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@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ example/replayer/example.test
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@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
* **Inbound**: 指SUT对外提供的HTTP接口的请求和响应,即Inbound Request/Response。
* **Outbound**: 指SUT提供的http接口内调用的下游请求和响应,即Outboud Request/Response。目前支持的Outbound协议有 MYSQL、REDIS、HTTP、Binary Thrift、Compact Thrift。
* **流量**: 指在TCP层对SUT录制的Inbound请求/响应 和 对应的Outbound请求/响应。
-* **回放**: 基于录制的一条流量,Agent根据Inbound Request构造HTTP Request并对SUT发起请求;其中SUT的Outbound请求会发送到Mock Server进行流量匹配并返回Outbound响应;最后,Agent将收到的SUT HTTP Response与Inbound Response做对比,给出回放结果。
-* **Agent**: 包括回放过程的Web Server和Mock Server。其中Web Server默认监听8998端口,主要负责流量搜索,回放请求的构造和发起,以及回放结果的对比和展示。
+* **回放**: 基于录制的一条流量,Replayer-Agent根据Inbound Request构造HTTP Request并对SUT发起请求;其中SUT的Outbound请求会发送到Mock Server进行流量匹配并返回Outbound响应;最后,Replayer-Agent将收到的SUT HTTP Response与Inbound Response做对比,给出回放结果。
+* **Replayer-Agent**: 包括回放过程的Web Server和Mock Server。其中Web Server默认监听8998端口,主要负责流量搜索,回放请求的构造和发起,以及回放结果的对比和展示。
* **Mock Server**: 默认监听**3515**端口,主要负责接收SUT的下游请求,然后与回放流量的Outbound请求匹配,将最匹配的Outbound响应返回SUT。
-* **噪音**: 即在Inbound Response对比和Outbound Request匹配过程里,出现的不影响回放结果和匹配度的diff字段,如时间戳。Agent回放结果页支持上报噪音,方便再次回放时精确回放结果。
-* **DSL**: 特指ElasticSearch的查询DSL。Agent首页支持上报流量查询DSL,方便后面直接复用。
+* **噪音**: 即在Inbound Response对比和Outbound Request匹配过程里,出现的不影响回放结果和匹配度的diff字段,如时间戳。Replayer-Agent回放结果页支持上报噪音,方便再次回放时精确回放结果。
+* **DSL**: 特指ElasticSearch的查询DSL。Replayer-Agent首页支持上报流量查询DSL,方便后面直接复用。
@@ -24,25 +24,26 @@
对于服务启动阶段有TCP请求的SUT,如初始化连接池等,推荐 服务启动顺序:
-* 先启动Agent
+* 先启动Replayer-Agent
* 再启动SUT
-#### 1. 配置并启动Agent
+#### 1. 配置并启动Replayer-Agent
-> 温馨提示:Agent默认配置的是 **[本地回放](#4本地回放)**,即 仅依赖本地配置文件的回放。
-* 如需 读取录制的线上流量,只需根据[回放Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)修改es_url字段即可;
-* 如需 读取上报到自有服务的噪音或DSL,只需根据[回放Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#4-http_api)修改http_api字段即可;
+> 温馨提示:Replayer-Agent默认配置的是 **[本地回放](#4本地回放)**,即 仅依赖本地配置文件的回放。
+* 如需 读取录制的线上流量,只需根据[Replayer-Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)修改es_url字段即可;
+* 如需 读取上报到自有服务的噪音或DSL,只需根据[Replayer-Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#4-http_api)修改http_api字段即可;
* 如需 新增本地回放模块,请参考[本地回放接入](./replayer-local.md)。
首先,确保本地存在go环境(官方或定制版均可,且版本无要求), 并根据本地go版本选择go mod或glide来安装sharingan的依赖。
```shell script
-glide install || go mod download
+git clone https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan.git
+&& cd sharingan && go mod download // 低版本go执行 glide install
```shell script
cd ./replayer-agent && go build && nohup ./replayer-agent >> run.log 2>&1 &
-> Agent一键安装和启动 [脚本](../../replayer-agent/control.sh) 及其 [使用方法](./replayer-agent.md)
+> Replayer-Agent一键安装和启动 [脚本](../../replayer-agent/control.sh) 及其 [使用方法](./replayer-agent.md)
@@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ cd ./replayer-agent && go build && nohup ./replayer-agent >> run.log 2>&1 &
> 需要使用定制的golang,并通过指定tag来编译 引入回放包的SUT代码。
```shell script
-curl https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/raw/recorder/install/go1.10 | sh
-&& export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-go1.10
+curl https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/raw/recorder/install/go1.13 | sh
+&& export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-go1.13
&& export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ go build -tags="replayer" -gcflags="all=-N -l"
## 三、使用手册
-按照上面的接入流程逐步操作 并 成功启动SUT和Agent后,即可开始回放之旅~
+按照上面的接入流程逐步操作 并 成功启动SUT和Replayer-Agent后,即可开始回放之旅~
@@ -108,14 +109,14 @@ go build -tags="replayer" -gcflags="all=-N -l"
-#### 5.Agent和SUT分开部署
+#### 5.Replayer-Agent和SUT分开部署
-如上 二-回放接入,默认将Agent和SUT部署在一台机器,其实,Agent和SUT是可以分开部署的。
+如上 二-回放接入,默认将Replayer-Agent和SUT部署在一台机器,其实,Replayer-Agent和SUT是可以分开部署的。
-* Agent的启动如上所示,无需改动
-* 启动SUT时,需设置环境变量 REPLAYER_MOCK_IP 为Agent的ip地址即可。详见: [SUT启动脚本-3. 与Agent分开部署](./replayer-sut.md#3-与agent分开部署)
+* Replayer-Agent的启动如上所示,无需改动
+* 启动SUT时,需设置环境变量 REPLAYER_MOCK_IP 为Replayer-Agent的ip地址即可。详见: [SUT启动脚本-3. 与Replayer-Agent分开部署](./replayer-sut.md#3-与replayer-agent分开部署)
diff --git a/doc/replayer/conf/http_api.md b/doc/replayer/conf/http_api.md
index 16d4c6e..0f96f0e 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/conf/http_api.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/conf/http_api.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-回放Agent默认配置的是本地回放;对于想将 噪音、DSL、模块信息存入数据库的同学,请仔细阅读下面接口说明。
+Replayer-Agent默认配置的是本地回放;对于想将 噪音、DSL、模块信息存入数据库的同学,请仔细阅读下面接口说明。
> 温馨提示:
> 接口实现 只要字段名和字段类型符合接口说明即可,**至于字段的具体值无需担心,因为所有的值都会通过前端js处理后传给后端,比如dsl字段、noise字段等**。
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
接口: http://{{your_domain}}/noise
-定义 噪音上报接口。在回放结果页,可以上报回放结果里的diff噪音。对于上报过的噪音,回放Agent会在对比回放结果时过滤对应噪音字段,提升回放成功率。若noise_push为空,则 存入本地 [conf/noise](../../../replayer-agent/conf/noise) 下的配置文件。
+定义 噪音上报接口。在回放结果页,可以上报回放结果里的diff噪音。对于上报过的噪音,Replayer-Agent会在对比回放结果时过滤对应噪音字段,提升回放成功率。若noise_push为空,则 存入本地 [conf/noise](../../../replayer-agent/conf/noise) 下的配置文件。
@@ -189,6 +189,6 @@
* listen-addr:必选,SUT的监听地址,一般为127.0.0.1:xxxx。
-* department:可选,模块所属部门,默认空(则为default部门)。非空时,同时流量配置的读取自ES,则 会按部门字段读取es_url地址。es_url配置可详见:[回放Agent配置](../replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)
+* department:可选,模块所属部门,默认空(则为default部门)。非空时,同时流量配置的读取自ES,则 会按部门字段读取es_url地址。es_url配置可详见:[Replayer-Agent配置](../replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)
