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Create prebuilt rule documentation

There are two ways to run the doc-generating scripts, the simplified method or the original multi-script method

Simplified method

Within a virtual environment:

  • run pip install requirements-rules.txt
  • run python prebuilt-rules-scripts/ generate 7.11.0

The following still applies:

After creating the documentation, you need to copy and paste the files in the generated-ascii-files folder to their relevant location in the docs folder, and then manually edit the text of new rules added for the latest release. This includes converting Markdown to AsciiDoc and editing the English.

Additionally, when the script detects a rule name has been changed, it prints a list of the relevant rule-details files to the terminal. These files will be deleted and printed

Basically, delete the old files for which new ones (the printed files) were generated. If you open the file, you can see the previous filename


The previous existing scripts were combined into a single script for simplification and to eliminate the need to make code changes for every release.

Usage: generate generate [OPTIONS] PACKAGE_VERSION

  Generate pre-built rule documentation.

  -d, --rules-dir TEXT          Path of rules in Kibana repo
  -l, --local-kibana DIRECTORY  Location of local kibana repo
  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.

So for generating docs for 7.11, run: python prebuilt-rules-scripts/ generate 7.11.0 -l ../kibana-fork

The default for --local-kibana is kibana and so can be passed using -l or it will prompt if not detected.

Changelog entries are dependent on whether queries changed in rules. With the old method, this required updating the script. Now, releases will be tracked in /prebuilt-rules-scripts/changelog-entries.yml

Existing multi-script method

Scripts are use to create the prebuilt rules documentation. Currently, five scrips are used and they must be run in this order:


After creating the documentation, you need to copy and paste the files in the generated-ascii-files folder to their relevant location in the docs folder, and then manually edit the text of new rules added for the latest release. This includes converting Markdown to AsciiDoc and editing the English.

scripts must be run from prebuilt-rules-scripts directory

Creates a JSON file containing all the prebuilt rules for the current release. For this script to work:

  • The security-docs and kibana local repo folders must reside in the same parent folder (sibling folders).

  • You must checkout the relevant Kibana branch. For example, if you are creating documentation for 7.10, make sure you have checked out the Kibana 7.10 branch before running the script.

  • Update the releaseVersion (line 10) variable as required. For example, if you are creating docs for 7.10, the variable should be:

    releaseVersion = "7.10.0"

The generated JSON file's path name is:


Where <releaseVersion> is the release number defined in the releaseVersion variable. Once this file is created, do not modify or delete it as it can be used as a record of prebuilt rules from all releases (with all the other files in the orig-rules-json-files folder).

This script creates a JSON file containing the current prebuilt rules documentation. The is done to avoid updating the formatting or text of rules that have already been documented in previous releases.

Before running the script, you need to update the releaseVersion variable (on line 12 in the script) to the release number for which you are generating docs. If you are generating a JSON file for the 7.10 documentation, the variable should be:

releaseVersion = "7.10.0"

This script creates a JSON file using the text from previously documented rules (created with the script) and the (unedited) text for the new rules added for the coming release. The generated file has an entry for every prebuilt rule (pre-existing and new ones).

Before running the script, update the releaseVersion variable (line 9) to the release number for which you are generating docs. If you are generating a JSON file for the 7.10 documentation, the variable should be:

releaseVersion = "7.10.0"

This script (finally) creates the JSON file that is actually used to generate the documentation. It uses two previously created JSON files to do this: the file created by the script and the final file created from the previous time the prebuilt rule documentation was generated.

IMPORTANT: The final files reside in the diff-files/final-files folder. These files are generated by this script. They must be kept to ensure the rules' version histories (rule version numbers and query changes) are documented accurately.

Before running the script, these variables must be updated:

  • releaseVersion (line 13): The version for which the docs are being generated.
  • previousReleaseVersion (line 14): The previous version for which docs were generated. The variable points the script to the final JSON file used to generate the previous release's documentation (in the diff-files/final-files folder).

For example, if you are generating documentation for 7.10.0:

  • releaseVersion = "7.10.0" (line 13)
  • previousReleaseVersion = "7.9.0" (line 14)

This script creates the prebuilt rules documentation! It creates asciidoc files for each rule, the ToC (index) file, the version history file, and the overview (table) file. All files are saved in the generated-ascii-files folder. Once the files are generated, you should be able to just copy and paste them into the detections/prebuilt-rules documentation folder.

Additionally, when the script detects a rule name has been changed, it prints a list of the relevant rule-details files to the terminal. The text of these .asciidoc files should be reviewed, as the script does not update the text with the existing documentation when a rule's name has been changed.

Before running the script, these must be updated:

  • releaseVersion variable (line 13): The version for which the docs are being generated.

  • Call to the addVersionUpdates function (lines 314): Add a call for the new release immediately above the existing ones. For example, if you are generating documentation for 7.10.0:


    NOTE: Only update these lines in the script when at least one rule query has been updated.