Call python from Fortran (not the other way around). Inspired by this blog post.
This library has the following dependencies
- pfUnit (v3.2.9) for the unit tests
- python (3+) with numpy and cffi
- cmake (>=3.4+)
To install pfunit on a linux system, you can run a commmand like the following:
export F90=gfortran
export F90_VENDOR=GNU
export PFUNIT=/usr/local
curl -L | tar xz
cd pFUnit-3.2.9 && \
cmake . && \
make &&\
sudo make install INSTALL_DIR=${PFUNIT}
Installing python dependencies is out of scope of this documentation.
See the continuous integration configuration for an example of how to install all these dependencies on an ubuntu system
Once the dependencies are installed, you can compile and install this library using
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
This should install the libcallpy
library to /usr/local/lib
and the
necessary module files to /usr/local/include
. The specific way to add this
library to a Fortran code base will depend on the build system of that code.
Typically, you will need to add a flag -I/usr/local/include
to any fortran
compiler commands letting the compiler find the .mod
file for this library,
and a -L/usr/local/lib -lcallpy
to link against the dynamic library. On
some systems, you may need to set
at runtime to help the
dynamic linker find the library.
Once installed, this library is very simple to use. For example:
program example
use callpy_mod
implicit none
real(8) :: a(10)
a = 1.0
call set_state("a", a)
call call_function("builtins", "print")
! read any changes from "a" back into a.
call get_state("a", a)
end program example
It basically operates by pushing fortran arrays into a global python dictionary, calling python functions with this dictionary as input, and then reading numpy arrays from this dictionary back into fortran. Let this dictionary by called STATE. In terms of python operations, the above lines roughly translate to
# abuse of notation signifyling that the left-hand side is a numpy array
STATE["a"] = a[:]
# same as `print` but with module name
# transfer from python back to fortran memory
a[:] = STATE["a"]
You should be able to compile the above by running
gfortran -I/usr/local/include -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib main.f90 -lcallpy
Here's what happens when you run the compiled binary:
$ ./a.out
{'a': array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])}
By modifying, the arguments of call_function
you can call any python
function in the pythonpath.
Currently, get_state
and set_state
support 4 byte or 8 byte floating
point of one, two, or three dimensions.
See the unit tests for more examples.