diff --git a/doc/replayer/conf/moduleinfo.md b/doc/replayer/conf/moduleinfo.md
index 6272db8..bac5961 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/conf/moduleinfo.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/conf/moduleinfo.md
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "example2",
+ "data": "[{\"key\":\"listen-addr\",\"value\":\"\"},{\"key\":\"department\",\"value\":\"Biz\"}]"
@@ -35,12 +39,16 @@
| name | string | 模块名 |
| data | string | []KV类型的json串,存储模块详细信息 |
> 温馨提示:
> name尽量与编译后的$binName保持一致。如果存在冲突,可以增加前缀'\*-',即\*-$binName。
> 如果name形如'\*a-b-c',则尽量保证c具有可识别性,因为,[覆盖率统计回放](../replayer-codecov.md#1-覆盖率报告)会通过 *c* 来获取SUT进程信息并重启SUT。
| KV类型说明 | 类型 | 说明 |
| :-----| :----- | :----- |
| key | string | 与模块相关的一些信息,如监听地址listen-addr等 |
@@ -49,4 +57,4 @@
* listen-addr:必选,SUT的监听地址,一般为127.0.0.1:xxxx。
-* department:可选,模块所属部门,默认空(则为default部门)。非空时,同时流量配置的读取自ES,则 会按部门字段读取es_url地址。es_url配置可详见:[回放Agent配置](../replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)
+* department:可选,模块所属部门,默认空(则为default部门)。非空时,同时流量配置的读取自ES,则 会按部门字段读取es_url地址。es_url配置可详见:[Replayer-Agent配置](../replayer-conf.md#5-es_url)
diff --git a/doc/replayer/guide/replay.md b/doc/replayer/guide/replay.md
index 8e1bb11..7302127 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/guide/replay.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/guide/replay.md
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
##### 2. 定位失败原因
diff --git a/doc/replayer/guide/report.md b/doc/replayer/guide/report.md
index bc89b45..67bf38a 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/guide/report.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/guide/report.md
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
下面详细介绍 DSL和噪音 上报的方法及注意事项:
##### 1. DSL上报
-根据 [流量搜索指南-1. 搜索界面介绍](./search.md#1-搜索界面介绍) 可知,Agent提供的流量搜索条件分的很细。为了节省流量搜索时间,Agent提供了DSL上报功能。
+根据 [流量搜索指南-1. 搜索界面介绍](./search.md#1-搜索界面介绍) 可知,Replayer-Agent提供的流量搜索条件分的很细。为了节省流量搜索时间,Replayer-Agent提供了DSL上报功能。
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
> 使用上报DSL:
- 1. 点击"快速查询",Agent会列出所有上报的tag。
- 2. 选中一个合适的tag名,Agent会自动填充红框字段,然后直接点击"流量查询",即可查询流量。
+ 1. 点击"快速查询",Replayer-Agent会列出所有上报的tag。
+ 2. 选中一个合适的tag名,Replayer-Agent会自动填充红框字段,然后直接点击"流量查询",即可查询流量。
> tag命名规则
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ tag命名尽量具有可读性,且具有实际意义。比如按 '接口名_
##### 2. 噪音上报
> 上报噪音:
diff --git a/doc/replayer/guide/troubleshoot.md b/doc/replayer/guide/troubleshoot.md
index 6397811..fc0f7b2 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/guide/troubleshoot.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/guide/troubleshoot.md
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ sharingan已经在滴滴内部服务了一批go业务模块,现将各业务模
##### 2. SUT启动失败
* **现象1**:SUT启动时,提示TCP连接:3515拒绝
-* **原因**:回放Agent服务未启动
+* **原因**:Replayer-Agent服务未启动
-* **解决**:请先启动回放Agent,再启动SUT服务
+* **解决**:请先启动Replayer-Agent,再启动SUT服务
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ sharingan已经在滴滴内部服务了一批go业务模块,现将各业务模
-* **可能原因2**:连续点击"覆盖率报告"链接。每次点击"覆盖率报告"链接,Agent会自动重启SUT服务,重新统计覆盖率。
+* **可能原因2**:连续点击"覆盖率报告"链接。每次点击"覆盖率报告"链接,Replayer-Agent会自动重启SUT服务,重新统计覆盖率。
* **解决**:请在两次点击"覆盖率报告"链接之间,回放一个或多个流量。[覆盖率统计回放-1. 覆盖率报告](../replayer-codecov.md#1-覆盖率报告)
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-agent.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-agent.md
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--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-agent.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-agent.md
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-### Agent一键安装和启动脚本
+### Replayer-Agent一键安装和启动脚本
-[./replayer-agent/control.sh](../../replayer-agent/control.sh) 脚本是 [流量回放-1. 配置并启动Agent](./README.md#1-配置并启动agent) 的一键安装和启动脚本。
+[./replayer-agent/control.sh](../../replayer-agent/control.sh) 脚本是 [流量回放-1. 配置并启动Replayer-Agent](./README.md#1-配置并启动replayer-agent) 的一键安装和启动脚本。
+* go mod方式脚本:[./replayer-agent/control_gomod.sh](../../replayer-agent/control_gomod.sh) 。对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.13,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。
+* glide方式脚本:[./replayer-agent/control_glide.sh](../../replayer-agent/control_glide.sh) 。对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.10、glide,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。
+control.sh 默认使用 go mod方式,即control_gomod.sh 脚本。
@@ -12,43 +17,52 @@
* GO 「任意版本官方golang,或者定制版本golang都可以」
* Glide 「低版本GO包管理工具」
-* Go mod 「高版本GO包管理工具,GO>=1.13原生自带」
+* Go mod 「高版本GO包管理工具,go原生自带」
+GO>=1.13推荐go mod, 低版本推荐glide
##### 2. 使用
-下面的命令都是基于 **sharingan/replayer-agent** 操作的。
+下面的命令都是基于 **sharingan/replayer-agent** 目录操作的。
> 构建(build)
-此脚本默认使用glide包管理工具,对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.10、glide,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。 [golang安装](https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go)。
sh control.sh build
+curl: (7) Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com port 443: Connection refused
+可能是raw.githubusercontent.com域名不通,建议配置个代理;或者 配置hosts ( raw.githubusercontent.com);再或者 自己安装go后,重新执行脚本构建。可参考: [go安装](https://github.com/golang/go#download-and-install)
> 启动(start)
sh control.sh start
> 停止(stop)
sh control.sh stop
> 重启(reload)
sh control.sh reload
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-codecov.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-codecov.md
