPv6Address String ip
Message key: validation.ipv6