This training is intended to introduce web development using the ReactJS ecosystem to any developer. It consists of different exercises:
- Exercise 1: Introduction to React with TypeScript and its ecosystem
- Exercise 2: State management
- Exercise 3: Navigation
- Exercise 4: Everything you need to know to go to PROD
You can find the slides that introduce the exercises of this training here.
Participants will learn:
- How to use React and TypeScript to create web applications
- How to store & manage the state of your web application using Redux
- How to build optimized, production-ready applications with zero-configuration.
- How to deploy applications in Production.
Participants should have installed:
- Node 8.x or higher installed in your laptop.
- Visual Studio Code.
- Redux devtools installed in your browser.
- A MuleSoft account with permissions to install packages from our NPM private registry. You can configure this by running the following script using the MuleSoft LDAP credentials (email and password) provided by the DevOps team:
npm login --registry= --scope=@mulesoft --verbose
The workshop is divided in four exercises:
- Introduction to React with TypeScript and its ecosystem
- Managing your application state with Redux
- How to deploy web applications into Production
- Advanced topics
Each exercise has everything you need to start with inside the begin folder and the result we expect you to achieve inside the end folder.
You don't need to complete any previous exercises to start a new one. You can either use what you built before or the contents of the begin folder you'll find in the Exercise.