index b820125..6c9bdcc 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-codecov.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-codecov.md
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
对于服务启动阶段有TCP请求的SUT,如初始化连接池等,推荐 服务启动顺序:
-* 先启动Agent
+* 先启动Replayer-Agent
* 再启动SUT
-##### 1. 配置并启动Agent
+##### 1. 配置并启动Replayer-Agent
-同 [回放接入-1. 配置并启动Agent](./README.md#1-配置并启动agent)
+同 [回放接入-1. 配置并启动Replayer-Agent](./README.md#1-配置并启动replayer-agent)
##### 2. 配置并启动SUT
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ B. [批量回放](./replayer-parallel.md)结果页
> 注意:
-> a.点击 "覆盖率报告" 链接后,Agent会 **自动重启SUT服务**。所以,覆盖率数据会重新统计!!!
+> a.点击 "覆盖率报告" 链接后,Replayer-Agent会 **自动重启SUT服务**。所以,覆盖率数据会重新统计!!!
> b.上面两处 "覆盖率报告" 链接 点击效果一样。覆盖率统计不区分单流量回放和批量回放,会一起统计。
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ b. 按 [main_flag.go](../../replayer-agent/install/codeCov/main_with_flag/main_f
历史覆盖率报告存放在本机 /tmp/ShaRinGan/ 目录下。
a. 覆盖率原始报告, 命名格式 coverage.$binName.$timestamp
-> $timestamp 一般包括起始和终止两个时间戳。对于初始手动启动SUT的情况,只有终止时间戳。对于Agent自动启动SUT的情况,都有起始和终止两个时间戳。
+> $timestamp 一般包括起始和终止两个时间戳。对于初始手动启动SUT的情况,只有终止时间戳。对于Replayer-Agent自动启动SUT的情况,都有起始和终止两个时间戳。
b. 格式化后的 *.html 报告,命名格式 coverage.$binName.$timestamp.html
> 意外惊喜:历史 *.html 报告,可通过接口$binName.$timestamp.html 查看。
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-conf.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-conf.md
index a3d3b3c..25ca9cf 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-conf.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-conf.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-### 回放Agent 配置
+### Replayer-Agent 配置
-Agent的配置文件都在 **[./replayer-agent/conf](../../replayer-agent/conf)** 目录下。
+Replayer-Agent的配置文件都在 **[./replayer-agent/conf](../../replayer-agent/conf)** 目录下。
* **conf/dsl目录**: 存放回放首页里 上报到本机的dsl数据,每个模块一个文件,以模块名为文件名。
* **conf/noise目录**: 存放回放结果页里 上报到本机的噪音数据,每个模块一个文件,以模块名为文件名。
* **conf/traffic目录**: 存放本机录制的测试流量,每个模块一个文件,以模块名为文件名。
-* **conf/app.toml**: Agent的核心配置文件,可以配置Web Server端口及超时时间,Mock Server端口、噪音及DSL上报到自有服务的http接口地址、流量查询的ES地址等。
+* **conf/app.toml**: Replayer-Agent的核心配置文件,可以配置Web Server端口及超时时间,Mock Server端口、噪音及DSL上报到自有服务的http接口地址、流量查询的ES地址等。
* **conf/moduleinfo.json**: 模块配置。本地回放时,用来存放模块基本信息。
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Agent的配置文件都在 **[./replayer-agent/conf](../../replayer-agent/conf)*
定义 Web Server 的http相关配置信息。只需要注意端口字段,其他字段使用默认值即可。
-* addr = ":8998" # Agent Web Server默认监听端口,可以修改
+* addr = ":8998" # Replayer-Agent Web Server默认监听端口,可以修改
* handlerTimeout = 60000 # Handler timeout(ms), default 60000
* readHeaderTimeout = 2000 # Request header timeout(ms), default 2000
* readTimeout = 5000 # Recieve http request timeout(ms), including the body, default 5000
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Agent的配置文件都在 **[./replayer-agent/conf](../../replayer-agent/conf)*
-> 如果 模块信息未配置department字段,即 未定义所属部门信息,则统一使用default配置的es地址。[回放模块配置](./conf/moduleinfo.md)
+> 如果 模块信息未配置department字段,即 未定义所属部门信息,则统一使用default配置的es地址。
+> 如果定义了所属部门信息,如department=Biz (参见 [回放模块配置](./conf/moduleinfo.md) example2。),则新增下面配置即可。
* Biz = "http://{{es_domain}}/xxx"
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-local.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-local.md
index 92cbc6b..d22bf3f 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-local.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-local.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-回放Agent默认的接入方式是[本地回放](./README.md#4本地回放)。如需 非本地回放,只需根据 [回放Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#4-http_api) 设置[http_api]和[es_url]接口地址即可。
+Replayer-Agent默认的接入方式是[本地回放](./README.md#4本地回放)。如需 非本地回放,只需根据 [Replayer-Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md#4-http_api) 设置[http_api]和[es_url]接口地址即可。
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
1. 注释掉http_api下的所有字段
2. 注释掉es_url下的所有字段
-各配置字段含义详见: [回放Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md)
+各配置字段含义详见: [Replayer-Agent配置](./replayer-conf.md)
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-parallel.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-parallel.md
index 8927f3c..fd8d375 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-parallel.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-parallel.md
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
-为了提高测试效率,Agent还支持了 批量并发 回放。
+为了提高测试效率,Replayer-Agent还支持了 批量并发 回放。
针对 并发 及 使用 说明如下:
##### 1. 并发度
-Agent启动时,默认的并发度是 parallel=10。
+Replayer-Agent启动时,默认的并发度是 parallel=10。
> 温馨提示:
> 当批量回放的流量总数小于parallel时,并发度自动调整为流量总数大小。
-如需调整并发度,只需在启动Agent时增加 -parallel 参数即可。
+如需调整并发度,只需在启动Replayer-Agent时增加 -parallel 参数即可。
```shell script
cd ./replayer-agent && go build && nohup ./replayer-agent -parallel=x 2>&1 &
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ cd ./replayer-agent && go build && nohup ./replayer-agent -parallel=x 2>&1 &
###### A. 普通使用
-a. 在Agent首页,输入流量筛选条件。
+a. 在Replayer-Agent首页,输入流量筛选条件。
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ b. 点击 "批量回放",即可看到下面的弹出框。
对于 已经根据 [噪音/DSL 上报指南](./guide/report.md#1-dsl上报) 上报了一些DSL的用户,可以批量回放 **所有DSL** 对应的流量。
-a. 操作非常简单,只需保证Agent首页没有输入任何筛选条件,包括 **"时间段""** 参数。
+a. 操作非常简单,只需保证Replayer-Agent首页没有输入任何筛选条件,包括 **"时间段""** 参数。
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-sut.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-sut.md
index 5b5fd2c..2b9ba20 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-sut.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-sut.md
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
-[./example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh) 脚本是 [流量回放-2. 配置并启动SUT](./README.md#2-配置并启动sut) 示例 example 的一键安装和启动脚本。
+[./example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh) 脚本是 [流量回放-2. 配置并启动SUT](./README.md#2-配置并启动sut) 示例 example 的一键安装和启动脚本。
+* go mod方式脚本:[./example/replayer/sut_replayer_gomod.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer_gomod.sh) 。对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.13,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。
+* glide方式脚本: [./example/replayer/sut_replayer_glide.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer_glide.sh) 。对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.10、glide,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。
+sut_replayer.sh 默认使用 go mod方式,即sut_replayer_gomod.sh 脚本。
@@ -17,20 +23,23 @@
##### 2. 使用
-下面的命令都是基于 **sharingan/example/replayer** 操作的,相当于SUT的根目录。
+下面的命令都是基于 **sharingan/example/replayer** 名录操作的,相当于SUT的根目录。
> 构建(build)
-此脚本默认使用glide包管理工具,对于没有GO环境的机器,会自动安装golang1.10、glide,并设置GOROOT、GOPATH。 [golang安装](https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go)。
sh sut_replayer.sh build //普通回放
sh sut_replayer.sh build cov //覆盖率回放
+curl: (7) Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com port 443: Connection refused
+可能是raw.githubusercontent.com域名不通,建议配置个代理;或者 配置hosts ( raw.githubusercontent.com);再或者 自己安装go后,重新执行脚本构建。可参考: [sharingan-go安装](https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/tree/recorder)
> 启动(start)
@@ -39,6 +48,7 @@ sh sut_replayer.sh build cov //覆盖率回放
sh sut_replayer.sh start //普通回放
sh sut_replayer.sh start cov //覆盖率回放
> 停止(stop)
@@ -50,6 +60,8 @@ sh sut_replayer.sh stop cov //覆盖率回放
停止SUT时,覆盖率回放方式 会给出覆盖率报告 及 可以直接查看的html链接。覆盖率报告详细说明:[覆盖率报告](./replayer-codecov.md#1-覆盖率报告)
> 重启(reload)
@@ -60,18 +72,18 @@ sh sut_replayer.sh reload cov //覆盖率回放
-##### 3. 与Agent分开部署
+##### 3. 与Replayer-Agent分开部署
-SUT与Agent服务可以在不同的机器分开部署,其中Agent的Mock Server监听端口3515也可以修改。
+SUT与Replayer-Agent服务可以在不同的机器分开部署,其中Replayer-Agent的Mock Server监听端口3515也可以修改。
> 分开部署
- 1. 启动Agent服务。参见: [Agent启动脚本](./replayer-agent.md)
- 2. 修改脚本 [./example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh) 里的 REPLAYER_MOCK_IP 环境变量,为Agent的ip地址。
+ 1. 启动Replayer-Agent服务。参见: [Replayer-Agent启动脚本](./replayer-agent.md)
+ 2. 修改脚本 [./example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh) 里的 REPLAYER_MOCK_IP 环境变量,为Replayer-Agent的ip地址。
3. 重启SUT服务即可。
> 修改Mock Server 3515端口
- 1. 使用新端口 修改 [Agent配置-outbound](./replayer-conf.md#3-outbound) 字段
- 2. 重启Agent服务。参见: [Agent启动脚本](./replayer-agent.md)
+ 1. 使用新端口 修改 [Replayer-Agent配置-outbound](./replayer-conf.md#3-outbound) 字段
+ 2. 重启Replayer-Agent服务。参见: [Replayer-Agent启动脚本](./replayer-agent.md)
3. 修改脚本 [./example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh](../../example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh) 里的 REPLAYER_MOCK_PORT 环境变量,为Mock Server新端口。
- 4. 重启SUT服务即可。
\ No newline at end of file
+ 4. 重启SUT服务即可。
diff --git a/doc/replayer/replayer-theory.md b/doc/replayer/replayer-theory.md
index a09aac7..045b2f8 100644
--- a/doc/replayer/replayer-theory.md
+++ b/doc/replayer/replayer-theory.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Golang的流量回放 主要基于 [sharingan/replayer](../../replayer) 包 及
- 1. 如何拦截SUT的Outbound请求,将其转发给Agent的Mock Server。
+ 1. 如何拦截SUT的Outbound请求,将其转发给Replayer-Agent的Mock Server。
2. 如何在录制的流量里,选择最合适的Outbound返回给SUT。
## 二、Outbound请求拦截点
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func Connect(fd int, sa Sockaddr) (err error) {
## 三、回放剧本传递
-[sharingan/replayer](../../replayer) 包拦截了SUT的Outbound请求,将其转发给Agent的Mock Server。
+[sharingan/replayer](../../replayer) 包拦截了SUT的Outbound请求,将其转发给Replayer-Agent的Mock Server。
@@ -174,4 +174,4 @@ func Now() Time {
-[sharingan/replayer](../../replayer) 包mock上面的 [time.Now](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.10/src/time/time.go#L1043) 方法,以实现时间的回放。
\ No newline at end of file
+[sharingan/replayer](../../replayer) 包mock上面的 [time.Now](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.10/src/time/time.go#L1043) 方法,以实现时间的回放。
diff --git a/example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh b/example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh
index 4cd1960..441c973 100755
--- a/example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh
+++ b/example/replayer/sut_replayer.sh
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
workspace=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P)
cd ${workspace}
-# TODO: Attention please!!! Is better that $app not contain '-'。
+# TODO: Attention please!!! Modify-1! Your project's binary name. Is better that $app not contain '-'。
-# TODO: Attenton please!!! Here is for sharingan/example/replayer, you can change to your project's real root.
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-2! Your project's root path.
root=$(dirname $(dirname $workspace))
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-3! The path where you git clone sharingan. It's used to copy main_test.go & gocov tool when failed by wgetting from github.
# set file
@@ -30,23 +32,28 @@ cov_file_suffix='.cov'
-# TODO: tmp for private git
+# set github about go
-# build
-function build() {
- preGoroot="/tmp/recorder-go"
- if [[ -z $GOROOT || $GOROOT != $preGoroot* ]];then
- # install golang1.10
- curl "$git_go/install/go1.10" | sh
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing golang1.10, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
exit 1
- export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-go1.10
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
@@ -56,62 +63,113 @@ function build() {
printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
- fi
- which glide &> /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- # install glide
- curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing glide, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading sharingan-go $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
exit 1
- fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
- if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
- prePath="/src/github.com/didichuxing/sharingan"
- if [[ $workspace == *$prePath* ]];then
- export GOPATH=`echo ${workspace%/src/*}`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check!!!\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check and clone sharingan to legal path!!!\n"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ preGoroot="/tmp/recorder-go"
+ if [[ -z $GOROOT || $GOROOT != $preGoroot* ]];then
+ printf "${info_msg}Installing sharingan-go for you ~~~ \n"
+ install_go
- cd $root
- rm -rf vendor
- # TODO: tmp for private
- #glide get 'github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer'
+ which go &> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide get sharingan/replayer, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please execute 'export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' !!!\n"
exit 1
- glide install
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide install, please check!!!\n"
- exit 1
+ goVer=`go version`
+ if [[ $goVer < 'go version go1.11' ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}current is $goVer, go mod requires at least go1.11!!!\n"
+ install_go
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ mkdir -p /tmp/replayer
+ export GOPATH=/tmp/replayer
+ printf "${warn_msg}No GOPATH, so setting GOPATH=/tmp/replayer \n"
+ fi
+ cd $root
+ # TODO: tmp for private
+ #go get 'github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer'
+# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+# printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing go get sharingan/replayer, please check!!!\n"
+# exit 1
+# fi
+ go clean -modcache
+ printf "${info_msg}go mod download, please wait~ \n"
+ go mod download
cd $workspace
if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
# wget main_test.go
- # TODO: tmp for private
-# wget -O main_test.go "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/main_test.go"
-# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-# printf "${error_msg}build failed at wgetting main_test.go, please check!!!\n"
-# exit 1
-# fi
+ wget -O main_test.go "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/main_test.go"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget main_test.go. Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/main_test.go .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying main_test.go from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy main_test.go. \n"
+ fi
# wget gocov* tool
if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='darwin'
wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov"
wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov-html"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='linux'
wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov"
wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov-html"
@@ -119,8 +177,13 @@ function build() {
exit 1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at wgetting gocov* tool, please check!!!\n"
- exit 1
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget gocov* tool, Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/gocov* .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying gocov* tool from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy gocov* tool. \n"
chmod 755 $workspace/gocov*
@@ -129,7 +192,6 @@ function build() {
exit 1
- cmdBuild='go test -o '$appcov' -gcflags="all=-N -l" -tags="replayer" -v -c -covermode=count -coverpkg ./...'
@@ -141,7 +203,7 @@ function build() {
if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
- $cmdBuild
+ go test -o $appcov -gcflags="all=-N -l" -tags="replayer" -v -c -covermode=count -coverpkg ./...
go build -o $app -tags="replayer" -gcflags="all=-N -l"
diff --git a/example/replayer/sut_replayer_glide.sh b/example/replayer/sut_replayer_glide.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fec3232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/replayer/sut_replayer_glide.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+workspace=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P)
+cd ${workspace}
+# TODO: Attention please!!! Modify-1! Your project's binary name. Is better that $app not contain '-'。
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-2! Your project's root path.
+root=$(dirname $(dirname $workspace))
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-3! The path where you git clone sharingan. It's used to copy main_test.go & gocov tool when failed by wgetting from github.
+# set file
+# set msg
+# set web server
+# set github about go
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading sharingan-go $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ preGoroot="/tmp/recorder-go"
+ if [[ -z $GOROOT || $GOROOT != $preGoroot* ]];then
+ printf "${info_msg}Installing sharingan-go for you ~~~ \n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ which glide &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # install glide
+ curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing glide, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ which go &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please execute 'export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' !!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ prePath="/src/github.com/didichuxing/sharingan"
+ if [[ $workspace == *$prePath* ]];then
+ export GOPATH=`echo ${workspace%/src/*}`
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check and clone sharingan to legal path!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd $root
+ rm -rf vendor
+ # TODO: tmp for private
+ #glide get 'github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer'
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide get sharingan/replayer, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ glide install
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide install, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $workspace
+ binName=$app
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ # wget main_test.go
+ wget -O main_test.go "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/main_test.go"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget main_test.go. Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/main_test.go .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying main_test.go from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy main_test.go. \n"
+ fi
+ # wget gocov* tool
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='darwin'
+ wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov"
+ wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov-html"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='linux'
+ wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov"
+ wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov-html"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at wgetting gocov* tool! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget gocov* tool, Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/gocov* .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying gocov* tool from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy gocov* tool. \n"
+ fi
+ chmod 755 $workspace/gocov*
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at chmod $workspace/gocov* tool, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ binName=$appcov
+ fi
+ pkgReplay='_ "github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer"'
+ find ./ -name "*\.go" -maxdepth 1 | xargs -n 1 grep $pkgReplay &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} build failed for not importing package sharingan/replayer, please import it!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ go test -o $appcov -gcflags="all=-N -l" -tags="replayer" -v -c -covermode=count -coverpkg ./...
+ else
+ go build -o $app -tags="replayer" -gcflags="all=-N -l"
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at building sut, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName builds success!!!\n"
+# start
+function start() {
+ binName=$app
+ binFile=$sut_file
+ cmdStart="$sut_file >> $sut_log_file"
+ cmdBuild="sh sut_replayer.sh build"
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ binName=$appcov
+ binFile=$sut_file_cov
+ curTime=`date +%s`
+ cmdStart="$sut_file_cov -systemTest -test.coverprofile=$cov_file_path$cov_file_prefix$app.$curTime$cov_file_suffix >> $sut_log_file"
+ cmdBuild="sh sut_replayer.sh build $cov_cmd"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "$binFile" ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}please exesute $cmdBuild first!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ #ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep $grepV &> /dev/null
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}SUT $binName has already started!!! Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # 默认值,如有需要可以修改
+ export REPLAYER_MOCK_IP=""
+ export REPLAYER_MOCK_PORT="3515"
+ nohup $cmdStart >> $sut_log_file 2>&1 &
+ sleep 2
+ pid=$!
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} Failed to start sut $binName, please check $sut_log_file and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo $pid > $sut_pid_file
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName starts success!!! [pid=${pid}] Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+# stop
+function stop() {
+ binName=$app
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ binName=$appcov
+ fi
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}SUT $binName is not running!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ pkill $binName
+ sleep 2
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg}Failed to stop sut $binName, please check and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName stops success!!!\n"
+ # codeCov report
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ f="$cov_file_path$cov_file_prefix"'*'"$app"'*'"$cov_file_suffix"
+ covFile=`ls -trls $f | tail -n 1`
+ #echo $covFile
+ if [[ $covFile != *$cov_file_suffix ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to get *.cov file, please check $cov_file_path!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # get the full path of covfile created by stop cmd
+ covFile=/`echo ${covFile#*/}`
+ curTime=`date +%s`
+ covFile_renamed=`echo ${covFile%cov*}`$curTime
+ mv $covFile $covFile_renamed
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to rename $covFile to $covFile_renamed, please check !!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # convert cov file to html
+ covNameOnly_html=`echo ${covFile_renamed##*/}`
+ $workspace/gocov convert $covFile_renamed | $workspace/gocov-html > $workspace/$covNameOnly_html'.html'
+ mv $workspace/$covNameOnly_html'.html' $cov_file_path/$covNameOnly_html'.html'
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to gocov convert $covFile_renamed to $covFile_renamed'.html', please check !!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port}/coverage/report/$covNameOnly_html.html !!!\n"
+ fi
+# cov or null
+# check sub cmd
+if [[ ! -z $sub_cmd && $sub_cmd != $cov_cmd ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg} cmd lists:\n1. build [$cov_cmd]\n2. start [$cov_cmd]\n3. stop [$cov_cmd]\n4. reload [$cov_cmd]\n[$cov_cmd] is optional for codeCov\n"
+ exit 1
+case $1 in
+ "build" )
+ build
+ ;;
+ "start" )
+ start
+ ;;
+ "stop" )
+ stop
+ ;;
+ "reload" )
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ * )
+ printf "${warn_msg} cmd lists:\n1. build [$cov_cmd]\n2. start [$cov_cmd]\n3. stop [$cov_cmd]\n4. reload [$cov_cmd]\n[$cov_cmd] is optional for codeCov\n"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/example/replayer/sut_replayer_gomod.sh b/example/replayer/sut_replayer_gomod.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..441c973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/replayer/sut_replayer_gomod.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+workspace=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P)
+cd ${workspace}
+# TODO: Attention please!!! Modify-1! Your project's binary name. Is better that $app not contain '-'。
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-2! Your project's root path.
+root=$(dirname $(dirname $workspace))
+# TODO: Attenton please!!! Modify-3! The path where you git clone sharingan. It's used to copy main_test.go & gocov tool when failed by wgetting from github.
+# set file
+# set msg
+# set web server
+# set github about go
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing sharingan-go $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading sharingan-go $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install sharingan-go $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ preGoroot="/tmp/recorder-go"
+ if [[ -z $GOROOT || $GOROOT != $preGoroot* ]];then
+ printf "${info_msg}Installing sharingan-go for you ~~~ \n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ which go &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please execute 'export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' !!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ goVer=`go version`
+ if [[ $goVer < 'go version go1.11' ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}current is $goVer, go mod requires at least go1.11!!!\n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ mkdir -p /tmp/replayer
+ export GOPATH=/tmp/replayer
+ printf "${warn_msg}No GOPATH, so setting GOPATH=/tmp/replayer \n"
+ fi
+ cd $root
+ # TODO: tmp for private
+ #go get 'github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer'
+# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+# printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing go get sharingan/replayer, please check!!!\n"
+# exit 1
+# fi
+ go clean -modcache
+ printf "${info_msg}go mod download, please wait~ \n"
+ go mod download
+ cd $workspace
+ binName=$app
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ # wget main_test.go
+ wget -O main_test.go "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/main_test.go"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget main_test.go. Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/main_test.go .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying main_test.go from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy main_test.go. \n"
+ fi
+ # wget gocov* tool
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='darwin'
+ wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov"
+ wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/darwin/gocov-html"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ sys_dir='linux'
+ wget -O gocov "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov"
+ wget -O gocov-html "$git_replayer_agent/install/codeCov/linux/gocov-html"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at wgetting gocov* tool! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to wget gocov* tool, Now trying another way, copying from sharingan/replayer-agent!!!\n"
+ cp -rf $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/gocov* .
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at copying gocov* tool from $replayer_agent_root/install/codeCov/$sys_dir/, please update var \$replayer_agent_root!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Successed to copy gocov* tool. \n"
+ fi
+ chmod 755 $workspace/gocov*
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at chmod $workspace/gocov* tool, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ binName=$appcov
+ fi
+ pkgReplay='_ "github.com/didichuxing/sharingan/replayer"'
+ find ./ -name "*\.go" -maxdepth 1 | xargs -n 1 grep $pkgReplay &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} build failed for not importing package sharingan/replayer, please import it!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ go test -o $appcov -gcflags="all=-N -l" -tags="replayer" -v -c -covermode=count -coverpkg ./...
+ else
+ go build -o $app -tags="replayer" -gcflags="all=-N -l"
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at building sut, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName builds success!!!\n"
+# start
+function start() {
+ binName=$app
+ binFile=$sut_file
+ cmdStart="$sut_file >> $sut_log_file"
+ cmdBuild="sh sut_replayer.sh build"
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ binName=$appcov
+ binFile=$sut_file_cov
+ curTime=`date +%s`
+ cmdStart="$sut_file_cov -systemTest -test.coverprofile=$cov_file_path$cov_file_prefix$app.$curTime$cov_file_suffix >> $sut_log_file"
+ cmdBuild="sh sut_replayer.sh build $cov_cmd"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "$binFile" ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}please exesute $cmdBuild first!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ #ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep $grepV &> /dev/null
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}SUT $binName has already started!!! Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # 默认值,如有需要可以修改
+ export REPLAYER_MOCK_IP=""
+ export REPLAYER_MOCK_PORT="3515"
+ nohup $cmdStart >> $sut_log_file 2>&1 &
+ sleep 2
+ pid=$!
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} Failed to start sut $binName, please check $sut_log_file and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo $pid > $sut_pid_file
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName starts success!!! [pid=${pid}] Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+# stop
+function stop() {
+ binName=$app
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ binName=$appcov
+ fi
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}SUT $binName is not running!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ pkill $binName
+ sleep 2
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ else
+ ps -ef | grep $binName | grep -v grep | grep -v $appcov &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg}Failed to stop sut $binName, please check and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}SUT $binName stops success!!!\n"
+ # codeCov report
+ if [[ $sub_cmd == $cov_cmd ]];then
+ f="$cov_file_path$cov_file_prefix"'*'"$app"'*'"$cov_file_suffix"
+ covFile=`ls -trls $f | tail -n 1`
+ #echo $covFile
+ if [[ $covFile != *$cov_file_suffix ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to get *.cov file, please check $cov_file_path!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # get the full path of covfile created by stop cmd
+ covFile=/`echo ${covFile#*/}`
+ curTime=`date +%s`
+ covFile_renamed=`echo ${covFile%cov*}`$curTime
+ mv $covFile $covFile_renamed
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to rename $covFile to $covFile_renamed, please check !!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # convert cov file to html
+ covNameOnly_html=`echo ${covFile_renamed##*/}`
+ $workspace/gocov convert $covFile_renamed | $workspace/gocov-html > $workspace/$covNameOnly_html'.html'
+ mv $workspace/$covNameOnly_html'.html' $cov_file_path/$covNameOnly_html'.html'
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}Failed to gocov convert $covFile_renamed to $covFile_renamed'.html', please check !!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port}/coverage/report/$covNameOnly_html.html !!!\n"
+ fi
+# cov or null
+# check sub cmd
+if [[ ! -z $sub_cmd && $sub_cmd != $cov_cmd ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg} cmd lists:\n1. build [$cov_cmd]\n2. start [$cov_cmd]\n3. stop [$cov_cmd]\n4. reload [$cov_cmd]\n[$cov_cmd] is optional for codeCov\n"
+ exit 1
+case $1 in
+ "build" )
+ build
+ ;;
+ "start" )
+ start
+ ;;
+ "stop" )
+ stop
+ ;;
+ "reload" )
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ * )
+ printf "${warn_msg} cmd lists:\n1. build [$cov_cmd]\n2. start [$cov_cmd]\n3. stop [$cov_cmd]\n4. reload [$cov_cmd]\n[$cov_cmd] is optional for codeCov\n"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/replayer-agent/control.sh b/replayer-agent/control.sh
index fbe1aef..1457fe9 100755
--- a/replayer-agent/control.sh
+++ b/replayer-agent/control.sh
@@ -20,20 +20,27 @@ error_msg="\033[;31m[ERROR]\033[0m\t"
-# TODO: tmp for private git
+# set github about go
-# build
-function build() {
- if [ -z $GOROOT ];then
- # install golang1.10
- curl "$git_go/install/go1.10" | sh
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing golang1.10, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
exit 1
- export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-go1.10
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
@@ -43,37 +50,84 @@ function build() {
printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
- fi
- which glide &> /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- # install glide
- curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing glide, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
exit 1
- fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
- if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
- prePath="/src/github.com/didichuxing/sharingan"
- if [[ $workspace == *$prePath* ]];then
- export GOPATH=`echo ${workspace%/src/*}`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check!!!\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check and clone sharingan to legal path!!!\n"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
exit 1
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ if [ -z $GOROOT ];then
+ install_go
+ fi
+ which go &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please update \$PATH!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ goVer=`go version`
+ if [[ $goVer < 'go version go1.11' ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}current is $goVer, go mod requires at least go1.11!!!\n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ mkdir -p /tmp/replayer
+ export GOPATH=/tmp/replayer
+ printf "${warn_msg}No GOPATH, so setting GOPATH=/tmp/replayer \n"
cd $root
- rm -rf vendor
- glide install
+ go clean -modcache
+ printf "${info_msg}go mod download, please wait~ \n"
+ go mod download
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide install, please check!!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing go mod download, please check \$GOPROXY or try agian!!!\n"
exit 1
diff --git a/replayer-agent/control_glide.sh b/replayer-agent/control_glide.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..12f5424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/replayer-agent/control_glide.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+workspace=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P)
+cd ${workspace}
+root=$(dirname $workspace)
+# set file
+# set msg
+# set web server
+# set github about go
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ if [ -z $GOROOT ];then
+ printf "${info_msg}Installing go for you ~~~ \n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ which glide &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # install glide
+ curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing glide, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ which go &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please execute 'export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' !!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ prePath="/src/github.com/didichuxing/sharingan"
+ if [[ $workspace == *$prePath* ]];then
+ export GOPATH=`echo ${workspace%/src/*}`
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOPATH, please check and clone sharingan to legal path!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd $root
+ rm -rf vendor
+ glide install
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing glide install, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $workspace
+ go build -o $app main.go
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at go build $app, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}$app builds success!!!\n"
+# start
+function start() {
+ if [ ! -f "$agent_file" ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}please exesute sh control.sh build first!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg} $app has already started!!! Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port}\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # default -parallel=10
+ nohup $agent_file -cursor >> $agent_log_file 2>&1 &
+ sleep 2
+ pid=$!
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} Failed to start $app, please check $agent_log_file and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo $pid > $agent_pid_file
+ printf "${info_msg}$app starts success!!! [pid=${pid}] Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+# stop
+function stop() {
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}$app is not running!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ pkill $app
+ sleep 2
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg}Failed to stop $app, please check and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}$app stops success!!!\n"
+case $1 in
+ "build" )
+ build
+ ;;
+ "start" )
+ start
+ ;;
+ "stop" )
+ stop
+ ;;
+ "reload" )
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ * )
+ printf "${warn_msg}unknow command!!! [usage: build、start、stop、reload]\n"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/replayer-agent/control_gomod.sh b/replayer-agent/control_gomod.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1457fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/replayer-agent/control_gomod.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+workspace=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P)
+cd ${workspace}
+root=$(dirname $workspace)
+# set file
+# set msg
+# set web server
+# set github about go
+function install_go() {
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" >> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ curl "$git_go/install/$VERSION" | sh
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION : 'curl $git_go/install/$VERSION | sh' \n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# install go
+function install_go_tar() {
+ # get go url
+ releases_go='https://github.com/didichuxing/sharingan-go/releases/download/'
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
+ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ goSuffix="$VERSION.recorder/$VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ else
+ printf "${error_msg} Unknown system type! build failed at installing go! \n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # install golang
+ recorder_dir=/tmp/recorder-${VERSION}
+ wget "$releases_go/$goSuffix" -O "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at downloading $VERSION : wget $releases_go/$goSuffix -O $recorder_dir.tar.gz !!!\n"
+ printf "${error_msg}Please install $VERSION manually (refer to $install_go_md) and try again!!! \n"
+ printf "${warn_msg}Please execute 'export GOROOT=/tmp/recorder-$VERSION && export PATH=\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH' after installing $VERSION!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf $recorder_dir && mkdir -p $recorder_dir
+ tar -xzf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz" -C ${recorder_dir} --strip-components=1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at installing $VERSION, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$recorder_dir.tar.gz"
+ # export
+ export GOROOT="/tmp/recorder-$VERSION"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at setting GOROOT, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at updating PATH, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}GOROOT=$GOROOT \n"
+# build
+function build() {
+ if [ -z $GOROOT ];then
+ install_go
+ fi
+ which go &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing 'which go', please update \$PATH!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ goVer=`go version`
+ if [[ $goVer < 'go version go1.11' ]];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}current is $goVer, go mod requires at least go1.11!!!\n"
+ install_go
+ fi
+ if [ -z $GOPATH ];then
+ mkdir -p /tmp/replayer
+ export GOPATH=/tmp/replayer
+ printf "${warn_msg}No GOPATH, so setting GOPATH=/tmp/replayer \n"
+ fi
+ cd $root
+ go clean -modcache
+ printf "${info_msg}go mod download, please wait~ \n"
+ go mod download
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at executing go mod download, please check \$GOPROXY or try agian!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $workspace
+ go build -o $app main.go
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}build failed at go build $app, please check!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}$app builds success!!!\n"
+# start
+function start() {
+ if [ ! -f "$agent_file" ]; then
+ printf "${error_msg}please exesute sh control.sh build first!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.* ]]; then
+ local_ip=`ip addr | grep "inet " | grep -v 127 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg} $app has already started!!! Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port}\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # default -parallel=10
+ nohup $agent_file -cursor >> $agent_log_file 2>&1 &
+ sleep 2
+ pid=$!
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg} Failed to start $app, please check $agent_log_file and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo $pid > $agent_pid_file
+ printf "${info_msg}$app starts success!!! [pid=${pid}] Have fun with http://${local_ip}:${local_port} !\n"
+# stop
+function stop() {
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ printf "${warn_msg}$app is not running!!!\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ pkill $app
+ sleep 2
+ ps -ef | grep $app | grep -v grep &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ printf "${error_msg}Failed to stop $app, please check and try again!!!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "${info_msg}$app stops success!!!\n"
+case $1 in
+ "build" )
+ build
+ ;;
+ "start" )
+ start
+ ;;
+ "stop" )
+ stop
+ ;;
+ "reload" )
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ * )
+ printf "${warn_msg}unknow command!!! [usage: build、start、stop、reload]\n"
+ exit 1
+ ;;